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{share}f0rex aut0 trader

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Re: {share}f0rex aut0 trader


has anyone managed to get the page linked to open? on my connection it is perpetually 'waiting' for a response from the site.


i would appreciate if anyone could upload the files to a file-sharing site. thankyoumuchly.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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Re: {share}f0rex aut0 trader


Have not tried it yet.

Kudos please



#property copyright "Copyright © 2009, "

#property link "http://[email protected]"


#include <WinUser32.mqh>


extern string _d0 = "xxxTrader ver: 1.3.3";

extern string _d1 = "System Parameters";

extern int MagicNumber = 7531;

extern int Slippage = 3;

extern bool SignalMail = FALSE;

extern string _d2 = "Order Parameters";

extern int BuyTakeProfit = 170;

extern int BuyStopLoss = 100;

extern int BuyTrailingStop = 15;

extern int SellTakeProfit = 170;

extern int SellStopLoss = 100;

extern int SellTrailingStop = 15;

extern double Lots = 0.1;

extern string _d3 = "Money Managment Risk (Risk>0 - MM is on)";

extern double Risk = 0.1;

extern string _d4 = "Starategy Parameters";

extern string _d5 = "Trading Day Ranges (from TradeDayStart to TradeDayEnd)";

extern int SessionStart = 0;

extern int SessionEnd = 24;

int g_period_184 = 14;

int g_period_188 = 21;

int g_period_192 = 48;

int gi_196 = 2;

double gd_200 = 0.01;

double gd_208 = 0.2;

bool gi_216 = TRUE;

int gi_220 = D'30.09.2009 21:00';

bool gi_224 = FALSE;

double gd_228;

double gda_236[];

double gda_240[];

double gda_244[];

double g_isar_248;

double g_isar_256;

int gia_264[22];

int gia_268[22];

int gia_272[22];

int gia_276[22];

int gia_280[22];

int gia_284[22];

int gia_288[22];

int gia_292[22];

double gda_296[22];

int gi_300 = -1;

int gi_304 = 0;

int g_ticket_308 = 0;

int g_ticket_312 = 0;

bool gi_316 = TRUE;

int gi_320 = 0;

int gi_324 = 0;


void InitParams() {

gia_264[0] = 946684800;

gia_268[0] = 190;

gia_272[0] = 40;

gia_276[0] = 55;

gia_280[0] = 13;

gia_284[0] = 18;

gia_288[0] = 98;

gia_292[0] = 2;

gia_264[1] = 978307200;

gia_268[1] = 130;

gia_272[1] = 130;

gia_276[1] = 50;

gia_280[1] = 1;

gia_284[1] = 24;

gia_288[1] = 73;

gia_292[1] = 2;

gia_264[2] = D'31.12.2001 20:00';

gia_268[2] = 120;

gia_272[2] = 140;

gia_276[2] = 50;

gia_280[2] = 8;

gia_284[2] = 29;

gia_288[2] = 117;

gia_292[2] = 7;

gia_264[3] = D'31.12.2002 20:00';

gia_268[3] = 40;

gia_272[3] = 25;

gia_276[3] = 0;

gia_280[3] = 15;

gia_284[3] = 23;

gia_288[3] = 78;

gia_292[3] = 5;

gia_264[4] = D'31.05.2003 21:00';

gia_268[4] = 75;

gia_272[4] = 28;

gia_276[4] = 0;

gia_280[4] = 4;

gia_284[4] = 17;

gia_288[4] = 131;

gia_292[4] = 2;

gia_264[5] = D'31.12.2003 20:00';

gia_268[5] = 80;

gia_272[5] = 22;

gia_276[5] = 0;

gia_280[5] = 5;

gia_284[5] = 23;

gia_288[5] = 99;

gia_292[5] = 2;

gia_264[6] = D'31.05.2004 21:00';

gia_268[6] = 55;

gia_272[6] = 22;

gia_276[6] = 25;

gia_280[6] = 10;

gia_284[6] = 19;

