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News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.

Guest jaet1989

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


;) I have set news trader on separate MT4 gmt 0 broker & to avoid dll problems ( as I have VISTA ) MT4 IS NOT INSTALLED in program files just on DRIVE C ( using all chart pairs(6) with minutes to seconds + origanal EURUSD in minutes so we will see what happens as this week is full on for NEWS REPORTING USA AUD GBP NZ EUR CAD JPY all have high impact according fx factory calender for this week ENJOY & many green pips :P

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


:P default settings are only if U broker is 4 digit * 5 digit broker must add 1 extra zero to TP TS SL BE & if u want fixed lots turn MM = false here is 1 of AUD news reports IT still won but result would have been interesting with correct settings as above TEXT Interbank FX, LLC


Trade Management Record




Account: 2475541 Name: Saendee Currency: USD 2009 November 3, 03:42

Closed Transactions:

Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit

159844450 2009.11.03 02:11 balance Deposit 100 000.00

159846058 2009.11.03 03:28 sell 4.00 audusd 0.90702 0.90732 0.90602 2009.11.03 03:30 0.90732 0.00 0.00 0.00 -120.00

159846064 2009.11.03 03:28 buy 4.00 audusd 0.90775 0.90745 0.90875 2009.11.03 03:29 0.90745 0.00 0.00 0.00 -120.00

159846068 2009.11.03 03:29 sell 4.00 audusd 0.90692 0.90674 0.90592 2009.11.03 03:31 0.90674 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.00

159846069 2009.11.03 03:29 buy 4.00 audusd 0.90747 0.90717 0.90847 2009.11.03 03:29 0.90717 0.00 0.00 0.00 -120.00

159846070 2009.11.03 03:29 sell 4.00 audusd 0.90682 0.90665 0.90582 2009.11.03 03:31 0.90582 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 112.00

Closed P/L: 112.00

Open Trades:

Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit

No transactions

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Floating P/L: 0.00

Working Orders:

Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Market Price

No transactions



Deposit/Withdrawal: 100 000.00 Credit Facility: 0.00

Closed Trade P/L: 112.00 Floating P/L: 0.00 Margin: 0.00

Balance: 100 112.00 Equity: 100 112.00 Free Margin: 100 112.00



For an actual statement log into http://www.ibfx.com


Trade Management Record



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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


Sandaee, did you change any of the settings from their default value (sl, tp, trailing stop,....). Because today AUD news was not great (if you have used 2 min order gaps instead of 5 min), also sometimes the news leaks earlier and in these cases usually it will be losses. I think we can all together improve the settings to cope with different situations. Here is my thinking, please share your ideas about them so we can improve the settings.


We can reduce the order steps (from 10 or 15 to 5 or even 0), i mean instead of having 3 orders at different prices, we can have all of them at the same price so we can increase our profits from those orders.


It is good to reduce the sl from 30 to 20.


Also we should think about the order gap (minutes before the news to set the pending orders). somebody suggested to reduce it from 5 to 2, it is not a bad idea, but when the news leaks before its time it is definitely going to be losses. Therefore, what i think is that to increase it from 5 to 7 or 8 and then increase the set times from 15 to 20. (it is just an idea, i still have to work on that)


finally I think it is more profitable using only gbp and usd news.


Share your ideas about my statements.

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


;) many thanks for U ideas fxman2000 if we all stand together & share ideas I think this EA gives us the option to not trade our other EA's live at these news times -gbp & usd I agree but there are many important eur reporting that some times occurs outside of the other 2 time frames I personally thing this EA can be very profitable & we will have to find the EU minutes to seconds set file to keep all settings uniform for this week I will keep every as is on the 7 charts as it a very busy news reporting week & then on weekend sit down & try to short out what is CRAP & what are GOOD ( all i know is FOMC reports is when my DP Ultimate has some bad losses thats my I am looking at this EA )ENJOY =D>

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


Does anyone have a settings file that have all the optimizations there has been throught this thread they would like to share so i can test as well?


Has anyone tried this EA on a live account or is it only on demo accounts you guys have tried it ?


Thank you for you reply in advance.

