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Sincere apology

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A forum for research of Forex, discussions, testing



This forum is a dedicated to make research of Forex Market (including i.e. indicators qualifications study, EAs qualifications study, brokers behavior and reliability study, new softwares), discussions, testing ideas, EAs backtesting, exchanging ideas etc. Everybody knows that.

During all these activities, it is very logical the members to share indicators freely available or not well protected in Internet (possibly in reason) and share them one or the other way for testing and discussion.


Ofcourse many members including moderators like to pretend they cracked something but everybody knows that this is totally crap. They just found "something" somewhere even with different name and they share it to ask others oppinion (Myself I do not remember even where I find such kind of things as I do not keep notes. There is so much kind of stuff in internet that is waste of time to do that. After all as an active trader I have no time to check everything. It is common sense and a normal thinking person could understand it).


They do that just to make this forum popular and improve their "psychological instability". :mrgreen:


The most important is that they do not win any money by doing that neither they make other people to lose money in reason ...


Everybody in this forum is not clever enough to judge everything perfectly all the time or at the most of the time. Also, the trading itself creates a lot of frustration ... :mrgreen:


The members are not lawyers and they have no relation with the law...

So it is possible some things to be expressed here with the wrong way and create missunderstandings.

This high possibility can not be used by some people to frighten us.

It can be used against of them ... and also many forums to be created ...

This "noise" can be very bad for the kind of business they do ...


I hope you are all enough clever to understand my oppinion and make ... Silence ...



Hecplon, as he is friendly mentioned previously, uses common indicators which everybody can find in many forums


"His" Zig-zag indicator (You do not need it. You can find many indi like that and even better freely. This is just my oppinion.)

"His" Support/Ressistance indicator (It does not work well. I ckecked it. This is just my oppinion.)

"His" Swing indicator (Also you do not need it. You can find the possible swing points just by using your eyes. This is just my oppinion.)

It is normal and clever of him to offer them for free as he found ... and this is also just my oppinion.

Finally, how this trader (?) can "sales" this kind of indicators and still gives the impression that he is so succesfull?

Indeed. I cannot understand it.


Who coppies from whom is very unsafe to answer seriously in this kind of business.



If the owner of a commercial EA believes that somebody has demystify him/her or his/her company has to prove that the ideas - indicators -structure -methodology used inside the EA is unique. Something impossible...


An EA, even exactly the same, like the commercial one could exist in some unknown forum without even himself/herself to know... So, every part must be carefull to do not lose money/time one or the other way ... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


d)The possible reasons about DrForex discontinuity have been mentioned by me in this thread in a previous post. It is just my oppinion.


e) We need a decompiler in this forum to check a decompiler`s technology itself how good it works. I never believe that this is possible to be done well. Maybe for this reason no commercial EA wins money ... The decompiller is the reason ... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


f) Remember that EAs and Mechanical systems which are profitable do not need to be sold and a correctly educated trader makes difficult the "life" of a broker. I think all of you know that. By sharing information and exchanging ideas we become better and in conlusion this forum offers for free some kind of education. It is not bad at all and the stronger will survive...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Sincere apology


This forum is a dedicated to make research of Forex Market (including i.e. indicators qualifications study, EAs qualifications study, brokers behavior and reliability study, new softwares), discussions, testing ideas, EAs backtesting, exchanging ideas etc.


exactly :-bd

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Re: Sincere apology


Unless we could test first all the commercial products for 1-2 months.....

Never care all the warning....

99% forex products is a toys...just the money bucket shop........

Thats why we should keep all tested...

And i will buy it if there such a good seller like that....!!!!

Business is business..

Cemplon is the other things.... :-bd :-bd

"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!".
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Re: Sincere apology


the problem with scams isnt even the $100 or so wasted on the product. its the money they blow using them! no wonder 95% of fx traders lose their money when 99.9% of EAs are utterly hopeless!


of all the commercial EAs ive tried, only MD has proven to be worth the website its marketed on.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Sincere apology


I just came across this thread and wonder what should be done about posts starting with [REQ]? Maybe it should be changed to [RESEARCH], or [iNFO].


Now that we have Kudos it can only be implied that downloads are taking place, whereas "Thank you," etc, is explicit.


I would like to add one more point: this site performs a valuable service, showing up scams.

To prosecute, if it ever got that far, the scammer would have to expose their code in court and prove that it was theirs. The "culprits" from Indo-Investasi would just need to present their research, forcing the scammer into proving that the ea did what its advert (and re-touched tests) said it did.


The reputation of this site should be such that legitimate sellers would welcome Kudos from us!!!

When mind lingers in one place efficiency is lost
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Re: Sincere apology


it must have been the guys over at f@rex sh@cker, i dont know how many of you were following that thread but the dr had just promised he was about to share the ea. half a day later the entire thread is deleted and dr forex has this silly threat laid before him. some one has now requested f@rex sh@cker drawing attention to the forum. perhaps the mods could have some kind of screening process for new members there are obviously spies amongst us, there is no way, unless they read in our forum that dr forex was about to share could they have known.


As I experience it, you have to be a member of this forum to access the posts here, hence the concern about spies.

