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Hi guys,


I want to share my opinion, but it is not an experience with Prime4x on real account; only demo.


I have been with a lot of brokers before, and because of that I can tell which is good and/ or bad ones.


I guess you need to read a little about this broker in the forex peace army website to check how good or bad this broker is.




You can see a lot of different opinions that criticize them in good or bad ways.


In my opinion, it is a good broker at all. The first reason is that they don't allow you scalping for less than 2 minutes as I noticed.


during the news times, there is a lot of re-quote problem opining positions. Also, I noticed that their MT4 freezes as you guys mentioned from time to time, and I don't know why. I don't use many indicators and it is a surprise that it still freezes sometimes.


You can check anyways why this problem insist happening from time to time by going through the PRIME4X.com and use the live chat to figure or find out how to solve it. And if there is no solution, just try to get rid of this broker as soon as you can.


I know it is too much troubles moving from one broker to another, but I guess it is your choice.


I hope other traders can share experience so we know more about this broker.


my advise: if you can avoid this broker, it is going to be best for you guys.


Remember that all what I said is just an advise.


Best wishes,

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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Hi guys,


I want to share my opinion, but it is not an experience with Prime4x on real account; only demo.


I have been with a lot of brokers before, and because of that I can tell which is good and/ or bad ones.


I guess you need to read a little about this broker in the forex peace army website to check how good or bad this broker is.




You can see a lot of different opinions that criticize them in good or bad ways.


In my opinion, it is a good broker at all. The first reason is that they don't allow you scalping for less than 2 minutes as I noticed.


during the news times, there is a lot of re-quote problem opining positions. Also, I noticed that their MT4 freezes as you guys mentioned from time to time, and I don't know why. I don't use many indicators and it is a surprise that it still freezes sometimes.


You can check anyways why this problem insist happening from time to time by going through the PRIME4X.com and use the live chat to figure or find out how to solve it. And if there is no solution, just try to get rid of this broker as soon as you can.


I know it is too much troubles moving from one broker to another, but I guess it is your choice.


I hope other traders can share experience so we know more about this broker.


my advise: if you can avoid this broker, it is going to be best for you guys.


Remember that all what I said is just an advise.


Best wishes,


yes i agree with what you said, prime4x isnt as good, in terms of chart it freezes or very slow with requotes, and even with EA which i just witness EA tries to close on BE(chart shows price at BE for very long 10-20sec) but when closed history shows as loss..

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Prime4x be carefully! , if you invest with this broker ; many people can not withdraw your money, I'm one of them, invested 3300 dollars, earn 996 or so, until there all right but when you withdraw money, 3500 dollars for LR the 22nd of April, I was informed after a week of silence, that my order will be processed "as soon as possible" , May 4 today after many complaints, I report having problems with LR But if you read on your facebook page section http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=278118382885#!/group.php?gid=278118382885&v=app_2373072738 really claim all sorts of people who do not can withdraw their money, including my claim too, not just problems with L.R. also bank transfers, which shows a problem of liquidity or something like that ...

Informs in this thread when I receive my payment, if anyone has any contact within the company to expedite the withdrawal of my money, please let me know, thankyou!

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I have a real account , my firt request withdraw of 3500 since 22 april 2010 , and still not pay, they say , "as soon as possible", only this... , I'm tired of sending emails to Mark Smith ( [email protected] ) and the accounts department ([email protected]) , nothing happens many people have same experience ,

in the facebook wall of prime4x had my claim and they erased...

Warning winth broker, is a scammer, you get tired of waiting to claim your money and keeps your money,

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I'm sorry that I didn't read this thread earlier. I try to withdraw money since 2 weeks, get the same answer like others "..as soon as possible".


just used regulated broker.. Prime is'n regulated broker, its scam suspect already.. if you want get rebate 0.75 pips/lot you can choose FBS and or Insta under my IB, send me PM for detail

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  • 2 months later...

Please wait for a site operator to respond.


You are now chatting with 'Sandra'


ridha: HI


Sandra: Welcome to our live chat service.


Sandra: Hello. How may I assist you?


ridha: I requested to transfer some fund from account no 37145


ridha: when it will process?


ridha: to another account


ridha: can you check


Sandra: Please contact our Persian support concerning this issue


Sandra: You can contact them via phone 00971567705618 or 00971567705619


Sandra: Or you can contact them via e-mail [email protected]


ridha: no i need only transfer my fund to another account


ridha: i dont want withdrawal it


Sandra: You need to contact the Persian support concerning this issue


Sandra: and they will help you sir







ridha: when it will process?????


Sandra: Unfortunately i have no access to your account sir


Sandra: so i can not help you


ridha: this phone numbers are f***


Sandra: You can contact them via e-mail


ridha: this phone numbers are fake


Sandra: and they will reply you sir


ridha: emails are fake


Sandra: No sir


Sandra: this is not true


ridha: i sent them aver 50 emails


Sandra: When did you send your e-mail ?


ridha: from 6 months ago till now


ridha: every week i send 2 emails


Sandra: Okay sir


Sandra: i will pass your request to them now


ridha: you are lier


Sandra: and i will make sure by myself that you receive a reply very soon


Sandra: please do not say that


Sandra: i am not a liar


Sandra: i really want to help you sir


ridha: sure i see this replay over 500 times


ridha: i will pass your request to them now


Sandra: i understand your situation


Sandra: and i will do my best to help you


Sandra: to receive a reply quickly


ridha: i hardly need my fund


Sandra: so there is no need to worry at all


ridha: i lost all my capital


ridha: and now need to marry


ridha: whay you dont want to process for me my request?


ridha: my request is very simple


Sandra: i understand that sir


ridha: i havent requested from you to give me cash


Sandra: but the Persian support are responsible for the Iranian clients


Sandra: so they will help you


ridha: i only have requested to transfer my fund to another account


ridha: you dont lost any thing


Sandra: do not worry


Sandra: i will pass your request to the Persian support


Sandra: and they will contact you


Sandra: and your request will be done for sure


ridha: dont play with me


ridha: persian support are fake support


ridha: sure


ridha: also i told you before i am not from Iran


ridha: i am from *******


ridha: whay you like to send my request to fake persons?


