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[REQ] Hedging Master Automatic Forex

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Any body have it,please share..... ^:)^ ^:)^


Link : hxxp://dollarfinder.net/


:-bd :-bd




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Re: [REQ] Hedging Master Automatic Forex


I hate to burst your bubble.. This EA is Martingale based and even though it is said to "hedge" it can lose like nobody's business. On the $200 traded account pay attention that it opens lotsizes of as high as 0.63 lots which is insanity. If the market keeps running in the original direction it will get killed with such size.

Why do you think the developer has not posted a long backtest? Because it simply wipes the account every X weeks.. Just email the developer and ask for a backtest of about 6 months and you will see the response. This is a very dangerous EA.. be careful!!

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Re: [REQ] Hedging Master Automatic Forex


Martingale will your account eventually.


To make an analogy of what Martingale does, imagine you are are sitting down on a chair with a giant stone tied with a rope above your head. Every day someone is bringing you a bag of money but when he gives it to you he cuts the rope a little bit.

You are happy, you are getting rich day by day. Eventually the rope breaks and falls on top of you.. what do you have now? Nothing.. you're dead! This is what Martingdale does. Hope you enjoyed my little story and got a big laugh.


Good luck!

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Re: [REQ] Hedging Master Automatic Forex


is this really the best hedge as said as above?

hmm from what i see its using martingale and keep pilling up on the same direction trade then after a limit, it switch to opening opposite direction trade which is hedging.. im more interested in how he "reset" the cycle after getting all buys and sell trades positioned and locked loss, anyone is using and willing to share their findings?

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