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Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence Forex expert advisor uses a very simplistic imitation of the neural network to produce buy and sell signals and trailing stop losses. It is not a real neural network, because it doesn't learn from market, instead you need to optimize it to the market to set the most fitting parameters. Its perception function uses the Bill Williams' Accelerator/Decelerator oscillators, which are weighted according to the set parameters. Expert advisor also performs checks for available free margin to stop trading if it is bankrupt.


What are the stop-loss and take-profit used by this EA?

It uses 80 pip stop-loss, but doesn’t use any take-profit. It also uses a traling stop-loss for its orders. The average winning trade is about 71 pips, the average losing trade is aobut 82 pips.


How often does it trade?

On hourly GBP/USD chart (the optimum settings) this EA will trade 17-18 times a month on average.



//|                                       ArtificialIntelligence.mq4 |
//|                               Copyright © 2006, Yury V. Reshetov |
//|                                         [url]http://reshetov.xnet.uz/[/url] |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, Yury V. Reshetov ICQ:282715499  http://reshetov.xnet.uz/"
#property link      "http://reshetov.xnet.uz/"
//---- input parameters
extern int    x1 = 120;
extern int    x2 = 120;
extern int    x3 = 19;
extern int    x4 = 100;
// StopLoss level
extern double sl = 80;
extern double lots = 1;
extern int MagicNumber = 888;
static int prevtime = 0;
double Poin;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
  //Checking for unconvetional Point digits number
  if (Point == 0.00001) Poin = 0.0001; //5 digits
  else if (Point == 0.001) Poin = 0.01; //3 digits
  else Poin = Point; //Normal
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
if (AccountFreeMargin() < (2*lots*1000)) return(0);

  if(Time[0] == prevtime) 
  prevtime = Time[0];
  int spread = 3;
      spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD);
      prevtime = Time[1];
  int ticket = -1;
// check for opened position
  int total = OrdersTotal();   
  for(int i = 0; i < total; i++) 
      OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); 
      // check for symbol & magic number
      if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) 
          int prevticket = OrderTicket();
          // long position is opened
          if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) 
              // check profit 
              if(Bid > (OrderStopLoss() + (sl * 2  + spread) * Poin)) 
                  if(perceptron() < 0) 
                    { // reverse
                      ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lots * 2, Bid, 3, 
                                         Ask + sl * Poin, 0, "AI", MagicNumber, 0, Red); 
                      if(ticket < 0) 
                          prevtime = Time[1];
                          OrderCloseBy(ticket, prevticket, Blue);   
                    { // trailing stop
                      if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - sl * Poin, 
                         0, 0, Blue)) 
                          prevtime = Time[1];
              // short position is opened
              // check profit 
              if(Ask < (OrderStopLoss() - (sl * 2 + spread) * Poin)) 
                  if(perceptron() > 0) 
                    { // reverse
                      ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lots * 2, Ask, 3, 
                                         Bid - sl * Poin, 0, "AI", MagicNumber, 0, Blue); 
                      if(ticket < 0) 
                          prevtime = Time[1];
                          OrderCloseBy(ticket, prevticket, Blue);   
                    { // trailing stop
                      if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + sl * Poin, 
                         0, 0, Blue)) 
                          prevtime = Time[1];
          // exit
// check for long or short position possibility
  if(perceptron() > 0) 
    { //long
      ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lots, Ask, 3, Bid - sl * Poin, 0, "AI", 
                         MagicNumber, 0, Blue); 
      if(ticket < 0) 
          prevtime = Time[1];
    { // short
      ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lots, Bid, 3, Ask + sl * Poin, 0, "AI", 
                         MagicNumber, 0, Red); 
      if(ticket < 0) 
          prevtime = Time[1];
//--- exit
//| The PERCEPTRON - a perceiving and recognizing function           |
double perceptron() 
  double w1 = x1 - 100;
  double w2 = x2 - 100;
  double w3 = x3 - 100;
  double w4 = x4 - 100;
  double a1 = iAC(Symbol(), 0, 0);
  double a2 = iAC(Symbol(), 0, 7);
  double a3 = iAC(Symbol(), 0, 14);
  double a4 = iAC(Symbol(), 0, 21);
  return(w1 * a1 + w2 * a2 + w3 * a3 + w4 * a4);

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