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


fxman2000 U were right about open trades at same =D> check statement on today tradesInterbank FX, LLC


Account: 2475541 Name: Saendee Currency: USD 2009 November 4, 04:14

Closed Transactions:

Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit

159844450 2009.11.03 02:11 balance Deposit 100 000.00

159846058 2009.11.03 03:28 sell 4.00 audusd 0.90702 0.90732 0.90602 2009.11.03 03:30 0.90732 0.00 0.00 0.00 -120.00

159846064 2009.11.03 03:28 buy 4.00 audusd 0.90775 0.90745 0.90875 2009.11.03 03:29 0.90745 0.00 0.00 0.00 -120.00

159846068 2009.11.03 03:29 sell 4.00 audusd 0.90692 0.90674 0.90592 2009.11.03 03:31 0.90674 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.00

159846069 2009.11.03 03:29 buy 4.00 audusd 0.90747 0.90717 0.90847 2009.11.03 03:29 0.90717 0.00 0.00 0.00 -120.00

159846070 2009.11.03 03:29 sell 4.00 audusd 0.90682 0.90665 0.90582 2009.11.03 03:31 0.90582 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00

159927125 2009.11.04 00:28 buy stop 0.10 audusd 0.90095 0.89795 0.91095 2009.11.04 00:43 0.89907 cancelled

159927127 2009.11.04 00:28 sell 0.10 audusd 0.90143 0.89945 0.89143 2009.11.04 00:30 0.89945 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.80

159927128 2009.11.04 00:28 buy stop 0.10 audusd 0.90204 0.89904 0.91204 2009.11.04 00:43 0.89910 cancelled

159927130 2009.11.04 00:28 sell 0.10 audusd 0.90043 0.89914 0.89043 2009.11.04 00:30 0.89914 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.90

159927131 2009.11.04 00:28 buy stop 0.10 audusd 0.90304 0.90004 0.91304 2009.11.04 00:43 0.89907 cancelled

159927133 2009.11.04 00:28 sell 0.10 audusd 0.89943 0.90243 0.88943 2009.11.04 04:12 0.90243 0.00 0.00 0.00 -30.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 114.70

Closed P/L: 114.70

Open Trades:

Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit

No transactions

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Floating P/L: 0.00

Working Orders:

Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Market Price

No transactions



Deposit/Withdrawal: 100 000.00 Credit Facility: 0.00

Closed Trade P/L: 114.70 Floating P/L: 0.00 Margin: 0.00

Balance: 100 114.70 Equity: 100 114.70 Free Margin: 100 114.70




Gross Profit: 504.70 Gross Loss: 390.00 Total Net Profit: 114.70

Profit Factor: 1.29 Expected Payoff: 14.34

Absolute Drawdown: 360.00 Maximal Drawdown: 360.00 (0.36%) Relative Drawdown: 0.36% (360.00)


Total Trades: 8 Short Positions (won %): 6 (66.67%) Long Positions (won %): 2 (0.00%)

Profit Trades (% of total): 4 (50.00%) Loss trades (% of total): 4 (50.00%)

Largest profit trade: 400.00 loss trade: -120.00

Average profit trade: 126.18 loss trade: -97.50

Maximum consecutive wins ($): 4 (504.70) consecutive losses ($): 3 (-360.00)

Maximal consecutive profit (count): 504.70 (4) consecutive loss (count): -360.00 (3)

Average consecutive wins: 4 consecutive losses: 2

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


Sandaee, what was your other settings, for today audusd, It was only three wins with these settings:


Timegap: 2 (minutes)


ordernumber: 3

pendordergap: 15

orderstep: 10

trailing stop:15

initial stop: 20


I wonder why they are some losses on your account. Waiting for tonight's US news. =D>

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


after having quick look at results there was too much reporting of news for the week & too many pairs involved my own opinion is to make a calender for each month & only the most crucial events for each session as in ASIAN LONDON & NEW YORK example FOCM speakers EURUSD --central eur bank rate decision & england bank rate decision EU -- AUSTRALIA reserve bank rate decision AUDUSD ---volatile market events to be decided using more than 1 calender 2 decided the most important for the particular trading session example : http://www.mediafire.com/file/m4ydy2nnxqd/Economic_Calendar.rar **plus FFC & another 1 & then rate the importance of each VOLATILE MARKET EVENT example audusd = reserve rate decision (green pips) the other aud news reporting mean nothing conclusion 1 trade for week USD news reporting eurusd + gbpusd at times if think to include but not usdchf & usdjpy etc etc FINAL REPORT all fxman2000 ideas in earlier post regarding early info leak & all order to open at same time as profits we missed by different pending orders will improve this EA we have rest of month to look at different settings as very little volatile market events left :P

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


:-? may be u should all become members here (FREE) this is there report Felix Homogratus Felix Homogratus is online now

Commander in Chief


Posts: 108

Join Date: Oct 2007

Default Signals Review (Nov. 1 to Nov. 6) +318 pips - Today, 05:01 AM

Hi there


This is Felix, with the review of the week.


This week, we were watching 16 economic indicators. 7 of them hit the triggers that I sent to you. Let's review them one by one...