Unfortunately, there is another way that anyone, even ppl who have never heard of our site can get access: google.


google: "wanted forexshocker"


You will get the following result:



Indo-Investasi.Com • View topic - WANTED !!!!! FOREXSHOCKHER ...

WANTED !!!!! FOREXSHOCKHER. Moderator: Kardel Sharpeye ... To multiply your profits, Forex Shocker has been carefully designed to operate on SIX currency ...

http://www.indo-investasi.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2978 - Cached - Similar



Hit Cached and you are taken directly to this page:[url]www.indo-investasi.com/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D6%26t%3D2978+wanted+forexshocker&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk[/url]


On that page is a clear question:


Drforex007 where are you ??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Even though the topic is no longer on this site, the snapshot taken by google on 23MAY09, is still available.

I don't know how long google keep their snapshots, but I think there must be someway our mods can prevent google bots from accessing this site.

When mind lingers in one place efficiency is lost
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Re: Sincere apology


I think you're right but it can found indirectly too.


Someone had posted a link for some EA results on another forum. I was trying to find out more about the EA so I googled the result link and found this forum as the top reference for it.


If you look at what google has for this site, well threads anyhow, there's quite a few:


http://www.g00gle.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=viewtopic+site%[email protected]&btnG=Search&meta=


You can stop the google bots indexing a phpBB site but I'm no phpBB expert. The phpBB forum has a few discussions on this.

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Re: Sincere apology


The problem is solved with titles(and all the text) without all the words of the ea or systems. The use like * or _ or... will be enough

And also never share the file with the name of the ea: for example do not use Fap Turbo use F0213

I think this will permit keep us with this very nice forum that is essential to us.

Forex is one very big business and there are lots of guys called gurus that the only thing they do is sucking our money by creating scam. And the only way to solve this problem is sharing the programs.

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Re: Sincere apology



We have received information that you intend to decompile xxx and post it on a file sharing site.


It is not illegal to decompile or upload a file.


It is only illegal to share the file if the intention is have the other party breach copyright. For that, they need to prove your intention.


If you never signed an agreement (even and electronic one) and found the file, you can keep it, share it, decompile it but you cannot use it live.


There is certainly an argument for testing before you buy. It is common for EA's not to work as advertised.


If you do this, we will immediately file a lawsuit against you and your information will become public.


Sounds like you bought this or how do they know your information? What was their privacy policy when you gave them the info. If you are not using it live and you paid for it, you can give it away for another person to use it live and legally.


Lawsuits cost heaps, win or loose but it sounds like a bluff.

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Re: Sincere apology


asgard2, I believe these are logical conclusions derived from the music industry. When music tapes were common, it was normal for ppl to buy , share and copy them without prosecution or persecution. Otherwise, tape recorders and blank tapes would have been banned.

Even if that was the case, implementation of the law would have been impossible.


Torrents are today's example: test case prosecutions are reactionary panic attempts to scare the public. If the music/movie industry can't win, then the forex scammers don't have a chance!

When mind lingers in one place efficiency is lost
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  • 2 months later...

Re: Sincere apology


The question is who in their right mind would file and international lawsuit for a non working ea that costs less than 5000$, when people threaten me i tell them to go ahead i mean they would spend more money on lawyer and because courts are a lengthy procedure you can drag it out for a few years to make sure their legal fees draw them down real high. So its a bluff and scam like African diamond emails or their EA's.

[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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Guest jaet1989

Re: Sincere apology


I wouldn't worry about this, I would say is that I found it on a file sharing site, a commercial EA?????? Never ever heard of people selling EA's thought they were all shared free on forums.


Playing dumb is the name of the game :)


That is presuming that they could ever afford legal action =))

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Re: Sincere apology


They need to clean up their own industry before going after a non-profit consumer group like our website here. I can't count how many times I purchased an EA that was junk, not as advertised, or a complete theft of someone else's work (Magic Machine for example). Then we have to go through the refund process which wastes everyone's time.


There are many members of this forum who, after getting a chance to try an EA, go on to buy it so that they can get complete support. So, in a sense, this forum helps advertise EA's that are worth while, and brings more business to the author.


The third category of injustice, is where we pay the "full price" for an EA, and find that it does not work on a particular broker, and so we attempt to put the EA on another broker, and the EA "seller" will not let us change brokers unless we "close" our account with the first broker. Many of us can't do this if we are still using the first broker.


A case in point, a member of this forum purchased FAPTURBO at full price from the vendor, and used it on IBFX. There was mostly losing trades with IBFX (but other EA's worked OK with IBFX). The FAPTURBO people would not accept proof provided that the EA was removed from the IBFX account (because it was useless there), and refused to license it for the new broker. They "insisted" that the customer "completely close his IBFX account" and close all pending trades. Or, be forced to buy "another license" of the SAME EA, just to use it on the new brokerage account (even though a total of only 1 copy of the EA would be running since it was already removed from the first account!) X-(


As a result, this forum member had paid for a license of this EA, and could not use the EA. So, he stopped using it, and no longer was eligible for a refund, because he had tested it on IBFX for over 60 days. So, in a sense, this member was forced to use an unlicensed version of Fapturbo, on his new brokerage account, because the Fapturbo people told him to "pound sand" when he explained his situation to them. Thank you for this website.... =D>

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