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FMR Light Can't backtest why??

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Guys, why is it that there are some expert advisors that do not show anything on backtesting? I have a couple but one example is the FMR light, also the universal EA from the championship 2008. When I run backtest on these I get no results, anybody knows why this is? Do I need to comment some part of the code for backtesting?
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Re: FMR Light Can't backtest why??


Guys, why is it that there are some expert advisors that do not show anything on backtesting? I have a couple but one example is the FMR light, also the universal EA from the championship 2008. When I run backtest on these I get no results, anybody knows why this is? Do I need to comment some part of the code for backtesting?




I don't remember that smart guy over here who taught me that you need to look for a piece of code in MQ4 using "IsTesting" in it and make it commented, simply putting // before such piece of code.


You need similarly comment all lines in EA function which tests whether EA it's being back tested or not.


Good luck)

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