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FAPTURBO Evolution

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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


I tested the real version today. It made 3 trades, all are profits..


Any one have good knowledge of cracking Java, Pm .. It's binary code , extension is *.jfx, strategies plugin for jforex. I can't find the way to decompile it..



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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


Any one have good knowledge of cracking Java, Pm .. It's binary code , extension is *.jfx, strategies plugin for jforex


I know java.

Could you upload all the files (with extensions of jfx, class, bin, ini, properties, zip, jar, jpg, etc) somewhere for me to have a look.

It's possible, that .jfx is not the full class-file, you may need to

look for system/hidden files under

C:\Documents and Settings\

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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


I tested the real version today. It made 3 trades, all are profits..


Any one have good knowledge of cracking Java, Pm .. It's binary code , extension is *.jfx, strategies plugin for jforex. I can't find the way to decompile it..



would you be able to post the user manual?

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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


Don't be fooled with their marketing tactics, it's the same fap as before. Just that they create a converter so that any ex4 can be converted into dukascopy platform. As long as you have the converter, then you can convert any ea for use at dukascopy.


Comission Structure


1. 60% of $599 on the Front-end Product (Forex Evolution Robot) - $359 NET


2. 60% of $199 for the upsell FAPConvertor: A Tool that allows users to automatically convert each and every metatrader robot trade into the dukascopy brokerage plattform.. People will be able to trade for example Forex Megadroid on the dukascopy plattform aswell - $119 NET


Estimated Conversion: as high as 28%. No we are not kidding. This launch is build on the expertise of some true marketing gurus and build on a product that is simply amazing.

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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


Don't be fooled with their marketing tactics, it's the same fap as before. Just that they create a converter so that any ex4 can be converted into dukascopy platform. As long as you have the converter, then you can convert any ea for use at dukascopy.


Comission Structure


1. 60% of $599 on the Front-end Product (Forex Evolution Robot) - $359 NET


2. 60% of $199 for the upsell FAPConvertor: A Tool that allows users to automatically convert each and every metatrader robot trade into the dukascopy brokerage plattform.. People will be able to trade for example Forex Megadroid on the dukascopy plattform aswell - $119 NET


Estimated Conversion: as high as 28%. No we are not kidding. This launch is build on the expertise of some true marketing gurus and build on a product that is simply amazing.



no, fap evolution is a a rewrite for java platform, the FAPconvertor doesn't convert ea's, it duplicates the trades of any ea on the MT4 to your dukascopy account

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