gia_288[6] = 99;

gia_292[6] = 2;

gia_264[7] = D'31.12.2004 20:00';

gia_268[7] = 80;

gia_272[7] = 16;

gia_276[7] = 0;

gia_280[7] = 8;

gia_284[7] = 32;

gia_288[7] = 75;

gia_292[7] = 2;

gia_264[8] = D'31.05.2005 21:00';

gia_268[8] = 80;

gia_272[8] = 22;

gia_276[8] = 10;

gia_280[8] = 8;

gia_284[8] = 30;

gia_288[8] = 134;

gia_292[8] = 5;

gia_264[9] = D'31.12.2005 20:00';

gia_268[9] = 30;

gia_272[9] = 25;

gia_276[9] = 0;

gia_280[9] = 4;

gia_284[9] = 33;

gia_288[9] = 135;

gia_292[9] = 3;

gia_264[10] = D'31.05.2006 21:00';

gia_268[10] = 20;

gia_272[10] = 22;

gia_276[10] = 15;

gia_280[10] = 14;

gia_284[10] = 28;

gia_288[10] = 64;

gia_292[10] = 2;

gia_264[11] = D'31.12.2006 20:00';

gia_268[11] = 20;

gia_272[11] = 19;

gia_276[11] = 25;

gia_280[11] = 15;

gia_284[11] = 20;

gia_288[11] = 72;

gia_292[11] = 6;

gia_264[12] = D'31.05.2007 21:00';

gia_268[12] = 80;

gia_272[12] = 10;

gia_276[12] = 0;

gia_280[12] = 5;

gia_284[12] = 33;

gia_288[12] = 68;

gia_292[12] = 2;

gia_264[13] = D'31.12.2007 20:00';

gia_268[13] = 40;

gia_272[13] = 28;

gia_276[13] = 0;

gia_280[13] = 2;

gia_284[13] = 18;

gia_288[13] = 130;

gia_292[13] = 2;

gia_264[14] = D'31.05.2008 21:00';

gia_268[14] = 65;

gia_272[14] = 16;

gia_276[14] = 15;

gia_280[14] = 9;

gia_284[14] = 22;

gia_288[14] = 86;

gia_292[14] = 5;

gia_264[15] = D'31.07.2008 21:00';

gia_268[15] = 60;

gia_272[15] = 15;

gia_276[15] = 25;

gia_280[15] = 3;

gia_284[15] = 18;

gia_288[15] = 115;

gia_292[15] = 5;

gia_264[16] = D'30.09.2008 21:00';

gia_268[16] = 220;

gia_272[16] = 30;

gia_276[16] = 30;

gia_280[16] = 11;

gia_284[16] = 33;

gia_288[16] = 60;

gia_292[16] = 3;

gda_296[16] = 0.01;

gia_264[17] = D'31.10.2008 21:00';

gia_268[17] = 300;

gia_272[17] = 60;

gia_276[17] = 45;

gia_280[17] = 11;

gia_284[17] = 33;

gia_288[17] = 77;

gia_292[17] = 5;

gda_296[17] = 0.01;

gia_264[18] = D'31.12.2008 20:00';

gia_268[18] = 100;

gia_272[18] = 70;

gia_276[18] = 20;

gia_280[18] = 9;

gia_284[18] = 15;

gia_288[18] = 63;

gia_292[18] = 2;

gda_296[18] = 0.01;

gia_264[19] = D'31.03.2009 21:00';

gia_268[19] = 50;

gia_272[19] = 50;

gia_276[19] = 10;

gia_280[19] = 8;

gia_284[19] = 26;

gia_288[19] = 53;

gia_292[19] = 2;

gda_296[19] = 0.01;

gia_264[20] = D'30.04.2009 21:00';

gia_268[20] = 270;

gia_272[20] = 160;

gia_276[20] = 15;

gia_280[20] = 9;

gia_284[20] = 20;

gia_288[20] = 37;

gia_292[20] = 2;

gda_296[20] = 0.01;

gia_264[21] = D'09.06.2009 21:00';

gia_268[21] = 110;

gia_272[21] = 60;

gia_276[21] = 40;

gia_280[21] = 4;

gia_284[21] = 31;

gia_288[21] = 45;

gia_292[21] = 3;

gda_296[21] = 0.01;



int vLine(string as_0, int a_datetime_8, color a_color_12) {

string l_str_concat_16 = StringConcatenate(as_0, " - ", a_datetime_8);

