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Craig Harris-Forex Education

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Staw, yes, that would be very nice. Until one of Craig's students decides to release a copy of his proprietary Session indy, we are out of luck. Fortunately, we've got an absolutely first-rate (and free) Xaphod template from that Forex Factory Craig Harris thread (#211188), which I hope you are already using. Beyond that, you have a couple of options for session time and price info at a glance.


First, if you like that Time II VBO indy (except for that space-hogging extra window) and your MT4 template already includes at least 2 windows (e.g., an oscillator), you could drag that indy to any other window, instead of the main window. The session borders still show up on the main window, but the color lines are not too obtrusive on top of an oscillator, at least to my eye. Select the "session borders" display mode for Time II VBO and you're all set.


Alternatively, have you looked at the popular i-Sessions indy?



Although it displays color rectangles with retina-burning default colors -- anything but the simple lines you seek -- you can easily set those colors to 2 or 3 subtle, progressively lighter shades of your chart's main background color. Here's an example of what it looks like on my live template, with "SlateGray" chart background:



I actually prefer slight shade gradations to lines... less chart spaghetti / clutter, yet instantly visually accessible, in terms of both session times and price levels.

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nht , thank you for your effort in helping me. No, I really don't know what "Xaphod" template is about... Could you please give me a direct link ?!


Regarding "i-session" indi from codebase - I don't really like it because it's kinda disturbing when there are alot of colors overlaping the price, even when it is very discret like in your example... And I tried to make an overlay with Time II VBO, just like you said, but again-it looks to complicated and disturbing. I really like to have as "clean" charts as possible. And as I said - I like this indi(not that I don't know when sessions starts and finishes, but it is very informative IMO), but I don't like that it takes one more window....

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Sure, here's a link to the latest version of the free MT4 template by Xaphod:



It has been specifically created and refined (with a lot of traders' feedback) over the last 5 months to replicate the proprietary Craig Harris template for the Natural Flow method. It includes two customizable session-related indicators, Xi-AsianSession and Xi-VLines.

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  • 5 weeks later...

thanks gringoh


i have already downloaded the templates by xaphod and the instructional video by neorio from ff, along with the

free video on craig harris' website, the free stuff is so useful i wonder how good will be the paid stuff, but it seems to be out of

reach for many traders as it cost US$ 5000, i hope one of his student share his paid stuff in indo-investasi.





------------------NEW INFO---------------



EWEF has the paid video available if some one has access kindly post here

Edited by jumanji24
new info
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Ladies and Gentlemen of the thread. The Harris system is simply a five bar reversal system with stochastics. Like the Lindencourt and many others.

There are lots of additions that are not of any real worth but may confuse.

Best time to trade is, as ever, London or Frankfurt open. Asian session is not so good.

Harris calls this the Tokyo Channel and says that it must have moved 40 pips. It is obvious that if there is little movement then youshould not trade.


Just watch the videos that Lance Beggs puts out for free to see the 3 or 5 bar reversal in action.


People think that there is some mystery ingredient but not so, the additions are simply marketing. Simple is better.


5BR plus stochs.



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  Freddie said:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the thread. The Harris system is simply a five bar reversal system with stochastics. Like the Lindencourt and many others.

There are lots of additions that are not of any real worth but may confuse.

Best time to trade is, as ever, London or Frankfurt open. Asian session is not so good.

Harris calls this the Tokyo Channel and says that it must have moved 40 pips. It is obvious that if there is little movement then youshould not trade.


Just watch the videos that Lance Beggs puts out for free to see the 3 or 5 bar reversal in action.


People think that there is some mystery ingredient but not so, the additions are simply marketing. Simple is better.


5BR plus stochs.




Please post the 5Bar Reversal System link to it. Thanks....

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  et_phonehome_2 said:
Please post the 5Bar Reversal System link to it. Thanks....


There is no 5BR system as such, available to download. It is all available elements grouped together like Harris does.

5 Bar reversal as the basic indicator; Stochastic agreement (Lindencourt just uses the stochs). Since indicators are calculated from price then you will see that these two will go together.


Download almost any method available here and see if the 5BR does not give you a better entry than the one in the method!! Try Forex Rebellion!


I like to remember the 5BR as looking at my hand: Look at your right hand, the thumb is a higher high, index finger is even higher, middle finger makes the highest and may be called the pivot as in Begg's Video. The ring finger starts the reversal but we are not ready to trade yet. The little finger continues the reverse movement and as this bar trades below the 4th bar, this is your entry.




I will check that I have made the link in the approved fashion and update or beg the mod's indulgance if I am mistaken.



Edited by Freddie
Code tags and realization that ET... seemed to think that I was speaking about a commercial system.
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  patheway said:
Right but still it would be great if someone was to share the paid system of Mr. Craig Harris.


Oh good work on the lnk Freddie lol


Happy Pips




Didn't FXClarence already post just that in post #44?


