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Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


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Renko Chart

What Does It Mean?

What Does Renko Chart Mean?

A type of chart, developed by the Japanese, that is only concerned with price movement; time and volume are not included. It is thought to be named for the Japanese word for bricks, "renga". A renko chart is constructed by placing a brick in the next column once the price surpasses the top or bottom of the previous brick by a predefined amount. White bricks are used when the direction of the trend is up, while black bricks are used when the trend is down. This type of chart is very effective for traders to identify key support/resistance levels. Transaction signals are generated when the direction of the trend changes and the bricks alternate colors.


Renko Chart

Investopedia Says

Investopedia explains Renko Chart

For example, a trader will sell an underlying asset when a black brick is placed at the end of series of climbing white bricks. Since this type of chart was designed as a way to follow the general price trend of an asset, there can often be false signals where the color of the bricks changes too early, producing a whip-saw effect.


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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


If you set Renko or Range Bars at 10 pips, in both cases all bars will be 10 pips wide. The difference is that Range Bars may overlap, while Renko Bars will never overlap.


The Renkos will only be plotted when price moved the specified range above / below the last bar (remember, there is no overlapping). So in an uptrend (with 10 pip bricks) price has to move 10 pips above the last brick for another up brick to be plotted or 20 pips to the downside for a down brick. The result is that a lot of noise is reduced at the cost of less information about price movement.


Range Bars are plotted like time based charts. But instead of closing the bar after a specified time span the bar is closed after exceeding a specified pip range by one pip. Range Bars may overlap.


Clear? :D

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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


I also got an empty chart too...

Just skim the source code, you'll find that there's no init() function, so the most recent bars' conversions are done after the first tick triggering the start()...


When the forex market is not open, like now, not even a tick comes, so data conversion won't be done...



Btw, this script is much more superior than others... It seems that we can attach EAs directly to the Renko chart, which is good for scalping! 8-)

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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


  ppc123 said:
I also got an empty chart too...

Just skim the source code, you'll find that there's no init() function, so the most recent bars' conversions are done after the first tick triggering the start()...


When the forex market is not open, like now, not even a tick comes, so data conversion won't be done...



Btw, this script is much more superior than others... It seems that we can attach EAs directly to the Renko chart, which is good for scalping! 8-)


This is what they use for the Nitro C4 concept seemingly with good results (manual trading). Any other Renko indicator including the ones posted on the MQL codebase are not accurate except for this one. Somebody on the C4 FF forum stated that the developer of the S-Renko script had an issue with 5 digit brokers but he fixed it as of lately. Is this the latest version with that fix included you think?



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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


This is what they use for the Nitro C4 concept seemingly with good results (manual trading). Any other Renko indicator including the ones posted on the MQL codebase are not accurate except for this one. Somebody on the C4 FF forum stated that the developer of the S-Renko script had an issue with 5 digit brokers but he fixed it as of lately. Is this the latest version with that fix included you think?





Hi Fxknight,


For the 5 digit broker, you need to add one more digit for Bars range, say, the default setting of Bars range is 25 you need to change it to become 250 in order to get 25 pips per renko bar size.





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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


  fxknight said:

This is what they use for the Nitro C4 concept seemingly with good results (manual trading). Any other Renko indicator including the ones posted on the MQL codebase are not accurate except for this one. Somebody on the C4 FF forum stated that the developer of the S-Renko script had an issue with 5 digit brokers but he fixed it as of lately. Is this the latest version with that fix included you think?




Yes, I know some people using C4 scalping get win-loss ratio higher than 50:1... which is quite interesting.

For the Renko script, it'll ask you "5 digits broker detected, rescale BarsRange?" if you run it on 5-digit platform.

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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


  saragosa said:
its not working for me.. anybody succes load this scrip?


Have you read the txt in the zip file? You need to open the related offline chart after you run the script...



How to use it:

- put the script in MT4/experts/scripts directory;

- restart MT4;

- you should be able to find bar script in the Navigator scripts tree;

- make sure that you have allowed for DLL imports: Tools->Options->Expert Advisors

'Allow DLL imports' should be ticked and 'Confirm DLL function calls' unticked;

- drop it on a chart with a Symbol you wish to create constant range bar chart;

- File->Open Offline->Symbol,M2 contains desired chart.

(If M2 time frame conflicts with other chart, simply change TimeFrame input)

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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


  ppc123 said:

Yes, I know some people using C4 scalping get win-loss ratio higher than 50:1... which is quite interesting.


ppc123 can you find out and tell us the exact trading rules they used to get the 50:1 win loss ratio?


I have been following the C4 thread at FF and don't recall anyone posting results like that so they must be keeping to themselves. I'd really like to know if they are doing anything special or more than the post#1 rules in the thread to achieve that success. 50:1 implies more than 50 trades to calculate that ratio and not just a 5 or 10 trade lucky streak.


Thanks a lot. :)

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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


  fxknight said:

There is a new version of the s-Renko script which shows the bar wicks as well. It was just released. Could someone that has it post the latest version (either ex4 or mql4 source - does not matter)?


Thank you


Well I dont know if this is the most recent.. But it show wicks.. I surfed my favorite places a minute ago and I didnt see anything newer than this one..




You can look at the 2-nd chart I posted over here and see the wicks..



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Re: Renko Bars Chart fo MT4


Well I dont know if this is the most recent.. But it show wicks.. I surfed my favorite places a minute ago and I didnt see anything newer than this one..




You can look at the chart I posted over here and see the wicks..




Hi Hacker,

This version seems to be an earlier version (at least longer than a week ago) since the last version shows wicks on the historical Renko bars as well. This is good to gauge if your StopLoss would have been hit since otherwise Renko does not show the true historical bar ranges. I like your RubberBand indicator, it gives almost identical signals with SMTrix set for period 2. I use it in combination with the TG Sinc Cycle which is posted on the FF C4 forum. Seems to be a good combo which validates the RubberBand's signals. Thanks for the Renko script link.



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