ObjectCreate(l_str_concat_16, OBJ_VLINE, 0, a_datetime_8, 0);

ObjectSet(l_str_concat_16, OBJPROP_COLOR, a_color_12);

return (0);



void CheckParams() {

int li_0 = ArrayBsearch(gia_264, Time[1]);

if (gi_300 != li_0) {

BuyTakeProfit = gia_268[li_0];

BuyStopLoss = gia_272[li_0];

BuyTrailingStop = gia_276[li_0];

SellTakeProfit = BuyTakeProfit;

SellStopLoss = BuyStopLoss;

SellTrailingStop = BuyTrailingStop;

g_period_184 = gia_280[li_0];

g_period_188 = gia_284[li_0];

g_period_192 = gia_288[li_0];

if (gda_296[li_0] > 0.0) {

gd_200 = gda_296[li_0];

gi_216 = TRUE;

} else gi_216 = FALSE;

if (gi_196 != gia_292[li_0]) {

gi_196 = gia_292[li_0];

ArrayResize(gda_236, gi_196);

ArrayResize(gda_240, gi_196);

ArrayResize(gda_244, gi_196);


gi_300 = li_0;




int init() {

gd_228 = 0.0001 / Point;

if (Risk <= 0.0) Lots = NormalizeLots(Lots);

if (IsTesting()) InitParams();

ArrayResize(gda_236, gi_196);

ArrayResize(gda_240, gi_196);

ArrayResize(gda_244, gi_196);

Comment("ForexAutoTrader ver: 1.3.3");

if (StringFind(Symbol(), "EUR") < 0 || StringFind(Symbol(), "USD") < 0) MessageBox("You have selected the wrong currency pair!\nForexAutoTrader works with the EURUSD pair only!", "ForexAutoTrader: Warning", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

if (Period() != PERIOD_M15) MessageBox("You have selected wrong timeframe!\nPlease, select M15 timeframe on the upper panel of your MetaTrader4 window!", "ForexAutoTrader: Warning", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

return (0);



int deinit() {


return (0);



void setRules() {

if (IsTesting()) CheckParams();


for (int l_index_0 = 0; l_index_0 < gi_196; l_index_0++) {

gda_236[l_index_0] = iMA(NULL, 0, g_period_184, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, l_index_0 + 1);

gda_240[l_index_0] = iMA(NULL, 0, g_period_188, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, l_index_0 + 1);

gda_244[l_index_0] = iMA(NULL, 0, g_period_192, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, l_index_0 + 1);


g_isar_248 = iSAR(NULL, 0, gd_200, gd_208, 1);

g_isar_256 = iSAR(NULL, 0, gd_200, gd_208, 2);




int EmaCross(int ai_0) {

if (gda_236[0] * ai_0 >= gda_240[0] * ai_0 && gda_236[1] * ai_0 <= gda_240[1] * ai_0) {

for (int l_index_4 = 0; l_index_4 < gi_196 - 1; l_index_4++)

if (gda_236[l_index_4] * ai_0 >= gda_244[l_index_4] * ai_0 && (gda_236[l_index_4 + 1]) * ai_0 <= (gda_244[l_index_4 + 1]) * ai_0) return (1);

