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Beter be Quick V224

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Re: Beter be Quick V224


Wow... very nice... GREAT THANK'S for you.!!! Actually new version 225 just rising....! Anybody decompiler ver 225??? ha...ha...ha...gotcha... :))


dragonz, 224 can reverse and 225 ex4 ;) already tested


Have fun

Kudus is what gives me power....
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Re: Beter be Quick V224


I have a question about the EAs and decompilers. All of decompiled source have similar variable names to gi_123 or li_0 . Not so easy to understand the codes. Where the problem is? The developers write this variable names or the decompiler give me just a hardest way?

Sorry for my bad english.

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Re: Beter be Quick V224


it's the decompiler. The original names of variable are lost when you compile !


l=local g=general


d=double, i=integer, da=array of double ia=array of integer and so...

Thanks. And they are any version of ex4tomq4 on the internet without this problem? Or have I only an expensive and a hard way?

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Re: Beter be Quick V224


I have the latest build mq4 decompiler, build 225 which is the current build. It took me a couple of weeks to find but I have it now.


Well unless you are going to share it, there is no point in posting about it. :huh:


Anyway, it makes no difference, the 224 version here is exactly the same and the renamed 225 version. 224 works on the 225 EA's

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Re: Beter be Quick V224


I have just test it again :D


I have compiled mq4 file with MT4 225 build, one live account other demo. After that I convert it using decom versoion 224. I compared original and decomp mq4 files using text editor.


None difference at all.


According http://purebeam.biz/ info there is version 225 available.


In conclusion, current version 224 can convert ex4 files to mq4 without any issues.


The version I have is 224 and was kindly provided by asgard2. Many thanks again asgard2 ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^


If you want to try it feel free to pm me :-bd

Kudus is what gives me power....
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