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Trade*manager EA - Update with .mq4 version

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Re: Trade*manager EA - Update with .mq4 version




I attached the EA here, can someone add the max trades user input for this EA?


I would want the EA to stop placing orders once reached 30 open trades.



#property copyright "Copyright © 2009, Sterling Blackstone"

#property link "http://www.sterlingblackstone.com"


#include <WinUser32.mqh>


#import "MTFTP.dll"

string gConnect(string a0, string a1, string a2, string a3);



string gs_76 = "1.6";

extern bool TradeEnabled = true;

extern int TradeSpacing = 20;

extern int TradeTakeProfit = 20;

extern double TradeLotSize = 0.1;

extern int TradeStopLoss = 0;

extern int TradeMinRange = 0;

extern bool TradeCloseAll = FALSE;

extern string AverageHeader = "!=!=!Average Settings!=!=!";

extern bool AverageDynamic = FALSE;

extern double AveragePercentSpace = 0.0;

extern double AveragePercentTP = 0.0;

extern double AveragePercentSL = 0.0;

extern int AverageDays = 20;

extern int AverageMonths = 3;

extern bool InstantOrders = TRUE;

extern int MaxSpread = 8;

extern string DisplayHeader = "!=!=!Display Settings!=!=!";

extern bool DisplayOn = TRUE;

extern color DisplayTextColor = LightGray;

extern color DisplayDataColor = White;

extern int DisplayFontSize = 12;

extern bool DisplayArrows = TRUE;

extern int DisplayCornerMain = 1;

extern int DisplayCornerAvg = 0;

extern bool DisplayShowAnchor = TRUE;

extern color DisplayAnchorClr = LightBlue;

extern bool DisplayShowUpLine = TRUE;

extern color DisplayUpLineClr = Red;

extern bool DisplayShowDownLine = TRUE;

extern color DisplayDownLineClr = Green;

extern string NotificationHeader = "!=!=!Notification Settings!=!=!";

extern bool NotifyAlerts = TRUE;

extern bool NotifyLog = TRUE;

extern string OtherTradeHeader = "!=!=!Other Trade Settings!=!=!";

extern int TradeMagicNumber = 12345;

extern int TradeMaxAttempts = 5;

string gs_260 = "TM (OIL)";

int g_slippage_268 = 0;

bool gi_272;

bool gi_276;

int gi_unused_280;

int gi_284;

double gd_288;

double g_bid_296;

double gd_304;

double gd_312;

double gd_320;

double gd_328;

double gd_336;

double gd_344;

int g_count_352;

int g_count_356;

double gd_360;

string gs_368;

int gi_376;

bool gi_380;

bool gi_384;

bool gi_388 = TRUE;//FALSE;

int gi_392 = -1;


int init() {

gi_276 = TRUE;

if (TradeCloseAll) {

if (MessageBox("Close all trades?", "Close All Requested", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) {


if (MessageBox("All Trades Closed. Continue running?", "Enable Trading", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) TradeEnabled = TRUE;

else TradeEnabled = FALSE;




int l_stoplevel_0 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);

if (TradeStopLoss < l_stoplevel_0 && TradeStopLoss > 0) logError("TradeStopLoss value was less than Stop Level! Symbol = " + Symbol() + " Stop Loss = " + TradeStopLoss + " Stop Level = " + l_stoplevel_0);

if (TradeTakeProfit < l_stoplevel_0 && TradeTakeProfit > 0) logError("TradeTakeProfit value was less than Stop Level! Symbol = " + Symbol() + " Take Profit = " + TradeTakeProfit + " Stop Level = " + l_stoplevel_0);

if (TradeStopLoss < TradeSpacing && TradeStopLoss > 0) logError("TradeStopLoss value was less than TradeSpacing! Symbol = " + Symbol() + " Stop Loss = " + TradeStopLoss + " Trade Spacing = " + TradeSpacing);

if (TradeTakeProfit < TradeSpacing && TradeTakeProfit > 0) logError("TradeTakeProfit value was less than TradeSpacing! Symbol = " + Symbol() + " Take Profit = " + TradeTakeProfit + " Trade Spacing = " + TradeSpacing);

TradeLotSize = NormalizeDouble(TradeLotSize, 2);

gi_272 = TRUE;

gi_376 = 0;

gi_unused_280 = 0;

g_count_352 = 0;

g_count_356 = 0;



return (0);



void checkUserAuth(int ai_0) {

/* if (IsDemo()) {

gs_368 = "DEMO";

gi_380 = TRUE;



string l_acc_number_4 = AccountNumber();

string l_str_concat_12 = StringConcatenate("p", l_acc_number_4);

if (QuickCheck("ftp.powertradeliveauth.com", l_str_concat_12, AccountNumber(), ai_0)) {*/

gs_368 = "LIVE";

gi_380 = TRUE;

/* return;


gs_368 = "INVALID";

gi_380 = FALSE;*/



int deinit() {


return (0);



int start() {

int li_0;

int l_ticket_4;

double l_price_8;

double l_price_16;

bool l_bool_24;


if (gi_380) {

if ((Ask - Bid) / Point >= MaxSpread) logError("Trade Manager skipping this tick. Spread is too high! Bid=" + Bid + " Ask=" + Ask);

else {

if (GlobalVariableCheck("$EnableTrading")) gi_384 = GlobalVariableGet("$EnableTrading");

else gi_384 = TRUE;

if (GlobalVariableCheck("$TradeManagerReset")) {

li_0 = GlobalVariableGet("$TradeManagerReset");

if (li_0 == 1) {

Print("Recieved a \"TradeManagerReset\" command from Profit Manager!");

gi_272 = TRUE;

GlobalVariableSet("$TradeManagerReset", 0);




if (gi_272) {


gi_unused_280 = 0;

gi_272 = FALSE;


if (Ask <= gd_304) {

gi_376 = 3;

if (TradeEnabled && gi_384 && checkMinRange()) {

if (InstantOrders) {

l_price_8 = Ask - TradeStopLoss * Point;

l_price_16 = Ask + TradeTakeProfit * Point;

if (TradeStopLoss != 0 && TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, l_price_8, l_price_16, gs_260);

else {

if (TradeStopLoss != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, l_price_8, 0, gs_260);

else {

if (TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, 0, l_price_16, gs_260);

else l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, 0, 0, gs_260);



if (l_ticket_4 < 1) logError("Error placing trade: BUY " + TradeLotSize + " Lots at " + Ask + " SL/TP = " + l_price_8 + "/" + l_price_16);

else placeLongIndicator(Ask);