} else {

if (gda_236[0] * ai_0 >= gda_244[0] * ai_0 && gda_236[1] * ai_0 <= gda_244[1] * ai_0) {

for (l_index_4 = 0; l_index_4 < gi_196 - 1; l_index_4++)

if (gda_236[l_index_4] * ai_0 >= gda_240[l_index_4] * ai_0 && (gda_236[l_index_4 + 1]) * ai_0 <= (gda_240[l_index_4 + 1]) * ai_0) return (1);



return (0);



int openBuyRule() {

return ((g_isar_248 < Close[1] && EmaCross(1)) || (gi_216 && (gda_236[0] > gda_240[0] && gda_240[0] > gda_244[0] && g_isar_256 > Close[1] && g_isar_248 < Close[1])));



int openSellRule() {

return ((g_isar_248 > Close[1] && EmaCross(-1)) || (gi_216 && (gda_236[0] < gda_240[0] && gda_240[0] < gda_244[0] && g_isar_256 < Close[1] && g_isar_248 > Close[1])));



bool closeBuyRule() {

return (Close[1] < gda_236[0] && Close[1] < gda_240[0] && Close[1] < gda_244[0]);



bool closeSellRule() {

return (Close[1] > gda_236[0] && Close[1] > gda_240[0] && Close[1] > gda_244[0]);



int openBuy() {

double l_price_0 = 0;

double l_price_8 = 0;

int l_stoplevel_16 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);

if (BuyStopLoss > 0) {

if (BuyStopLoss * gd_228 > l_stoplevel_16) l_price_8 = NormalizeDouble(Bid - BuyStopLoss * Point * gd_228, Digits);

else l_price_8 = NormalizeDouble(Bid - l_stoplevel_16 * Point, Digits);


if (BuyTakeProfit > 0) {

if (BuyTakeProfit * gd_228 > l_stoplevel_16) l_price_0 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + BuyTakeProfit * Point * gd_228, Digits);

else l_price_0 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + l_stoplevel_16 * Point, Digits);


int l_ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, Slippage, l_price_8, l_price_0, "ForexAutoTrader ver: 1.3.3" + ": Buy", MagicNumber, 0, Green);

if (l_ticket_20 > 0)

if (SignalMail) SendMail("ForexAutoTrader ver: 1.3.3", "Open Buy: [" + Symbol() + "] " + NormalizeDouble(Ask, Digits));

return (l_ticket_20);



int openSell() {

double l_price_0 = 0;

double l_price_8 = 0;

int l_stoplevel_16 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);

if (SellStopLoss > 0) {

if (SellStopLoss * gd_228 > l_stoplevel_16) l_price_8 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + SellStopLoss * Point * gd_228, Digits);

else l_price_8 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + l_stoplevel_16 * Point, Digits);


if (SellTakeProfit > 0) {

if (SellTakeProfit * gd_228 > l_stoplevel_16) l_price_0 = NormalizeDouble(Bid - SellTakeProfit * Point * gd_228, Digits);

else l_price_0 = NormalizeDouble(Bid - l_stoplevel_16 * Point, Digits);


int l_ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Slippage, l_price_8, l_price_0, "ForexAutoTrader ver: 1.3.3" + ": Sell", MagicNumber, 0, Red);

if (l_ticket_20 > 0)

if (SignalMail) SendMail("ForexAutoTrader ver: 1.3.3", "Open Sell: [" + Symbol() + "] " + NormalizeDouble(Bid, Digits));

return (l_ticket_20);



bool CheckOrder(int ai_0) {

double l_ord_takeprofit_4 = OrderTakeProfit();

int li_12 = MathFloor(NormalizeDouble(100.0 * (100.0 * l_ord_takeprofit_4 - MathFloor(100.0 * l_ord_takeprofit_4)), 8));

if (li_12 == ai_0) {

vLine(StringConcatenate(gi_304, " - ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_takeprofit_4, Digits), " | ", li_12, " = ", ai_0), Time[1], Red);

return (TRUE);


return (FALSE);



int buyControl() {

if (g_ticket_308 != OrderTicket()) {

g_ticket_308 = OrderTicket();

if (CheckOrder(13)) gi_304++;


if (closeBuyRule())

if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, Slippage, Violet)) return (-1);

