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[need to educated the dll] Pipmaster

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Re: [need to educated the dll] Pipmaster


Thanks for the patch.


the EA called the function

I1OI0110I(gs_188, gs_196, g_acc_number_204, gs_212, g_time2str_220, MaxSpread, LotSize, TLMoneyManagement, MMSetting, StandardContract, LicenseKey, gd_228, 1, Symbol(), g_ask_236, g_bid_244, g_digits_252, g_point_260, g_spread_268, g_stoplevel_276, g_lotsize_284, g_tickvalue_292, g_ticksize_300, g_minlot_308, g_maxlot_316, g_lotstep_324, g_irsi_332, g_irsi_340, g_ima_348, g_ima_356, g_ima_364, g_ima_372, g_ima_380, g_ima_388, g_ima_396, g_ihigh_404, g_ilow_420, g_ihigh_412, g_ilow_428, g_iadx_436, g_iadx_444, g_iwpr_452, g_iwpr_460, gd_468, gd_476, g_low_492, g_high_484);

and send in the license_key there to this function.


used your dll, but the EA does not make any trade in the backtest. Can you please check?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [need to educated the dll] Pipmaster


Well, I wish I had looked at bbrain's dll before removing the protection from scratch.


Basically, your back tests didn't work because they're kind of disabled from the DLL, you can only backtest very short periods of time (600 bars I believe). As others said, this EA checks the license key with their server and receives back 4 things:

1. Whether the license key is valid or not.

2. Whether it should trade or not (this is probably time-based, if you look at the logs on their site, you can probably extrapolate the trade time interval and write it in the mq4).

3. Something that's used in the trade decision process but I haven't checked exactly how.

4. The time in seconds until the next server check.


I assume that it receives the decision on whether to trade or not from the server, but I can't verify this without a valid license key.


At the URL below you will find a version of the script with a built-in license key which makes a request to http://www.microsoft.com instead of the EA server and which is modified in such a way as to assume the server always says "yes" to trading and also to allow backtesting. Feel free to play with the mq4 and add timeframe-based trading and figure out the settings using the live logs on the EA site. As it is, without time restrictions, the EA is surefire way to lose your account. If you add working time constraints, please post the updated mq4.




Edit: password is indo-investasi

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