If not, then I was wondering what each of those 4 people thanked him for not quite 2 months ago... (The link went dead within 2 weeks, as you can see from my post #49.)


Diesel 10, hockboon, Kit or pupuobinski -- if one of you is reading this, please repost whatever it was that prompted you to give thanks.


Also, would any user reading this kindly send a private message to FXClarence and request that he repost? You need to have at least 15 posts under your belt to be able to PM, so I can't do it myself yet. Thanks.

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OK, thanks for the clarification.


What about this post #28, from 6 months ago:


  fxquantum said:
Good day


I have the !Craig Harris - Forex Trading Methodology - Ver 1.0.0 pdf guide


I would like share it if some member may share the password for this program in this part of forum...

Investools Advanced Options


Does somebody has some of these?

Investools Basic Options

Investools Advanced Technical Analysis

Investools Currency Trader




The password was shared immediately, in the very next reply. fxquantum has not been heard from again...


Incidentally, the course is not $5,000, as repeatedly mentioned upthread. It's $997 for a basic membership, incl. the official manual, videos, MT4 template, etc. -- everything but trade room access.

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  nht said:
Didn't FXClarence already post just that in post #44?


If not, then I was wondering what each of those 4 people thanked him for not quite 2 months ago... (The link went dead within 2 weeks, as you can see from my post #49.)


Diesel 10, hockboon, Kit or pupuobinski -- if one of you is reading this, please repost whatever it was that prompted you to give thanks.


Also, would any user reading this kindly send a private message to FXClarence and request that he repost? You need to have at least 15 posts under your belt to be able to PM, so I can't do it myself yet. Thanks.


Hi nht,


FxClarence posted the download link for the Version 2.1 manual. Here's a new download link if his is not working anymore. The manual is dated Feb 21 2010 so I am assuming it's the most up-to-date version :




And those hardworking members at FF have put together a template and indis that works with the methodology :




If anyone here is trading the method, it will be nice to know how you put everything together to make it work consistently using all the components described in the manual.

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This folder contains Craig's free videos on the net.


Attached template and indicators are from another forum and the link which was shared a few posts earlier.

They run a thread for almost 5 months now and they have had very extensive discussion on Craig's method and collaborated to produce these indicators and template ( based on what was available from Craig's free videos) which resembles very closely to Craig's chart.


Craig's method does produce result that he claims, 40- 50 pips a day, provided you have discipline and spent enough screen times.


If you are serious, go through his free videos a few times, especially the 4th video and spend some time reading the thread on the other forum. That will be adequate to give you a good start.





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Thanks for the extra info.

We are still not sure if this template and indis are what Craig uses as no one has come forth and shared his paid system. I assume all FF did was work wit what was free not work from the paid version. can say this I really like the colors they have used. Also one of the indicators WTDetector says expired so who ever made it in FF should fixed it.

It looks like a excellent system hopefully someone will come on broad that has the real Craig Harris system and share it with us.


However many kudos to the many that has even made this part possible.







  hockboon said:
This folder contains Craig's free videos on the net.


Attached template and indicators are from another forum and the link which was shared a few posts earlier.

They run a thread for almost 5 months now and they have had very extensive discussion on Craig's method and collaborated to produce these indicators and template ( based on what was available from Craig's free videos) which resembles very closely to Craig's chart.


Craig's method does produce result that he claims, 40- 50 pips a day, provided you have discipline and spent enough screen times.


If you are serious, go through his free videos a few times, especially the 4th video and spend some time reading the thread on the other forum. That will be adequate to give you a good start.





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  • 3 weeks later...



I have been trading this strategy for 3 month now. So far my results are quite good and the group of trader using this strategy on FF is quite helpful. This strategy is really amazing, very simple and profitable.


In order to avoid emotion in trading this strategy, my idea would be to develop an EA to take the trade and manage it.


Therefore, the trade would be semi-automatic.


The lot size traded would be calculated automatically. The stop loss would be placed on the top or low of the reversal candle (+spread), and you would have to choose the % of risk you want to take based either on your balance or your equity. I have also a few ideas concerning the management of the trade.


I don’t know how to program in mql, but if somebody is interested by this project, please let me know, I would prepare a much more detailed plan for this EA.


Best regards,


Edited by gringoh
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  • 2 weeks later...
  jumanji24 said:
thanks gringoh


i have already downloaded the templates by xaphod and the instructional video by neorio from ff, along with the

free video on craig harris' website, the free stuff is so useful i wonder how good will be the paid stuff, but it seems to be out of

reach for many traders as it cost US$ 5000, i hope one of his student share his paid stuff in indo-investasi.









------------------NEW INFO---------------



EWEF has the paid video available if some one has access kindly post here



Hi Jamanji, I have been trying to see those video's that Neo posted on FF, are you able to share them here so that we can all see them? I heard they were top notch, and now they have been taken down from the FF site!

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