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Trendchaser's Super EA


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Re: Trendchaser's Super EA


The key is the variable gi_424 in the EA


if you change this line at the start of the code

int gi_424;



int gi_424 =2;


Then it *SHOULD* work with no hassles. Better test it yourself though.

If gi_424 does not equal 2 in some places of the code, bad trades don't end up getting closed properly it seems.

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Re: Trendchaser's Super EA


Educated, use on EU M5




I want to delete the zip file after opening it. But I cannot delete the file, a pop message appears that "The action can't be completed because the file is open in another program." What should I do to delete the file, please?

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Re: Trendchaser's Super EA


I want to delete the zip file after opening it. But I cannot delete the file, a pop message appears that "The action can't be completed because the file is open in another program." What should I do to delete the file, please?

I managed to delete the file using "Windows Task Manager" alright at last. Honestly, I was bit concerned by this annoyance for sometime. Now time for backtesting!

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Re: Trendchaser's Super EA


There is a newer version that doesn't hog the system.

It can be downloaded at their site.


Is it possible to get that educated?


He also mentions there are 2 files that go along with it

that need to be put into the include and library folders.


He says he sends updates directly to the EA, so I am

not sure how that will be affected once it is educated.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: Trendchaser's Super EA


He has called it beta, but says it is EXACTLY the same strategy.

This version REPLACES it and is fine to trade live with.

The only difference is that it is now it is testable and not a memory hog.

I have both the current DEMO version trading and the older one (logs itself as "trendchasers_super_ea_36"), and they do not appear to use the same criteria nor open trades at the same time. Am currently testing and want it to run for weeks before doing a EA by EA assessment, but there are surprising losses I am seeing so far.
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  • 4 months later...

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