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{My Development for Scalp} "MU vs Chelsea" Trading System

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Akhirnya... :twisted:

Coba2 share nih simple trading system yang q kembangkan hanya dari beberapa indikator yang q dapat, berhubung saya bukan ahli program seperti beberapa master disini hehehe :oops:

Namanya "MU vs Chelsea Trading System", kenapa dinamakan demikian ya karena indikator & konsep pengambilan posisinya berdasrkan warna biru & merah 'n karena udah banyak yang pake nama red/blue, jdnya kepikiran nama di atas deh hehehe :mrgreen:


Trading System ini memakai konsep scalp dengan timeframe 5 menit, dengan 2 template, untuk index & forex (perbedaanya hanya pada Moving Average), aturan pengambilan posisi & exit bisa dilihat di image screenshotnya.


Btw Trading System saya ini kayaknya masih bisa dikatakan banyak kekurangannya mungkin 'n jauh dari kata bagus, namun selama saya pake hasilnya Alhamdulillah lumayan, jadi bagi para senior2 saya mohon pendapatnya maupun masukkan2nya agar trading system ini bisa berkembang menjadi lebih bagus, untuk itu soal aturan open/exit masukkan indikatornya dan lain2nya bisa saja kalian utak-atik / rubah, segala kritik & saran sangat saya harapkan demi hasil yang lebih optimal.


Btw again, let's donlot, try, 'n enjoy... :evil:

Salam Profit Always...

My Motto is:





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Re: {My Development for Scalp} "MU vs Chelsea" Trading System


well here is google translation mybe some people here can correct it :?:


Finally ... : twisted:

I share Coba2 simple trading system that only q grown from a few indicators that q can, I'm not the expert preparatory programs such as some of the master here hehehe: oops:

Name "MU vs Chelsea Trading System", why do so called because the indicator concept & position berdasrkan blue & red 'n because that is a lot of the red / blue, jdnya kepikiran name above deh hehehe: mrgreen:


Trading System is a concept with scalp timeframe 5 minutes, with 2 template, & index for forex (perbedaanya only on the Moving Average), rules & exit the position can be seen in the image screenshotnya.


Btw Trading System still seems to me this can be many possible kekurangannya 'n far from good words, but for me a result lumayan Alhamdulillah, so for me please senior2 opinions and masukkan2nya trading system so that it can develop into more, for that matter of the rules open / exit and enter the indicator lain2nya can you utak especial / fox, all the criticism & suggestions are the results I expect for a more optimal.

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Re: {My Development for Scalp} "MU vs Chelsea" Trading System


Thanks, to try translate Mr. Deadsoul, i couldn't do myself cause my english not so good hehehe... :mrgreen: :oops:


:idea: Sorry I Forgot some rules:

- Recommended Pair: EU, GU, & GJ --- UC (alternative)

- Recommended Time Trading: Europe Open until New York Close --- Only on New York Open-Close (alternative)


Tonight, after post this trading system i used trading in EU with my original rules, thanks to God this is the result (server time with 3 pips spread):

1). [15:05] SELL at 1.3130, [16:00] Closed at 1.3116 ---> + 14 pips

2). [16:50] SELL at 1.3097, [17:10] Closed at 1.3117 ---> - 20 pips

3). [17:45] BUY at 1.3132, [18:00] Closed at 1.3127 ---> - 05 pips

4). [18:30] SELL at 1.3113, [18:45] Closed at 1.3129 ---> - 16 pips

5). [18:55] BUY at 1.3143, [19:25] Closed at 1.3135 ---> - 08 pips

6). [20:05] SELL at 1.3101, [21:15] Closed at 1.3021 ---> + 80 pips

----------- +

+ 45 pips


Well not so good tonight, but still profit anyway :arrow: :peace:

My trading system not looking holy grail or looking perfect signal in every time, but based on accumulation pips we got from using every entry signal & exit rules from pairs & trading time i recommended...


If anybody used my this development system, please post your result, another setting if you change the rules or any indicator change suggestion, ok... cause much brain works is better than my single newbie brain result 8-) :shand: for our optimal result together.

My Motto is:





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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 months later...

mykap - the indi downloaded fine for me from:




john225 - here's a screenshot from the original poster:





Edited by soundfx
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mykap - the indi downloaded fine for me from:



john225 - here's a screenshot from the original poster:



Download fine,,but if the drag in the chart out expired alert

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Download fine,,but if the drag in the chart out expired alert


Long time not came because i busy with my primary job, sorry

here you go new link no expired: http://www.4shared.com/file/sKK-wvYr/MU_vs_Chelsea_V3_Custom_Indika.html


If anybody use or test it, please post your result or new change setting/indicator for our profit development together okay


Sorry for my Bad English...

My Motto is:





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  • 5 months later...

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