} else {

l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, 0, 0, gs_260);

if (l_ticket_4 < 1) logError("Error placing market trade: BUY " + TradeLotSize + " Lots at " + Ask + " SL/TP = " + l_price_8 + "/" + l_price_16);

else {

if (!OrderSelect(l_ticket_4, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) logError("OrderSelect failed for ticket #" + l_ticket_4 + " after opening market order. No SL or TP set!");

l_price_8 = OrderOpenPrice() - TradeStopLoss * Point;

l_price_16 = OrderOpenPrice() + TradeTakeProfit * Point;

NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

NormalizeDouble(l_price_16, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

if (TradeStopLoss != 0 && TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_8, l_price_16, 0);

else {

if (TradeStopLoss != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_8, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);


if (TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), l_price_16, 0);


if (l_bool_24 == FALSE) logError("OrderModify failed for ticket #" + l_ticket_4 + " after opening market order. No SL or TP set!");





gd_312 = gd_304;

gd_304 = gd_312 - gd_288 * Point;


gd_344 = gd_304 + (gd_288 + TradeSpacing) * Point;


if (Bid >= gd_328) {

gi_376 = 2;

if (TradeEnabled && gi_384 && checkMinRange()) {

if (InstantOrders) {

l_price_8 = Bid + TradeStopLoss * Point;

l_price_16 = Bid - TradeTakeProfit * Point;

NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

NormalizeDouble(l_price_16, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

if (TradeStopLoss != 0 && TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, l_price_8, l_price_16, gs_260);

else {

if (TradeStopLoss != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, l_price_8, 0, gs_260);

else {

if (TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, 0, l_price_16, gs_260);

else l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, 0, 0, gs_260);



if (l_ticket_4 < 1) logError("Error placing instant trade: SELL " + TradeLotSize + " Lots at " + Bid + " SL/TP = " + l_price_8 + "/" + l_price_16);

else placeShortIndicator(Bid);

} else {

l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, 0, 0, gs_260);

if (l_ticket_4 < 1) logError("Error placing market trade: SELL " + TradeLotSize + " Lots at " + Bid + " SL/TP = " + l_price_8 + "/" + l_price_16);

else {

if (!OrderSelect(l_ticket_4, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) logError("OrderSelect failed for ticket #" + l_ticket_4 + " after opening market order. No SL or TP set!");

l_price_8 = OrderOpenPrice() + TradeStopLoss * Point;

l_price_16 = OrderOpenPrice() - TradeTakeProfit * Point;

NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

NormalizeDouble(l_price_16, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

if (TradeStopLoss != 0 && TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_8, l_price_16, 0);

else {

if (TradeStopLoss != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_8, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);


if (TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), l_price_16, 0);


if (l_bool_24 == FALSE) logError("OrderModify failed for ticket #" + l_ticket_4 + " after opening market order. No SL or TP set!");





gd_336 = gd_328;

gd_328 = gd_336 + gd_288 * Point;


gd_320 = gd_328 - (gd_288 + TradeSpacing) * Point;


if (Ask <= gd_320 && gi_376 == 2) {

gd_320 -= gd_288 * Point;

gd_328 -= gd_288 * Point;



if (Bid >= gd_344 && gi_376 == 3) {

gd_344 += gd_288 * Point;

gd_304 += gd_288 * Point;




gi_272 = FALSE;



return (0);



int checkMinRange() {

if (TradeMinRange == 0) return (1);

for (int l_pos_0 = OrdersTotal() - 1; l_pos_0 >= 0; l_pos_0--) {

if (OrderSelect(l_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {

if (OrderMagicNumber() == TradeMagicNumber) {

if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && MathAbs((OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) / Point) <= TradeMinRange) {

Print("BUY order #" + OrderTicket() + " was too close to new order! OrderOpenPrice=" + OrderOpenPrice() + " Ask =" + Ask);

return (0);


if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && MathAbs((OrderOpenPrice() - Bid) / Point) <= TradeMinRange) {

Print("SELL order #" + OrderTicket() + " was too close to new order! OrderOpenPrice=" + OrderOpenPrice() + " Bid =" + Bid);

return (0);





return (1);



void resetAnchorPoint(double a_price_0) {

Print("Resetting the anchor point to: " + Bid);

gi_284 = Ask - Bid;

gd_288 = TradeSpacing + gi_284 / Point;

g_bid_296 = Bid;

if (DisplayShowAnchor) {


ObjectCreate("AnchorLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("AnchorLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, DisplayAnchorClr);

ObjectSet("AnchorLine", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);


gd_344 = 999;

gd_328 = Ask + TradeSpacing * Point;


gd_320 = 0;

gd_304 = Bid - TradeSpacing * Point;


gi_unused_280 = 0;

gi_376 = 1;



void resetUpLine(double a_price_0) {

if (DisplayShowUpLine) {


ObjectCreate("LongLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("LongLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, DisplayUpLineClr);

ObjectSet("LongLine", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);




void resetDownLine(double a_price_0) {

if (DisplayShowDownLine) {


ObjectCreate("ShortLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("ShortLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, DisplayDownLineClr);

ObjectSet("ShortLine", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);




void placeLongIndicator(double a_price_0) {


ObjectCreate("LongArrow" + g_count_352, OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("LongArrow" + g_count_352, OBJPROP_COLOR, Green);

ObjectSet("LongArrow" + g_count_352, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, 3);

ObjectSet("LongArrow" + g_count_352, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 3);



void placeShortIndicator(double a_price_0) {


ObjectCreate("ShortArrow" + g_count_356, OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("ShortArrow" + g_count_356, OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);

ObjectSet("ShortArrow" + g_count_356, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, 3);

ObjectSet("ShortArrow" + g_count_356, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 3);



void resetADR() {

gd_360 = GetDailyRange(AverageDays, 0);

if (AverageDynamic) {

TradeSpacing = gd_360 * AveragePercentSpace / 100.0;

TradeTakeProfit = gd_360 * AveragePercentTP / 100.0;

TradeStopLoss = gd_360 * AveragePercentSL / 100.0;




int openOrder(string as_0, int a_cmd_8, double ad_12, double a_price_20, double a_price_28, double a_price_36, string a_comment_44) {

int l_cmd_64;

int l_count_52 = 0;


if (a_cmd_8 == OP_BUY || a_cmd_8 == OP_BUYSTOP || a_cmd_8 == OP_BUYLIMIT) l_cmd_64 = 0;


if (a_cmd_8 == OP_SELL || a_cmd_8 == OP_SELLSTOP || a_cmd_8 == OP_SELLLIMIT) l_cmd_64 = 1;

