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EA Predictor

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I am sharing this ea just for educational purposes. And to check out it really works like the seller says? Can someone decompile at and crack the date system and backtest this ea? It will work until 5.may.2009. It can not be backtested without cracking or purchasing.


EA: EA Predictor

Currency: EURUSD

TimeFrame: M30

Statement 1: http://www.expertfx.strana.de/stat/pred.htm

Statement 2: http://www.expertfx.strana.de/stat/predf.htm

Website: http://www.expertfx.strana.de/

4shared: http://www.4shared.com/file/101516570/64a50c14/EaPredictor.html

pass: indo-investasi


:roll: Dont tell him about this :mrgreen:


Board quota have been reached. So i can't upload here.

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Re: EA Predictor




I am sharing this ea just for educational purposes. And to check out it really works like the seller says? Can someone decompile at and crack the date system and backtest this ea? It will work until 5.may.2009. It can not be backtested without cracking or purchasing.


EA: EA Predictor

Currency: EURUSD

TimeFrame: M30

Statement 1: http://www.expertfx.strana.de/stat/pred.htm

Statement 2: http://www.expertfx.strana.de/stat/predf.htm

Website: http://www.expertfx.strana.de/

4shared: http://www.4shared.com/file/101516570/64a50c14/EaPredictor.html

pass: indo-investasi


:roll: Dont tell him about this :mrgreen:


Board quota have been reached. So i can't upload here.



this is eye opener..

marvelous result on BT!


thanks for sharing mate..hope somebody can cracked this!


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Re: EA Predictor


#property copyright "Copyright © 2009, mercury-9"
#property link      "[email protected]"

extern string Copyright = "www.expertfx.strana.de";
extern string Support = "[email protected]";
extern bool SignalMail = FALSE;
extern double MaximumRisk = 3.0;
extern double MaxLots = 10.0;
extern int Slippage = 5;
bool gi_116 = TRUE;
bool gi_120 = FALSE;
extern int MagicNumber_1 = 777251;
extern int MinTakeProfit_1 = 40;
extern int TrailingStop_1 = 0;
extern int MinStopLoss_1 = 520;
extern int APeriod_1 = 19;
extern int MPeriod_1 = 19;
extern int LBuy_1 = 55;
extern int ReserveTake_1 = 40;
extern int ReserveStop_1 = 520;
bool gi_160 = TRUE;
bool gi_164 = FALSE;
extern int MagicNumber_2 = 777252;
extern int MinTakeProfit_2 = 30;
extern int TrailingStop_2 = 0;
extern int MinStopLoss_2 = 720;
extern int APeriod_2 = 14;
extern int MPeriod_2 = 14;
extern int LSell_2 = 40;
extern int ReserveTake_2 = 30;
extern int ReserveStop_2 = 720;
double g_lots_204 = 1.0;
int g_bars_212;
int g_bars_216;
int gi_220;
bool gi_224 = FALSE;
bool gi_228 = FALSE;

int init() {
  g_bars_212 = Bars;
  g_bars_216 = Bars;
  if (gi_120) gi_220 = 0;
  else gi_220 = 1;
  if (gi_164) gi_220 = 0;
  else gi_220 = 1;
  return (0);

int deinit() {
  return (0);

