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Megadroid Pro V1.01 Needs to be cracked

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Re: Megadroid Pro V1.01 Needs to be cracked


Educated version at *see URL ~5-6 posts below*


Password is: indo-investasi


I also decompiled the files for your convenience.


Edit: the version referred in this post had a crash issue on some machines, which is fixed in the post below.

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Re: Megadroid Pro V1.01 Needs to be cracked


Forgot to mention: the DLL is modified so that it never queries the server, yet "thinks" it's authenticated.


If you want a DLL-free version, look into the huge megadroid pro thread, bbrain was saying he will make one soon.


The 3 versions perform slightly different in a 2008-now backtest.

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Re: Megadroid Pro V1.01 Needs to be cracked


If you substitute the dll with the old one, then you'll get a half-blood midget somewhere between 1.00 and 1.01 @-) 1.005 maybe?

Anyway, mixing things is not the way to go.


BTW there is a main thread for MegaDroidPro...

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Re: Megadroid Pro V1.01 Needs to be cracked


The DLL included here crashed MT 225. Substituted the DLL from MDPro 1.0 and all is well.




You are correct, it did crash MT in some cases. It's been 10 years since I used to do this kind of stuff and I guess I'm a little rusty... I wrote some code over a relocation area which is why it only crashed on some machines, but not on the 2 machines I tested it on. Oh well, guess that won't make much sense to many :)


Anyway, the fixed version is at http://[email protected]/file/126475359/fae91a98/


Password: indo-investasi


Apologies to those for whom the previous version crashed.

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