AccountFreeMarginCheck(as_0, l_cmd_64, ad_12);

int l_error_60 = GetLastError();

if (l_error_60 > 0/* NO_ERROR */) {

logError("Error during margin check while opening a new position: " + l_error_60);

return (0);


int l_ticket_56 = OrderSend(as_0, a_cmd_8, ad_12, a_price_20, g_slippage_268, a_price_28, a_price_36, a_comment_44, TradeMagicNumber);

if (l_ticket_56 > 0) {

logInfo("Order #" + l_ticket_56 + " was opened successfully.");

return (l_ticket_56);


while (l_count_52 < TradeMaxAttempts) {


l_error_60 = processErrors();

if (l_error_60 == 1/* NO_RESULT */) {



if (a_cmd_8 == OP_BUY) a_price_20 = Ask;


if (a_cmd_8 == OP_SELL) a_price_20 = Bid;

l_ticket_56 = OrderSend(as_0, a_cmd_8, ad_12, a_price_20, g_slippage_268, a_price_28, a_price_36, a_comment_44, TradeMagicNumber);

if (l_ticket_56 > 0) {

logInfo("Order #" + l_ticket_56 + " was opened successfully.");

return (l_ticket_56);



if (l_error_60 > 1/* NO_RESULT */) {

logError(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " - ERROR: Failed to place order due to critical error.");

return (0);



logError(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " - ERROR: Failed to place order after " + TradeMaxAttempts + " tries.");

return (0);



int closeOrder(int a_ticket_0, double a_lots_4) {

double l_price_12;

int li_20;

int l_count_24 = 0;

logInfo("Enter closeOrder with Ticket = " + a_ticket_0 + " Lots = " + a_lots_4);

a_lots_4 = NormalizeDouble(a_lots_4, 2);

while (l_count_24 < TradeMaxAttempts) {

if (OrderSelect(a_ticket_0, SELECT_BY_TICKET)) {

if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) l_price_12 = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID), MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) l_price_12 = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK), MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

logInfo("Calling OrderClose(" + OrderTicket() + "," + a_lots_4 + "," + l_price_12 + "," + g_slippage_268 + ")");

if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), a_lots_4, l_price_12, TradeMaxAttempts)) {

logInfo("Order # " + OrderTicket() + " closed successfully...");

return (1);



li_20 = processErrors();

if (li_20 > 1) {

logError(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " - Failed to place order with serious error.. Manual closing of the order # " + OrderTicket() + " needed!");

return (0);



} else logInfo("OrderSelect by ticket failed during closeOrder!");


logError(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " - ERROR: Failed to place order after " + TradeMaxAttempts + " tries.. Manual closing of the order # " +

OrderTicket() + " needed!");

return (0);



void closeAllTrades() {

for (int l_pos_0 = OrdersTotal() - 1; l_pos_0 >= 0; l_pos_0--) {

if (OrderSelect(l_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))

if (OrderMagicNumber() == TradeMagicNumber) closeOrder(OrderTicket(), OrderLots());




int processErrors() {

bool l_bool_8;

int l_count_12;

int l_error_0 = GetLastError();

logInfo("Last error: " + l_error_0);

switch (l_error_0) {

case 0/* NO_ERROR */:

return (0);

case 2/* COMMON_ERROR */:

logError("System failure. Reboot the computer/check the server!");

return (3);


logError("Error of the logic of the EA!");

return (3);

case 4/* SERVER_BUSY */:

logInfo("Trading server is busy! Wait for 2 minutes.");


return (2);

case 6/* NO_CONNECTION */:

l_bool_8 = FALSE;

l_count_12 = 0;


while (!l_bool_8 || l_count_12 > 60) {


logInfo("Connection not restored " + (10 * l_count_12) + " seconds passed!");

l_bool_8 = IsConnected();

if (l_bool_8) {

logInfo("Connection restored");

return (2);




logError("Connection problems!");

return (3);


logError("Frequent requests!");

return (3);

case 64/* ACCOUNT_DISABLED */:

logError("Account is blocked!");

return (3);

case 65/* INVALID_ACCOUNT */:

logError("Wrong account number!");

return (3);

case 128/* TRADE_TIMEOUT */:

logWarning("Waiting of transaction timed out!");

return (2);

case 129/* INVALID_PRICE */:

logWarning("Wrong price!");

return (1);

case 130/* INVALID_STOPS */:

logWarning("Wrong stop!");

return (1);


logError("Wrong calculation of trade volume!");

return (3);

case 132/* MARKET_CLOSED */:

logError("Market closed!");

case 134/* NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY */:

logError("Lack of margin for performing operation!");

case 135/* PRICE_CHANGED */:

logWarning("Prices changed!");

return (1);

case 136/* OFF_QUOTES */:

logWarning("No price!");

return (2);

case 138/* REQUOTE */:

logWarning("Requote again!");

return (1);

case 139/* ORDER_LOCKED */:

logWarning("The order is in process. Program glitch!");

return (2);

case 141/* TOO_MANY_REQUESTS */:

logError("Too many requests!");

case 148:

logError("Transaction volume too large!");


return (0);



void logError(string as_0) {

if (NotifyAlerts) Alert(as_0);

if (NotifyLog) logMessage(as_0);




void logWarning(string as_0) {

if (NotifyLog) logMessage(as_0);




void logInfo(string as_0) {

if (NotifyLog) logMessage(as_0);




void logMessage(string as_unused_0) {



string getTradeEnabledString() {

if (TradeEnabled) return ("TRUE");

else return ("FALSE");



string getTrendDirectionString() {

if (gi_376 == 0) return ("INIT");

else {

if (gi_376 == 1) return ("FINDING");

else {

if (gi_376 == 2) return ("UP");


if (gi_376 == 3) return ("DOWN");



return ("");



string getTrendDirectionFont() {

if (gi_376 == 0) return ("Times New Roman");

else {

if (gi_376 == 1) return ("Times New Roman");

else {

if (gi_376 == 2) return ("Times New Roman");


if (gi_376 == 3) return ("Times New Roman");



return ("");



int getTrendDirectionColor() {

if (gi_376 == 0) return (DisplayDataColor);

else {

if (gi_376 == 1) return (DisplayDataColor);

else {

if (gi_376 == 2) return (32768);


if (gi_376 == 3) return (255);



return (0);



void updateDisplay() {

int li_0 = 1;

AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, gs_260 + " v" + gs_76, "", Gold, Gold, DisplayFontSize + 4, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");



AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Account Type:", gs_368, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Trade Enabled:", getTradeEnabledString(), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Trade Spacing:", TradeSpacing, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Take Profit:", TradeTakeProfit, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Stop Loss:", TradeStopLoss, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Lot Size:", DoubleToStr(TradeLotSize, 2), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");



AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Anchor:", DoubleToStr(g_bid_296, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)), DisplayAnchorClr, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Short Entry:", DoubleToStr(gd_328, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)), DisplayUpLineClr, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Long Entry:", DoubleToStr(gd_304, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)), DisplayDownLineClr, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Trend:", getTrendDirectionString(), DisplayTextColor, getTrendDirectionColor(), DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", getTrendDirectionFont());

li_0 = 1;

AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "ADR Days:", AverageDays, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "ADR:", DoubleToStr(gd_360, 0), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "AMR Months:", AverageMonths, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


if (AverageMonths > 0) AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "AMR:", DoubleToStr(GetMonthlyRange(AverageMonths, 0), 0), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");

else AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "AMR:", DoubleToStr(GetMonthlyRange(AverageMonths, 0), 0), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");

gi_276 = FALSE;




int AdvancedComment(bool ai_0, int a_corner_4, int ai_8, string a_text_12, string a_text_20, color a_color_28, color a_color_32, int ai_36, string a_fontname_40, string a_fontname_48) {

int l_fontsize_64;

int l_x_76;

int l_x_80;

int li_56 = 10;

int l_fontsize_60 = 10;

int li_68 = 15;

if (ai_36 > li_56) l_fontsize_64 = ai_36;

else l_fontsize_64 = li_56;

l_fontsize_60 = l_fontsize_64;

if (a_corner_4 == 0 || a_corner_4 == 2) {

l_x_76 = 5;

l_x_80 = 100;

} else {

l_x_76 = 70;

l_x_80 = 5;


int l_y_72 = ai_8 * li_68;

if (ai_0) {

ObjectDelete("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4);

ObjectCreate("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, a_text_12, l_fontsize_60, a_fontname_40, a_color_28);

ObjectSet("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_CORNER, a_corner_4);

ObjectSet("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_x_76);

ObjectSet("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_y_72);

ObjectDelete("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4);

ObjectCreate("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSet("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_CORNER, a_corner_4);

ObjectSet("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_x_80);

ObjectSet("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_y_72);


ObjectSetText("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, a_text_20, l_fontsize_64, a_fontname_48, a_color_32);

return (0);



int GetDailyRange(int ai_0, int ai_unused_4) {

double l_ihigh_28;

double l_ilow_36;

bool li_8 = FALSE;

int l_index_12 = 0;

int l_count_16 = 0;

double ld_ret_44 = 0;

int l_day_20 = TimeDay(Time[0]);

int l_day_24 = l_day_20;

while (!li_8) {

if (TimeDay(Time[l_index_12]) != l_day_24 && TimeDayOfWeek(Time[l_index_12]) != 0) {

l_ihigh_28 = iHigh(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, iBarShift(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, Time[l_index_12]));

l_ilow_36 = iLow(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, iBarShift(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, Time[l_index_12]));

ld_ret_44 += (l_ihigh_28 - l_ilow_36) / Point;


if (l_count_16 == ai_0) li_8 = TRUE;


l_day_24 = TimeDay(Time[l_index_12]);

if (l_index_12 < Bars - 1) l_index_12++;

else li_8 = TRUE;


ld_ret_44 /= ai_0;

return (ld_ret_44);



int GetMonthlyRange(int ai_0, int ai_unused_4) {

double l_ihigh_28;

double l_ilow_36;

bool li_8 = FALSE;

int l_index_12 = 0;

int l_count_16 = 0;

double ld_ret_44 = 0;

if (ai_0 == 0) return (0);

int l_month_20 = TimeMonth(Time[0]);

int l_month_24 = l_month_20;

while (!li_8) {

if (TimeMonth(Time[l_index_12]) != l_month_24) {

l_ihigh_28 = iHigh(Symbol(), PERIOD_MN1, iBarShift(Symbol(), PERIOD_MN1, Time[l_index_12]));

l_ilow_36 = iLow(Symbol(), PERIOD_MN1, iBarShift(Symbol(), PERIOD_MN1, Time[l_index_12]));

ld_ret_44 += (l_ihigh_28 - l_ilow_36) / Point;


if (l_count_16 == ai_0) li_8 = TRUE;


l_month_24 = TimeMonth(Time[l_index_12]);

if (l_index_12 < Bars - 1) l_index_12++;

else li_8 = TRUE;


ld_ret_44 /= ai_0;

return (ld_ret_44);



bool QuickCheck(string as_0, string as_8, string as_16, bool ai_24) {

string ls_28;

int l_str2int_36 = StrToInteger(as_8);

int li_40 = l_str2int_36 & 768 / 255 + 1;

int li_44 = l_str2int_36 & 240 / 16 + 1;

int li_48 = l_str2int_36 & 15;

string l_var_name_52 = as_8;

if (GlobalVariableCheck(l_var_name_52)) gi_392 = GlobalVariableGet(l_var_name_52);

else GlobalVariableSet(l_var_name_52, -1);

if (ai_24) {

ls_28 = gConnect(as_0, as_8, as_16, "ROOT");

if (ls_28 == "Connected") gi_388 = TRUE;

else gi_388 = FALSE;

GlobalVariableSet(l_var_name_52, DayOfWeek());

} else {

if (li_40 == DayOfWeek() && li_44 == Hour() && li_48 == Minute()) {

if (gi_392 != DayOfWeek()) {

ls_28 = gConnect(as_0, as_8, as_16, "ROOT");

if (ls_28 == "Connected") gi_388 = TRUE;

else gi_388 = FALSE;


GlobalVariableSet(l_var_name_52, DayOfWeek());



return (gi_388);





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Re: Trade*manager EA - Update with .mq4 version


I add some codes and here they are,

with MaxOpenTrades = 30;


Enjoy :)>-


#property copyright "Copyright © 2009, Sterling Blackstone"

#property link "http://www.sterlingblackstone.com"


