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[info] Want to Win 250K real account from fx Contest?

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Hi barusan nemu informasi tentang kontes trading forex yang mungkin bisa berguna buat rekan2 sekalian. Hadiahnya 250rb dolar dalam bentuk deposit akun euy! Kita bisa ambil 25% keuntungan dari hasil trading kita kalo menang hehehe And Gratisssss! \m/



Hi I just stumbled upon a good information that might worth to share, Join this forex trading contest for free and win 250k account for you to manage! And earn 25% of the profit! It's free for all!



You can go to:



Please read the trading disclosure carefully. Because the winner is not the biggest gain but the highest gain with lowest deviation (Risk Adjusted)


I attach Last Year Winner with the document here,



Some Indonesians are in the top 50! They ROCK!!! \m/

Perfect enter is something, good exit is awesome!
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Re: [info] Want to Win 250K real account from fx Contest?


@ ryujin

I hope there is an EA with such a low risk and high gain, It may solve our problem in trading :)>-





@ Chaki123

This is annual competition, wait for the next year



I have a short interview with last year winner Veronika, you want it?

Perfect enter is something, good exit is awesome!
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Re: [info] Want to Win 250K real account from fx Contest?


I heard that this broker is scam, they didn't paid commission to my friend.



Oh, the broker didn't pay commission to your friend? =)) Well, why would a broker pay a trader commission? It's the other way round, the trader pays the broker. So, whatever you heard is bs!


The sponsor of this challenge is a German Investmentbank. Does your broker have a banking license? I really doubt it. You should be a 'little' bit more cautious what you write in public forums.


And one last thing: If you are afraid that this broker could scam you in a demo challenge, i.e. steal your demo dollars, well, just don't take part (and better get some help).

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