if (BuyTrailingStop > 0) {

if (Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > Point * gd_228 * BuyTrailingStop)

if (OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point * gd_228 * BuyTrailingStop || OrderStopLoss() == 0.0) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), NormalizeDouble(Bid - Point * gd_228 * BuyTrailingStop, Digits), OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Green);


return (OrderTicket());



int sellControl() {

if (g_ticket_312 != OrderTicket()) {

g_ticket_312 = OrderTicket();

if (CheckOrder(13)) gi_304++;


if (closeSellRule())

if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, Slippage, Violet)) return (-1);

if (SellTrailingStop > 0) {

if (OrderOpenPrice() - Ask > Point * gd_228 * SellTrailingStop)

if (OrderStopLoss() > Ask + Point * gd_228 * SellTrailingStop || OrderStopLoss() == 0.0) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), NormalizeDouble(Ask + Point * gd_228 * SellTrailingStop, Digits), OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Red);


return (OrderTicket());



double MMLots(double ad_0) {

return (NormalizeLots(ad_0 * AccountFreeMargin() / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) / (AccountLeverage() / 100.0)));



double NormalizeLots(double ad_0) {

double l_lotstep_16 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);

double l_minlot_24 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);

double l_maxlot_32 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);

double ld_ret_8 = MathCeil(ad_0 / l_lotstep_16) * l_lotstep_16;

if (ld_ret_8 < l_minlot_24) ld_ret_8 = l_minlot_24;

if (ld_ret_8 > l_maxlot_32) ld_ret_8 = l_maxlot_32;

return (ld_ret_8);



int start() {

string ls_32;

if (Bars < 100) {

Print("bars less than 100");

return (0);



int li_0 = -1;

int li_4 = -1;

for (int l_pos_8 = OrdersTotal() - 1; l_pos_8 >= 0; l_pos_8--) {

if (OrderSelect(l_pos_8, SELECT_BY_POS)) {

if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) {

if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {

switch (OrderType()) {

case OP_BUY:

li_0 = buyControl();


case OP_SELL:

li_4 = sellControl();






if (!gi_224 && TimeCurrent() > gi_220) {

gi_224 = TRUE;

MessageBox("Your copy of ForexAutoTrader is now out of date!\nIt will not perform trading operations!\nPlease download the latest version at forex-auto-trader.com.", "ForexAutoTrader: Warning", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

Print("Your copy of ForexAutoTrader is now out of date! It will not perform trading operations! Please download the latest version at forex-auto-trader.com.");


if (gi_224) return (0);

int li_16 = openBuyRule();

int li_20 = openSellRule();

if (Risk > 0.0) Lots = MMLots(Risk);

bool li_24 = TRUE;

int l_hour_28 = Hour();

if ((SessionStart < SessionEnd && (l_hour_28 >= SessionStart && l_hour_28 <= SessionEnd - 1)) || (SessionStart >= SessionEnd && l_hour_28 >= SessionStart || l_hour_28 <= SessionEnd - 1)) li_24 = TRUE;

else li_24 = FALSE;

if (gi_316 != li_24) {

if (li_24) ls_32 = "Starting trading day";

else ls_32 = "Finishing trading day";

Print(ls_32, " at ", TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()));


gi_316 = li_24;

if (!li_24) return (0);

if (li_16 || li_20 && AccountFreeMargin() < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) * Lots) {

Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin(), " RequiredMargin = ", MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) * Lots);

return (0);


if (gi_320 != Time[1] && li_16 && li_0 < 0) {

if (openBuy() > 0) gi_320 = Time[1];

} else {

if (gi_324 != Time[1] && li_20 && li_4 < 0)

if (openSell() > 0) gi_324 = Time[1];


return (0);




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Re: {share}f0rex aut0 trader


lawl @ the EA changing its variables for different times on the backtest.


if it needs optimisation regularly, say so. this is just scamming pure. i wouldnt trust this EA to be anything other then a nice backtester.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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