#include <WinUser32.mqh>


#import "MTFTP.dll"

string gConnect(string a0, string a1, string a2, string a3);



string gs_76 = "1.6";

extern bool TradeEnabled = true;

extern int TradeSpacing = 20;

extern int TradeTakeProfit = 20;

extern double TradeLotSize = 0.1;

extern int TradeStopLoss = 0;

extern int TradeMinRange = 0;

extern bool TradeCloseAll = FALSE;

extern string AverageHeader = "!=!=!Average Settings!=!=!";

extern bool AverageDynamic = FALSE;

extern double AveragePercentSpace = 0.0;

extern double AveragePercentTP = 0.0;

extern double AveragePercentSL = 0.0;

extern int AverageDays = 20;

extern int AverageMonths = 3;

extern bool InstantOrders = TRUE;

extern int MaxSpread = 8; //300;

extern string DisplayHeader = "!=!=!Display Settings!=!=!";

extern bool DisplayOn = TRUE;

extern color DisplayTextColor = LightGray;

extern color DisplayDataColor = White;

extern int DisplayFontSize = 12;

extern bool DisplayArrows = TRUE;

extern int DisplayCornerMain = 1;

extern int DisplayCornerAvg = 0;

extern bool DisplayShowAnchor = TRUE;

extern color DisplayAnchorClr = LightBlue;

extern bool DisplayShowUpLine = TRUE;

extern color DisplayUpLineClr = Red;

extern bool DisplayShowDownLine = TRUE;

extern color DisplayDownLineClr = Green;

extern string NotificationHeader = "!=!=!Notification Settings!=!=!";

extern bool NotifyAlerts = TRUE;

extern bool NotifyLog = TRUE;

extern string OtherTradeHeader = "!=!=!Other Trade Settings!=!=!";

extern int TradeMagicNumber = 12345;

extern int TradeMaxAttempts = 5;

extern int MaxOpenTrades = 30;

int NoOfTrades = 0;

string gs_260 = "Trade Manager";

int g_slippage_268 = 0;

bool gi_272;

bool gi_276;

int gi_unused_280;

int gi_284;

double gd_288;

double g_bid_296;

double gd_304;

double gd_312;

double gd_320;

double gd_328;

double gd_336;

double gd_344;

int g_count_352;

int g_count_356;

double gd_360;

string gs_368;

int gi_376;

bool gi_380;

bool gi_384;

bool gi_388 = TRUE;//FALSE;

int gi_392 = -1;


int init() {

gi_276 = TRUE;

if (TradeCloseAll) {

if (MessageBox("Close all trades?", "Close All Requested", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) {


if (MessageBox("All Trades Closed. Continue running?", "Enable Trading", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) TradeEnabled = TRUE;

else TradeEnabled = FALSE;




int l_stoplevel_0 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);

if (TradeStopLoss < l_stoplevel_0 && TradeStopLoss > 0) logError("TradeStopLoss value was less than Stop Level! Symbol = " + Symbol() + " Stop Loss = " + TradeStopLoss + " Stop Level = " + l_stoplevel_0);

if (TradeTakeProfit < l_stoplevel_0 && TradeTakeProfit > 0) logError("TradeTakeProfit value was less than Stop Level! Symbol = " + Symbol() + " Take Profit = " + TradeTakeProfit + " Stop Level = " + l_stoplevel_0);

if (TradeStopLoss < TradeSpacing && TradeStopLoss > 0) logError("TradeStopLoss value was less than TradeSpacing! Symbol = " + Symbol() + " Stop Loss = " + TradeStopLoss + " Trade Spacing = " + TradeSpacing);

if (TradeTakeProfit < TradeSpacing && TradeTakeProfit > 0) logError("TradeTakeProfit value was less than TradeSpacing! Symbol = " + Symbol() + " Take Profit = " + TradeTakeProfit + " Trade Spacing = " + TradeSpacing);

TradeLotSize = NormalizeDouble(TradeLotSize, 2);

gi_272 = TRUE;

gi_376 = 0;

gi_unused_280 = 0;

g_count_352 = 0;

g_count_356 = 0;



return (0);



void checkUserAuth(int ai_0) {

/* if (IsDemo()) {

gs_368 = "DEMO";

gi_380 = TRUE;



string l_acc_number_4 = AccountNumber();

string l_str_concat_12 = StringConcatenate("p", l_acc_number_4);

if (QuickCheck("ftp.powertradeliveauth.com", l_str_concat_12, AccountNumber(), ai_0)) {*/

gs_368 = "LIVE";

gi_380 = TRUE;

/* return;


gs_368 = "INVALID";

gi_380 = FALSE;*/



int deinit() {


return (0);



int start() {

int li_0;

int l_ticket_4;

double l_price_8;

double l_price_16;

bool l_bool_24;


if (gi_380) {

if ((Ask - Bid) / Point >= MaxSpread) logError("Trade Manager skipping this tick. Spread is too high! Bid=" + Bid + " Ask=" + Ask);

else {

if (GlobalVariableCheck("$EnableTrading")) gi_384 = GlobalVariableGet("$EnableTrading");

else gi_384 = TRUE;

if (GlobalVariableCheck("$TradeManagerReset")) {

li_0 = GlobalVariableGet("$TradeManagerReset");

if (li_0 == 1) {

Print("Recieved a \"TradeManagerReset\" command from Profit Manager!");

gi_272 = TRUE;

GlobalVariableSet("$TradeManagerReset", 0);




if (gi_272) {


gi_unused_280 = 0;

gi_272 = FALSE;


if (Ask <= gd_304) {

gi_376 = 3;

if (TradeEnabled && gi_384 && checkMinRange()) {

if (InstantOrders) {

l_price_8 = Ask - TradeStopLoss * Point;

l_price_16 = Ask + TradeTakeProfit * Point;

if (TradeStopLoss != 0 && TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, l_price_8, l_price_16, gs_260);

else {

if (TradeStopLoss != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, l_price_8, 0, gs_260);

else {

if (TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, 0, l_price_16, gs_260);

else l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, 0, 0, gs_260);



if (l_ticket_4 < 1) logError("Error placing trade: BUY " + TradeLotSize + " Lots at " + Ask + " SL/TP = " + l_price_8 + "/" + l_price_16);

else placeLongIndicator(Ask);

} else {

l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, TradeLotSize, Ask, 0, 0, gs_260);

if (l_ticket_4 < 1) logError("Error placing market trade: BUY " + TradeLotSize + " Lots at " + Ask + " SL/TP = " + l_price_8 + "/" + l_price_16);

else {

if (!OrderSelect(l_ticket_4, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) logError("OrderSelect failed for ticket #" + l_ticket_4 + " after opening market order. No SL or TP set!");

l_price_8 = OrderOpenPrice() - TradeStopLoss * Point;

l_price_16 = OrderOpenPrice() + TradeTakeProfit * Point;

NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

NormalizeDouble(l_price_16, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

if (TradeStopLoss != 0 && TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_8, l_price_16, 0);

else {

if (TradeStopLoss != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_8, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);


if (TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), l_price_16, 0);


if (l_bool_24 == FALSE) logError("OrderModify failed for ticket #" + l_ticket_4 + " after opening market order. No SL or TP set!");





gd_312 = gd_304;

gd_304 = gd_312 - gd_288 * Point;


gd_344 = gd_304 + (gd_288 + TradeSpacing) * Point;


if (Bid >= gd_328) {

gi_376 = 2;

if (TradeEnabled && gi_384 && checkMinRange()) {

if (InstantOrders) {

l_price_8 = Bid + TradeStopLoss * Point;

l_price_16 = Bid - TradeTakeProfit * Point;

NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

NormalizeDouble(l_price_16, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

if (TradeStopLoss != 0 && TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, l_price_8, l_price_16, gs_260);

else {

if (TradeStopLoss != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, l_price_8, 0, gs_260);

else {

if (TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, 0, l_price_16, gs_260);

else l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, 0, 0, gs_260);



if (l_ticket_4 < 1) logError("Error placing instant trade: SELL " + TradeLotSize + " Lots at " + Bid + " SL/TP = " + l_price_8 + "/" + l_price_16);

else placeShortIndicator(Bid);

} else {

l_ticket_4 = openOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, TradeLotSize, Bid, 0, 0, gs_260);

if (l_ticket_4 < 1) logError("Error placing market trade: SELL " + TradeLotSize + " Lots at " + Bid + " SL/TP = " + l_price_8 + "/" + l_price_16);

else {

if (!OrderSelect(l_ticket_4, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) logError("OrderSelect failed for ticket #" + l_ticket_4 + " after opening market order. No SL or TP set!");

l_price_8 = OrderOpenPrice() + TradeStopLoss * Point;

l_price_16 = OrderOpenPrice() - TradeTakeProfit * Point;

NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

NormalizeDouble(l_price_16, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

if (TradeStopLoss != 0 && TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_8, l_price_16, 0);

else {

if (TradeStopLoss != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_8, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);


if (TradeTakeProfit != 0) l_bool_24 = OrderModify(l_ticket_4, OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), l_price_16, 0);


if (l_bool_24 == FALSE) logError("OrderModify failed for ticket #" + l_ticket_4 + " after opening market order. No SL or TP set!");





gd_336 = gd_328;

gd_328 = gd_336 + gd_288 * Point;


gd_320 = gd_328 - (gd_288 + TradeSpacing) * Point;


if (Ask <= gd_320 && gi_376 == 2) {

gd_320 -= gd_288 * Point;

gd_328 -= gd_288 * Point;



if (Bid >= gd_344 && gi_376 == 3) {

gd_344 += gd_288 * Point;

gd_304 += gd_288 * Point;




gi_272 = FALSE;



return (0);



int checkMinRange() {

if (TradeMinRange == 0) return (1);

for (int l_pos_0 = OrdersTotal() - 1; l_pos_0 >= 0; l_pos_0--) {

if (OrderSelect(l_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {

if (OrderMagicNumber() == TradeMagicNumber) {

if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && MathAbs((OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) / Point) <= TradeMinRange) {

Print("BUY order #" + OrderTicket() + " was too close to new order! OrderOpenPrice=" + OrderOpenPrice() + " Ask =" + Ask);

return (0);


if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && MathAbs((OrderOpenPrice() - Bid) / Point) <= TradeMinRange) {

Print("SELL order #" + OrderTicket() + " was too close to new order! OrderOpenPrice=" + OrderOpenPrice() + " Bid =" + Bid);

return (0);





return (1);



void resetAnchorPoint(double a_price_0) {

Print("Resetting the anchor point to: " + Bid);

gi_284 = Ask - Bid;

gd_288 = TradeSpacing + gi_284 / Point;

g_bid_296 = Bid;

if (DisplayShowAnchor) {


ObjectCreate("AnchorLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("AnchorLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, DisplayAnchorClr);

ObjectSet("AnchorLine", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);


gd_344 = 999;

gd_328 = Ask + TradeSpacing * Point;


gd_320 = 0;

gd_304 = Bid - TradeSpacing * Point;


gi_unused_280 = 0;

gi_376 = 1;



void resetUpLine(double a_price_0) {

if (DisplayShowUpLine) {


ObjectCreate("LongLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("LongLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, DisplayUpLineClr);

ObjectSet("LongLine", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);




void resetDownLine(double a_price_0) {

if (DisplayShowDownLine) {


ObjectCreate("ShortLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("ShortLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, DisplayDownLineClr);

ObjectSet("ShortLine", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);




void placeLongIndicator(double a_price_0) {


ObjectCreate("LongArrow" + g_count_352, OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("LongArrow" + g_count_352, OBJPROP_COLOR, Green);

ObjectSet("LongArrow" + g_count_352, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, 3);

ObjectSet("LongArrow" + g_count_352, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 3);



void placeShortIndicator(double a_price_0) {


ObjectCreate("ShortArrow" + g_count_356, OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], a_price_0);

ObjectSet("ShortArrow" + g_count_356, OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);

ObjectSet("ShortArrow" + g_count_356, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, 3);

ObjectSet("ShortArrow" + g_count_356, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 3);



void resetADR() {

gd_360 = GetDailyRange(AverageDays, 0);

if (AverageDynamic) {

TradeSpacing = gd_360 * AveragePercentSpace / 100.0;

TradeTakeProfit = gd_360 * AveragePercentTP / 100.0;

TradeStopLoss = gd_360 * AveragePercentSL / 100.0;




int openOrder(string as_0, int a_cmd_8, double ad_12, double a_price_20, double a_price_28, double a_price_36, string a_comment_44) {

int l_cmd_64;

int l_count_52 = 0;



if (NoOfTrades >= MaxOpenTrades) return (0);

if (a_cmd_8 == OP_BUY || a_cmd_8 == OP_BUYSTOP || a_cmd_8 == OP_BUYLIMIT) l_cmd_64 = 0;


if (a_cmd_8 == OP_SELL || a_cmd_8 == OP_SELLSTOP || a_cmd_8 == OP_SELLLIMIT) l_cmd_64 = 1;

