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Req EURAUD Scalper

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Re: Req EURAUD Scalper


Maximal drawdown 2614.55 (39.30%) Relative drawdown 39.30% (2614.55)


Short positions (won %) 424 (70.28%)


Long positions (won %) 441 (73.92%)



This is not a good ea, I believe it uses martingale strategy to make its performance look nice but under biggggggggggg risks!

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Re: Req EURAUD Scalper


I appreciate your input,


this graph is over a period of 2 years,

most scalper I have seen blowing the account over that period some time or other,

so as compared to that draw down is acceptable though not desirable,

just my opinion,


would like to try on demo account,


let me put it other way, is there any other scalper,

which does not blow account in 2 year and yet gives good return,

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