1. Mon, Nov 2, 4:28 am (UK Manufacturing PMI) +78 pips (SUCCESS)


I wrote to you that if UK Manufacturing PMI comes out at 50.5 or higher, GBP/USD will probably move up by 40 pips or more. The higher the number, the bigger the move. Well...GBP/USD moved by +78 pips. Please see for yourself on this chart: Forex news trading currency exchange charts


2. Mon, Nov 2, 10:00 am (US ISM Manufacturing & Pending Home Sales) +54 pips (SUCCESS)


I wrote to you that if both ISM Manufacturing and Pending Home Sales both come out better than expected by a combined 2 points, USD/JPY will probably go up by 35 pips or more. Well, they did, and USD/JPY went up by +54 pips. Here is the chart: Forex news trading currency exchange charts


3. Tue, Nov 3, 19:30 (Australia Retail Sales) +80 pips (SUCCESS)


I wrote to you that if Australian retail sales comes out at 0.1% or lower, AUD/USD will probably go down by 35 pips or more in the first few minutes of the report. Well, the number came out at -0.2, and AUD/USD went down by 80 pips in the first minute of the report. Here is the chart: Forex news trading currency exchange charts


4. Wed. Nov 4, 4:28 am (UK Services PMI) +46 pips (SUCCESS)


I wrote to you that if UK Services PMI comes out at 56.5 or higher, GBP/USD will probably go up by 40 pips or more in the first 30 minutes of the report. The number came out at 56.9, and we saw GBP/USD go up by 46 pips in the first 15 minutes of the report. (Note: I made a typo on this signal, I said consensus for this report was 52.3, and the trigger was 1. The actual consensus was 55.5 for this report, which would mean a number of 56.5, and it was written on our calendar. I, mistakingly wrote consensus for Euro PMI. Sorry about this.) Here is the chart of this absolutely beautiful move:

Forex news trading currency exchange charts


5. Thu. Nov 5, 4:30 am (UK Industrial Production) (FAILURE)


I wrote to you that if Industrial Production comes out at 1.5 or better, GBP/USD will probably go up by 40 pips or more in the first 30 minutes of the report. The number came out at 1.6, and the GBP/USD shot up by 15 pips, then it went down by around 40 pips, then it went up again by around 50 pips. It was a very nasty price movement that happened within a matter of minutes. Please look at this chart and see what happened:

Forex news trading currency exchange charts


6. Thu. Nov 5, 10:00 am (Canadian Ivey PMI) (FAILURE)


I wrote to you that if Ivey PMI comes out at 61.1 or better, USD/CAD will probably go down by 40 pips or more in the first 30 minutes of the report. The number came out at 61.2, USD/CAD went down by 12 pips, and then slowly but surely recovered, and went beyond the pre-release price. Here is the chart of what happened: Forex news trading currency exchange charts


7. Fri. Nov 6, 7:00 am (Canadian Employment) +60 pips (SUCCESS)

I wrote to you that if Canadian Employment comes out at -10.3 or worse, USD/CAD will probably go up by 70 pips or more in the first 30 minutes of the report. The number came out at -43.2, and USD/CAD went up by 60 pips in the first 2 minutes of the report, and then retraced by about 30 pips, and started consolidating at that level. I am giving myself some slack here, since I said 70 pips, and it only moved by 60 pips. But the move was very clean, though much quicker than normal... Here is the chart:

Forex news trading currency exchange charts


Obviously, it's easy to calculate these pips by looking at the charts after-the-fact. And obviously, it would be completely stupid of me to expect that somebody made anything close to +318 pips. Most likely you made half of that or even less. Perhaps you even lost money. When it comes to placing trades in the real market, everything is completely different. These signals are just general expectations of what will happen, whether you can capitalize on them or not is another question. I traded these indicators for around 2 years, and I know it's not easy...in fact even with such seemingly crystal clear moves, it can be quite difficult to make money.


I did not review any after-spike suggestions, because it just gets even more complicated, because they so much depend on real price action. I know that some of those suggestions were good, and others were complete ****. And no matter how much I want them to be always good, it never will be good all the time...


Have an awesome weekend, and wait for my signals next week


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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


;) fxman2000 http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=9LjTB&m=1ZNAayHrpbisi9&b=k3vHx4awNTktrFhfSwylEQ ------password 2523 fxman2000 if that does not let u in u will know the site I will breach protocol IF I display site link if any problem gaining access pm me =D> all of there signals were emailed on the actual days of each event i am only demo them at moment but have been quite good ENJOY :P

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


:shand: best2004 ALL my settings were default as we are only experimenting at this point of time but for next months volatile market events we will need members like uself & we will use different settings to compare in DEMO only *do not trade this EA live at this stage* :P

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Re: News trading expert advisor, fully automatic.


  muruku said:
Dear fren,

i found that FX open server purposely HALT the server time causing the delay of at least 5 minutes before the news released, what a wicked way !!


Are you sure about that, I am using fxopen live for about month, I have traded during the news as well, I didn't notice that. I will watch for the next news carefully.




Thanks for the website you sent, I checket it, how can I receive their emails?


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