Sandra: They are not fake sir


ridha: fake phone numbers


ridha: fake emails


ridha: fake support


Sandra: Mr/Ridha, you will receive a reply to your e-mail in a very short time


Sandra: and your request for sure will be done


ridha: because i have tried over 50 times to contact with them but no replay


ridha: fake to fake


ridha: if you are honest give me your phone number to contact with you now


Sandra: Do you mean my personal phone number ?


ridha: yes


Sandra: Unfortunately i can not provide you with any personal information


ridha: ok give me the phone number from Mr omari


Sandra: Unfortunately i can not give you such information sir


ridha: ok give me the phone number from your manager


Sandra: Unfortunately i can not give you such information


ridha: ok fake to fake


ridha: so you never want to help me


Sandra: please do not say that


Sandra: i want to help you


ridha: ok give me your address


Sandra: and as i told you i will do my best to receive a reply quickly


ridha: how you want assure me?


ridha: i have saw this note over 500 time (we will pass your request very soon)


ridha: please be honest with me


Sandra: I am honest sir


ridha: tell me you never want to process my request


ridha: be honest


Sandra: this is not true


ridha: your broker has broked


Sandra: for sure your request will be done


ridha: tell me step by step how you will process my request?


ridha: step 1 step 2 step 3.


ridha: ???????


Sandra: Mr/Ridha , as i told you i have no access to your account


Sandra: so i can not help you


Sandra: all i can do for you is to pass your request to the Persian support


Sandra: and make sure that you receive a reply to your e-mail very soon


ridha: are you belief to God


ridha: for every lie the God will ban you


ridha: ok tell me more information about your job


ridha: does prime4x broker has broked


ridha: or scammed


ridha: Do you live in dubai


Sandra: We are not a scam company sir


ridha: because your address broker is fake


Sandra: No sir


Sandra: it is not fake


ridha: sure because i asked more person and thay told me it is fake


ridha: if you arent scammer give me real address


Sandra: Sure


Sandra: Suite 501, St James Court,


Sandra: St Denis Street,


Sandra: Port-Louis,


Sandra: Mauritius.


ridha: so where are your beoker in which country?


Sandra: this is our address sir


Sandra: Mauritius


ridha: in which country?


ridha: fake to fake


Sandra: Our company is located in Mauritius


ridha: if you are honest what you know about this place?????


Sandra: Mr/Ridha , i already told you all the information that i have


Sandra: and there is nothing new i can tell you


Sandra: so now you are wasting your time and my time


Sandra: Would you like me to help you with anything else ?


ridha: nice scam company and big lier in the world , i like to f*** you




ridha: bye


Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest David1713006337

Notice from ForexPeaceArmy.... READ


I've been waiting for awhile before making an announcement. Websites can go down for awhile and then come back up again. In this case, I'm getting more and more sure that I can confidently state that:




The website has been down for a couple of weeks. Domaintools.com shows the domain name as being suspended. My congratulations to all who participated in shutting down these scammers. This shows how powerful your actions can be when you work together.


The good news is that it looks like Omari and his friends probably won't be using that website to scam any more traders. The bad news is that this will make it harder to get your money back if you already had an account with them.



Don't give up hope.

There are still ways to pursue the people behind Prime4x.




If you wired money to Prime4x at any time or if you got a bank wire from them, post their banking information (their bank info, not yours) in this thread.


If you have any information on Abdel Rahman El Omari, Amr Hendawi, Robert Cris, or Andri Kimpensky/Kampinsky or anyone else who was involved in managing or owning Prime 4x, post the info in this thread. Names, pictures, passport information, cell phone numbers, and anything else you have on them may end up being the key to finding these people and bringing them to court.



For people from all countries, go to the E-Consumer and file a complaint. If you've already done that, leave a followup letting them know that you can't access the P4X website and that it looks like they've grabbed all the money and run off. If anyone at Prime4x ever sent you a fake TT copy for a wire transfer, show that to your bank and include a copy with any official complaints you file.


If you are in the USA, go to the CFTC's contact page and file a complaint.Do the same thing at IC3, the Internet Crime Complaint Center. If you've already done these, go back and leave a followup.


If you are anywhere outside the USA, ask your local bank where to best file a complaint with your government about international financial fraud. Ask your local police the same thing. Most importantly, if you do find out how to file a complaint with your government, do not keep the information to yourself. Post it here to make it quicker and easier for more victims to file complaints. The more legitimate complaints, the more likely one or more government agencies will do something.


If you see people in other forums who have accounts with Prime, tell them to put all the information they can find in this thread. Make this thread the place where all victims and government investigations can find information needed to track down the scammers behind Prime 4x and bring them to justice.



Don't work together and Omari and his buddies will very likely pop up under new names at a new brokerage and will do the same thing again and again and again. Giving up or not sharing information is exactly what Omari and the rest of these scammers want you to do.


Work together in this way with all the victims and there is some chance of getting some of your money back. There's also a good chance of sending some or even all of the people behind Prime4x to jail for a very long time.

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  • 2 years later...

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