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activation and Authentic code

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Re: activation and Authentic code


It's easy:

1. You decompile it.

2. You remove the authentication checks.


You need:

- an EX4 decompiler (one can be found on this forum, use the search function)

- some programming knowledge (MQL particularly)


If the EA you're looking at has a DLL and some of the DLL functions perform part of the calculations involved (you can typically figure that out from the MQL code), you're better off asking someone else to work on it if you have no reversing knowledge.

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Re: activation and Authentic code


Well, typically the EA will say something like "Not authorized" or "License number incorrect" or something along those lines. Just search for that text in the MQ4 file and you'll see what's triggering displaying it. Assuming it's a plain MQ4, that is.

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Re: activation and Authentic code


Well here is just a sample of an ea that has time restriction.. after 2008.05.01 this ea will not run.. Also the ea wont run if you are on a real account vs demo..


the variables

string gs_84 = "2008.05.01";


the code in the start section.


int l_str2time_0 = StrToTime(gs_84);

if (TimeCurrent() >= l_str2time_0) {

Alert("This 3 days trial version has been expired! Goto http://www.xxx.com to get a 1 week trial version");

return (0);


bool l_bool_4 = IsDemo();

if (!l_bool_4) {

Alert("You can not use the program with a real account!");

return (0);




this is a an easy fix.. just comment out the entire section.. or delete the entire section..



int l_str2time_0 = StrToTime(gs_84);

if (TimeCurrent() >= l_str2time_0) {

Alert("This 3 days trial version has been expired! Goto http://www.xxx.com to get a 1 week trial version");

return (0);


bool l_bool_4 = IsDemo();

if (!l_bool_4) {

Alert("You can not use the program with a real account!");

return (0);




with regard to adding code it really depends on each EA as each coder does it a little different.. These is no generic fix to adding code or deleting for that matter..


Go to some of the threads where an ea has been educated.. download the origional as well as the edu version and run a file compare util such as ExamDiff and you can see the changes... IF you understand "Ansi C" code then mq4 isnt much diff..

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