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Coder Help FIX BUG Kancing Baju 1.3-rev B EA

Guest dave_rimmer

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Guest dave_rimmer

Hi All,


Need competant coder to fix bug with Kancing Baju 1.3-rev B EA


The problem is that when you set max trades say to=3 which produces 0.08 lot maximum with this ea with 0.01 start , it conforms for a while then starts suddenly chucking in 0.16, 0.32,0.64 and even 1.28 for no apparent reason all on its own causing margin call.


I think problem with lot sizing in code and order.


Anyhow have been running this live for several months and it has doubled account until this problem pops up and causing margin call.This problem can be seen when backtesting too.


I have enclosed link to Ea files and backtest results with problem shown.I believe there is a kancing baju 1.3-rev C out somewhere with fix but cannot find with exhausted searches so can some clever Coder please assist me in fixing this bug on my version.Oh also stop trading on friday does not work either




dave http://depositfiles.com/files/1d8pogw8w

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