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[REQ] BankingFx-Diamond EUR-GBP

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Re: [REQ] BankingFx-Diamond EUR-GBP


i dont have the manual, sorry, i wish if i can get it.. :-? \m/

anyway can anyone educate it and make it work for us please ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^


Hello loui-odeh,


After going through some testing, I found nothing wrong with the bankingfx ea except the Maximum Sread, which is indicated as 2.1 pip. You will need to change it to anything more than 4 or 5, ie:


extern double MaxSpread = 5;


I have made an update for your ea at:

[email protected]/file/124390563/37e8b335/EA_BankingFX-Diamond_EUR-GBP_V32_U_1107403_-_5_Digit.html


There is also another change added to the ea: ie from existing 4 digits to include 3 (for those JPY pairs) and 5 digits in the program. However, this does not mean it is capable of trading in all type of ECN environment. For some ecn there are still changes required at the OrderSend portion. I have already done some backtest and confirm that it works on both 4 and 5 digits.


Hope this helps.




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