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[REQ] Oanda API


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Anyone with access to the various Oanda APIs willing to share them?


Is it even possible to use any of the Oanda APIs with a regular account or does the account have to be flagged as "API enabled"?


Has anyone thought about decompiling the Java version and transforming it into some kind of API?

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Re: [REQ] Oanda API


Yeah, I read that page before... Still, the API 'check' might be circumvented somehow by fooling around with it to make it work just like the java client. Probably not worth the time, even tho I already have an account there. In the meantime I made a small program that copies the MT4 trades and the fact that Oanda has better spreads is offset in the feed differences and the trade delay, leading to an effective higher spread on the Oanda platform. Basically, I let a MDP run for a few days with its trades mirrored on Oanda and almost every time the Oanda trade captured less pips than the MT4 trade.

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