int start() {
  int l_ticket_16;
  double l_price_20;
  double l_price_28;
  int li_228;
  int li_240;
  Comment("Name of this adviser: <Predictor>  Copyright@2009, mercury-9 \nYou use this copy illegally if this adviser has other name .\nWe ask to inform us about each such case.\nURL: [url]www.expertfx.strana.de\nemail:[/url] [email][email protected][/email]");
  int l_day_of_year_4 = DayOfYear();
  int l_year_0 = Year();
  if ((l_year_0 == 2009 && l_day_of_year_4 >= 127) || l_year_0 > 2009) {
     Comment("Trade is stopped !");
     return (0);
  int li_8 = 0;
  g_lots_204 = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() * MaximumRisk / 50000.0, 1);
  if (g_lots_204 > MaxLots) g_lots_204 = MaxLots;
  if (gi_120 && Bars != g_bars_212) gi_224 = FALSE;
  if (gi_164 && Bars != g_bars_216) gi_228 = FALSE;
  int l_ord_total_12 = OrdersTotal();
  li_8 = 0;
  double l_iadx_36 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_H1, APeriod_1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_PLUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_44 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_H1, APeriod_1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_PLUSDI, gi_220 + 1);
  double l_iadx_52 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_H1, APeriod_1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_PLUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_60 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_H1, APeriod_1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MINUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_imfi_68 = iMFI(NULL, PERIOD_M30, MPeriod_1, 0);
  double ld_76 = LBuy_1;
  double l_imfi_84 = iMFI(NULL, PERIOD_M30, MPeriod_1, 0);
  double l_imfi_92 = iMFI(NULL, PERIOD_M30, MPeriod_1, 1);
  double l_iadx_100 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_M5, APeriod_1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_PLUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_108 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_M5, APeriod_1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_PLUSDI, gi_220 + 1);
  double l_iadx_116 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_M5, APeriod_1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_PLUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_124 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_M5, APeriod_1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MINUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_132 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_H1, APeriod_2, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MINUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_140 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_H1, APeriod_2, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MINUSDI, gi_220 + 1);
  double l_iadx_148 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_H1, APeriod_2, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MINUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_156 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_H1, APeriod_2, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_PLUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_imfi_164 = iMFI(NULL, PERIOD_M30, MPeriod_2, 0);
  double ld_172 = LSell_2;
  double l_imfi_180 = iMFI(NULL, PERIOD_M30, MPeriod_2, 0);
  double l_imfi_188 = iMFI(NULL, PERIOD_M30, MPeriod_2, 1);
  double l_iadx_196 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_M5, APeriod_2, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MINUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_204 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_M5, APeriod_2, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MINUSDI, gi_220 + 1);
  double l_iadx_212 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_M5, APeriod_2, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MINUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  double l_iadx_220 = iADX(NULL, PERIOD_M5, APeriod_2, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_PLUSDI, gi_220 + 0);
  bool li_232 = FALSE;
  for (int l_pos_236 = l_ord_total_12 - 1; l_pos_236 >= 0; l_pos_236--) {
     if (OrderSelect(l_pos_236, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
        if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_1) li_228++;
  if (li_228 > 0) li_232 = TRUE;
  bool li_244 = FALSE;
  for (int l_pos_248 = l_ord_total_12 - 1; l_pos_248 >= 0; l_pos_248--) {
     if (OrderSelect(l_pos_248, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
        if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_2) li_240++;
  if (li_240 > 0) li_244 = TRUE;
  int li_unused_252 = 0;
  for (int l_pos_256 = 0; l_pos_256 < l_ord_total_12; l_pos_256++) {
     OrderSelect(l_pos_256, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if (OrderType() <= OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_1) {
        li_unused_252 = 1;
        if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
           if (Bid - OrderOpenPrice() >= Point * MinTakeProfit_1 || OrderOpenPrice() - Bid >= Point * MinStopLoss_1) li_8 = 3;
           if (li_8 == 3) {
              OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, Slippage, MediumSeaGreen);
              if (SignalMail) SendMail("[signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Close Buy");
              li_unused_252 = 0;
           } else {
              if (TrailingStop_1 > 0) {
                 if (Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > Point * TrailingStop_1) {
                    if (OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point * TrailingStop_1) {
                       OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - Point * TrailingStop_1, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, MediumSeaGreen);
                       if (!gi_120) g_bars_212 = Bars;
        } else {
           if (OrderOpenPrice() - Ask >= Point * MinTakeProfit_1 || Ask - OrderOpenPrice() >= Point * MinStopLoss_1) li_8 = 4;
           if (li_8 == 4) {
              OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, Slippage, DarkOrange);
              if (SignalMail) SendMail("[signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Close Sell");
              li_unused_252 = 0;
           } else {
              if (TrailingStop_1 > 0) {
                 if (OrderOpenPrice() - Ask > Point * TrailingStop_1) {
                    if (OrderStopLoss() > Ask + Point * TrailingStop_1 || OrderStopLoss() == 0.0) {
                       OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + Point * TrailingStop_1, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, DarkOrange);
                       if (!gi_120) g_bars_212 = Bars;
  int li_unused_260 = 0;
  for (int l_pos_264 = 0; l_pos_264 < l_ord_total_12; l_pos_264++) {
