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[req] new_generation_v4_bid_bid_real (selling for $25,000!)

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I saw this: new_generation_v4_bid_bid_real.rar on a Russian site. (google that term to see)

It had the following description (translated from Russian):


New Of generation_v4 of bid of bid of real - completely unique adviser, the best result of my work in last 2 years. Earlier I did not want him to sell, but already he got tired from a constant war with our “kitchens”. In the course of time is alien the understanding, that million with [reinvestirovaniem] by this adviser not to earn (they will not give), but to earn to several thousand i for the night is completely actual. Adviser works by night, on the pairs EURGBP, EURCAD, but the best results on GBPCAD, with standard for the majority [DTS] to [sprede] 10 p. the results of trade from the real:

Login: 300368

Password: 1WVMNDn

Server: Comfybroc-ComfyBro Of main Of server (terminal it is possible to [skachat] http://www.comfybro.com).

On the demand I can send report about the testing in the terminal, here it will not be placed because of the large volume.


It was loaded up on 07.05.2009

The asking price was an amazing $25,000.00 =))


Any research info would be appreciated.

When mind lingers in one place efficiency is lost
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Re: [req] new_generation_v4_bid_bid_real (selling for $25,000!)


he doesnt wanted to sell his EA and now he is giving that for 25k, well if i had an expert adiviser totaly made by me and profitable no matter what, i wouldnt sell it, intead i would making money with it or i would sell for 25k like this guy, but still with doubts, the best stuff like neural ea's, swing ea's all kind of expert adiviser that can make real money is not for selling, the ea's that is for selling, is only a tiny of them that can make real money, the rest are clones and bullshit markting hype, the good stuff is underground, you dont even hear about them, only people that are in private groups.

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