AccountFreeMarginCheck(as_0, l_cmd_64, ad_12);

int l_error_60 = GetLastError();

if (l_error_60 > 0/* NO_ERROR */) {

logError("Error during margin check while opening a new position: " + l_error_60);

return (0);


int l_ticket_56 = OrderSend(as_0, a_cmd_8, ad_12, a_price_20, g_slippage_268, a_price_28, a_price_36, a_comment_44, TradeMagicNumber);

if (l_ticket_56 > 0) {

logInfo("Order #" + l_ticket_56 + " was opened successfully.");

return (l_ticket_56);


while (l_count_52 < TradeMaxAttempts) {


l_error_60 = processErrors();

if (l_error_60 == 1/* NO_RESULT */) {



if (a_cmd_8 == OP_BUY) a_price_20 = Ask;


if (a_cmd_8 == OP_SELL) a_price_20 = Bid;

l_ticket_56 = OrderSend(as_0, a_cmd_8, ad_12, a_price_20, g_slippage_268, a_price_28, a_price_36, a_comment_44, TradeMagicNumber);

if (l_ticket_56 > 0) {

logInfo("Order #" + l_ticket_56 + " was opened successfully.");

return (l_ticket_56);



if (l_error_60 > 1/* NO_RESULT */) {

logError(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " - ERROR: Failed to place order due to critical error.");

return (0);



logError(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " - ERROR: Failed to place order after " + TradeMaxAttempts + " tries.");

return (0);



int closeOrder(int a_ticket_0, double a_lots_4) {

double l_price_12;

int li_20;

int l_count_24 = 0;

logInfo("Enter closeOrder with Ticket = " + a_ticket_0 + " Lots = " + a_lots_4);

a_lots_4 = NormalizeDouble(a_lots_4, 2);

while (l_count_24 < TradeMaxAttempts) {

if (OrderSelect(a_ticket_0, SELECT_BY_TICKET)) {

if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) l_price_12 = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID), MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) l_price_12 = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK), MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

logInfo("Calling OrderClose(" + OrderTicket() + "," + a_lots_4 + "," + l_price_12 + "," + g_slippage_268 + ")");

if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), a_lots_4, l_price_12, TradeMaxAttempts)) {

logInfo("Order # " + OrderTicket() + " closed successfully...");

return (1);



li_20 = processErrors();

if (li_20 > 1) {

logError(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " - Failed to place order with serious error.. Manual closing of the order # " + OrderTicket() + " needed!");

return (0);



} else logInfo("OrderSelect by ticket failed during closeOrder!");


logError(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " - ERROR: Failed to place order after " + TradeMaxAttempts + " tries.. Manual closing of the order # " +

OrderTicket() + " needed!");

return (0);



void closeAllTrades() {

for (int l_pos_0 = OrdersTotal() - 1; l_pos_0 >= 0; l_pos_0--) {

if (OrderSelect(l_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))

if (OrderMagicNumber() == TradeMagicNumber) closeOrder(OrderTicket(), OrderLots());




int processErrors() {

bool l_bool_8;

int l_count_12;

int l_error_0 = GetLastError();

logInfo("Last error: " + l_error_0);

switch (l_error_0) {

case 0/* NO_ERROR */:

return (0);

case 2/* COMMON_ERROR */:

logError("System failure. Reboot the computer/check the server!");

return (3);


logError("Error of the logic of the EA!");

return (3);

case 4/* SERVER_BUSY */:

logInfo("Trading server is busy! Wait for 2 minutes.");


return (2);

case 6/* NO_CONNECTION */:

l_bool_8 = FALSE;

l_count_12 = 0;


while (!l_bool_8 || l_count_12 > 60) {


logInfo("Connection not restored " + (10 * l_count_12) + " seconds passed!");

l_bool_8 = IsConnected();

if (l_bool_8) {

logInfo("Connection restored");

return (2);




logError("Connection problems!");

return (3);


logError("Frequent requests!");

return (3);

case 64/* ACCOUNT_DISABLED */:

logError("Account is blocked!");

return (3);

case 65/* INVALID_ACCOUNT */:

logError("Wrong account number!");

return (3);

case 128/* TRADE_TIMEOUT */:

logWarning("Waiting of transaction timed out!");

return (2);

case 129/* INVALID_PRICE */:

logWarning("Wrong price!");

return (1);

case 130/* INVALID_STOPS */:

logWarning("Wrong stop!");

return (1);


logError("Wrong calculation of trade volume!");

return (3);

case 132/* MARKET_CLOSED */:

logError("Market closed!");

case 134/* NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY */:

logError("Lack of margin for performing operation!");

case 135/* PRICE_CHANGED */:

logWarning("Prices changed!");

return (1);

case 136/* OFF_QUOTES */:

logWarning("No price!");

return (2);

case 138/* REQUOTE */:

logWarning("Requote again!");

return (1);

case 139/* ORDER_LOCKED */:

logWarning("The order is in process. Program glitch!");

return (2);

case 141/* TOO_MANY_REQUESTS */:

logError("Too many requests!");

case 148:

logError("Transaction volume too large!");


return (0);



void logError(string as_0) {

if (NotifyAlerts) Alert(as_0);

if (NotifyLog) logMessage(as_0);




void logWarning(string as_0) {

if (NotifyLog) logMessage(as_0);




void logInfo(string as_0) {

if (NotifyLog) logMessage(as_0);




void logMessage(string as_unused_0) {



string getTradeEnabledString() {

if (TradeEnabled) return ("TRUE");

else return ("FALSE");



string getTrendDirectionString() {

if (gi_376 == 0) return ("INIT");

else {

if (gi_376 == 1) return ("FINDING");

else {

if (gi_376 == 2) return ("UP");


if (gi_376 == 3) return ("DOWN");



return ("");



string getTrendDirectionFont() {

if (gi_376 == 0) return ("Times New Roman");

else {

if (gi_376 == 1) return ("Times New Roman");

else {

if (gi_376 == 2) return ("Times New Roman");


if (gi_376 == 3) return ("Times New Roman");



return ("");



int getTrendDirectionColor() {

if (gi_376 == 0) return (DisplayDataColor);

else {

if (gi_376 == 1) return (DisplayDataColor);

else {

if (gi_376 == 2) return (32768);


if (gi_376 == 3) return (255);



return (0);



void updateDisplay() {

int li_0 = 1;

AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, gs_260 + " v" + gs_76, "", Gold, Gold, DisplayFontSize + 4, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");



AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Account Type:", gs_368, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Trade Enabled:", getTradeEnabledString(), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Trade Spacing:", TradeSpacing, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Take Profit:", TradeTakeProfit, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Stop Loss:", TradeStopLoss, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Lot Size:", DoubleToStr(TradeLotSize, 2), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");



AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Anchor:", DoubleToStr(g_bid_296, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)), DisplayAnchorClr, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Short Entry:", DoubleToStr(gd_328, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)), DisplayUpLineClr, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Long Entry:", DoubleToStr(gd_304, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)), DisplayDownLineClr, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerMain, li_0, "Trend:", getTrendDirectionString(), DisplayTextColor, getTrendDirectionColor(), DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", getTrendDirectionFont());

li_0 = 1;

AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "ADR Days:", AverageDays, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "ADR:", DoubleToStr(gd_360, 0), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "AMR Months:", AverageMonths, DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");


if (AverageMonths > 0) AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "AMR:", DoubleToStr(GetMonthlyRange(AverageMonths, 0), 0), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");

else AdvancedComment(gi_276, DisplayCornerAvg, li_0, "AMR:", DoubleToStr(GetMonthlyRange(AverageMonths, 0), 0), DisplayTextColor, DisplayDataColor, DisplayFontSize, "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman");

gi_276 = FALSE;




int AdvancedComment(bool ai_0, int a_corner_4, int ai_8, string a_text_12, string a_text_20, color a_color_28, color a_color_32, int ai_36, string a_fontname_40, string a_fontname_48) {

int l_fontsize_64;

int l_x_76;

int l_x_80;

int li_56 = 10;

int l_fontsize_60 = 10;

int li_68 = 15;

if (ai_36 > li_56) l_fontsize_64 = ai_36;

else l_fontsize_64 = li_56;

l_fontsize_60 = l_fontsize_64;

if (a_corner_4 == 0 || a_corner_4 == 2) {

l_x_76 = 5;

l_x_80 = 100;

} else {

l_x_76 = 70;

l_x_80 = 5;


int l_y_72 = ai_8 * li_68;

if (ai_0) {

ObjectDelete("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4);

ObjectCreate("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, a_text_12, l_fontsize_60, a_fontname_40, a_color_28);

ObjectSet("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_CORNER, a_corner_4);

ObjectSet("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_x_76);

ObjectSet("PanelLabel" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_y_72);

ObjectDelete("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4);

ObjectCreate("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSet("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_CORNER, a_corner_4);

ObjectSet("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_x_80);

ObjectSet("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_y_72);


ObjectSetText("PanelData" + ai_8 + a_corner_4, a_text_20, l_fontsize_64, a_fontname_48, a_color_32);

return (0);



int GetDailyRange(int ai_0, int ai_unused_4) {

double l_ihigh_28;

double l_ilow_36;

bool li_8 = FALSE;

int l_index_12 = 0;

int l_count_16 = 0;

double ld_ret_44 = 0;

int l_day_20 = TimeDay(Time[0]);

int l_day_24 = l_day_20;

while (!li_8) {

if (TimeDay(Time[l_index_12]) != l_day_24 && TimeDayOfWeek(Time[l_index_12]) != 0) {

l_ihigh_28 = iHigh(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, iBarShift(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, Time[l_index_12]));

l_ilow_36 = iLow(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, iBarShift(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, Time[l_index_12]));

ld_ret_44 += (l_ihigh_28 - l_ilow_36) / Point;


if (l_count_16 == ai_0) li_8 = TRUE;


l_day_24 = TimeDay(Time[l_index_12]);

if (l_index_12 < Bars - 1) l_index_12++;

else li_8 = TRUE;


ld_ret_44 /= ai_0;

return (ld_ret_44);



int GetMonthlyRange(int ai_0, int ai_unused_4) {

double l_ihigh_28;

double l_ilow_36;

bool li_8 = FALSE;

int l_index_12 = 0;

int l_count_16 = 0;

double ld_ret_44 = 0;

if (ai_0 == 0) return (0);

int l_month_20 = TimeMonth(Time[0]);

int l_month_24 = l_month_20;

while (!li_8) {

if (TimeMonth(Time[l_index_12]) != l_month_24) {

l_ihigh_28 = iHigh(Symbol(), PERIOD_MN1, iBarShift(Symbol(), PERIOD_MN1, Time[l_index_12]));

l_ilow_36 = iLow(Symbol(), PERIOD_MN1, iBarShift(Symbol(), PERIOD_MN1, Time[l_index_12]));

ld_ret_44 += (l_ihigh_28 - l_ilow_36) / Point;


if (l_count_16 == ai_0) li_8 = TRUE;


l_month_24 = TimeMonth(Time[l_index_12]);

if (l_index_12 < Bars - 1) l_index_12++;

else li_8 = TRUE;


ld_ret_44 /= ai_0;

return (ld_ret_44);



bool QuickCheck(string as_0, string as_8, string as_16, bool ai_24) {

string ls_28;

int l_str2int_36 = StrToInteger(as_8);

int li_40 = l_str2int_36 & 768 / 255 + 1;

int li_44 = l_str2int_36 & 240 / 16 + 1;

int li_48 = l_str2int_36 & 15;

string l_var_name_52 = as_8;

if (GlobalVariableCheck(l_var_name_52)) gi_392 = GlobalVariableGet(l_var_name_52);

else GlobalVariableSet(l_var_name_52, -1);

if (ai_24) {

ls_28 = gConnect(as_0, as_8, as_16, "ROOT");

if (ls_28 == "Connected") gi_388 = TRUE;

else gi_388 = FALSE;

GlobalVariableSet(l_var_name_52, DayOfWeek());

} else {

if (li_40 == DayOfWeek() && li_44 == Hour() && li_48 == Minute()) {

if (gi_392 != DayOfWeek()) {

ls_28 = gConnect(as_0, as_8, as_16, "ROOT");

if (ls_28 == "Connected") gi_388 = TRUE;

else gi_388 = FALSE;


GlobalVariableSet(l_var_name_52, DayOfWeek());



return (gi_388);




void CountTrades(){

NoOfTrades = 0;

for (int Counter = OrdersTotal() - 1; Counter >= 0; Counter--)


OrderSelect(Counter, SELECT_BY_POS);

if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)NoOfTrades++;



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Re: Trade*manager EA - Update with .mq4 version


Hi tom,


Basically, this EA is a counter trend grid placing. When the trend is up, the EA would place sell orders for the account.


By having a max orders in place, we can be sure that the EA does not placed any new orders and waiting for the current orders to close off.


I have run GRID trading EA and the only way to be successful in grid is to trade few pairs and reasonable lotsize with max orders.

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