     OrderSelect(l_pos_264, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if (OrderType() <= OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_2) {
        li_unused_260 = 1;
        if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
           if (Bid - OrderOpenPrice() >= Point * MinTakeProfit_2 || OrderOpenPrice() - Bid >= Point * MinStopLoss_2) li_8 = 7;
           if (li_8 == 7) {
              OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, Slippage, MediumSeaGreen);
              if (SignalMail) SendMail("[signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Close Buy");
              li_unused_260 = 0;
           } else {
              if (TrailingStop_2 > 0) {
                 if (Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > Point * TrailingStop_2) {
                    if (OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point * TrailingStop_2) {
                       OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - Point * TrailingStop_2, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, MediumSeaGreen);
                       if (!gi_164) g_bars_216 = Bars;
        } else {
           if (OrderOpenPrice() - Ask >= Point * MinTakeProfit_2 || Ask - OrderOpenPrice() >= Point * MinStopLoss_2) li_8 = 8;
           if (li_8 == 8) {
              OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, Slippage, DarkOrange);
              if (SignalMail) SendMail("[signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Close Sell");
              li_unused_260 = 0;
           } else {
              if (TrailingStop_2 > 0) {
                 if (OrderOpenPrice() - Ask > Point * TrailingStop_2) {
                    if (OrderStopLoss() > Ask + Point * TrailingStop_2 || OrderStopLoss() == 0.0) {
                       OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + Point * TrailingStop_2, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, DarkOrange);
                       if (!gi_164) g_bars_216 = Bars;
  if (l_iadx_36 > l_iadx_44 && l_iadx_52 > l_iadx_60 && l_imfi_68 < ld_76 && l_imfi_84 > l_imfi_92 && l_iadx_100 > l_iadx_108 && l_iadx_116 > l_iadx_124) li_8 = 1;
  if (li_8 == 1 && gi_116 == TRUE && (gi_120 && !gi_224) || (!gi_120 && Bars != g_bars_212)) {
     if (!li_232) {
        if (AccountFreeMargin() < 1000.0 * g_lots_204) {
           Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());
           return (0);
        if (ReserveStop_1 > 0) l_price_20 = Ask - ReserveStop_1 * Point;
        else l_price_20 = 0.0;
        if (ReserveTake_1 > 0) l_price_28 = Ask + ReserveTake_1 * Point;
        else l_price_28 = 0.0;
        l_ticket_16 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_204, Ask, Slippage, l_price_20, l_price_28, "Buy(#" + MagicNumber_1 + ")", MagicNumber_1, 0, DodgerBlue);
        if (l_ticket_16 > 0) {
           if (OrderSelect(l_ticket_16, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
              Print("BUY order opened (Strategy_1): ", MagicNumber_1);
              if (SignalMail) SendMail("[signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Open Buy");
           } else Print("Error opening BUY order (Strategy_1): ", GetLastError());
        if (gi_120) gi_224 = TRUE;
        if (!gi_120) g_bars_212 = Bars;
        return (0);
  if (li_8 == 2 && gi_116 == TRUE && (gi_120 && !gi_224) || (!gi_120 && Bars != g_bars_212)) {
     if (!li_232) {
        if (AccountFreeMargin() < 1000.0 * g_lots_204) {
           Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());
           return (0);
        if (ReserveStop_1 > 0) l_price_20 = Bid + ReserveStop_1 * Point;
        else l_price_20 = 0.0;
        if (ReserveTake_1 > 0) l_price_28 = Bid - ReserveTake_1 * Point;
        else l_price_28 = 0.0;
        l_ticket_16 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_204, Bid, Slippage, l_price_20, l_price_28, "Sell(#" + MagicNumber_1 + ")", MagicNumber_1, 0, DeepPink);
        if (l_ticket_16 > 0) {
           if (OrderSelect(l_ticket_16, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
              Print("SELL order opened (Strategy_1): ", MagicNumber_1);
              if (SignalMail) SendMail("[signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Open Sell");
           } else Print("Error opening SELL order (Strategy_1): ", GetLastError());
        if (gi_120) gi_224 = TRUE;
        if (!gi_120) g_bars_212 = Bars;
        return (0);
  if (l_iadx_132 > l_iadx_140 && l_iadx_148 > l_iadx_156 && l_imfi_164 > ld_172 && l_imfi_180 < l_imfi_188 && l_iadx_196 > l_iadx_204 && l_iadx_212 > l_iadx_220) li_8 = 6;
  if (li_8 == 5 && gi_160 == TRUE && (gi_164 && !gi_228) || (!gi_164 && Bars != g_bars_216)) {
     if (!li_244) {
        if (AccountFreeMargin() < 1000.0 * g_lots_204) {
           Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());
           return (0);
        if (ReserveStop_2 > 0) l_price_20 = Ask - ReserveStop_2 * Point;
        else l_price_20 = 0.0;
        if (ReserveTake_2 > 0) l_price_28 = Ask + ReserveTake_2 * Point;
        else l_price_28 = 0.0;
        l_ticket_16 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_204, Ask, Slippage, l_price_20, l_price_28, "Buy(#" + MagicNumber_2 + ")", MagicNumber_2, 0, DodgerBlue);
        if (l_ticket_16 > 0) {
           if (OrderSelect(l_ticket_16, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
              Print("BUY order opened (Strategy_2): ", MagicNumber_2);
              if (SignalMail) SendMail("[signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Open Buy");
           } else Print("Error opening BUY order (Strategy_2): ", GetLastError());
        if (gi_164) gi_228 = TRUE;
        if (!gi_164) g_bars_216 = Bars;
        return (0);
  if (li_8 == 6 && gi_160 == TRUE && (gi_164 && !gi_228) || (!gi_164 && Bars != g_bars_216)) {
     if (!li_244) {
        if (AccountFreeMargin() < 1000.0 * g_lots_204) {
           Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());
           return (0);
        if (ReserveStop_2 > 0) l_price_20 = Bid + ReserveStop_2 * Point;
        else l_price_20 = 0.0;
        if (ReserveTake_2 > 0) l_price_28 = Bid - ReserveTake_2 * Point;
        else l_price_28 = 0.0;
        l_ticket_16 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_204, Bid, Slippage, l_price_20, l_price_28, "Sell(#" + MagicNumber_2 + ")", MagicNumber_2, 0, DeepPink);
        if (l_ticket_16 > 0) {
           if (OrderSelect(l_ticket_16, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
              Print("SELL order opened (Strategy_2): ", MagicNumber_2);
              if (SignalMail) SendMail("[signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Open Sell");
           } else Print("Error opening SELL order (Strategy_2): ", GetLastError());
        if (gi_164) gi_228 = TRUE;
        if (!gi_164) g_bars_216 = Bars;
        return (0);
  if (!gi_120) g_bars_212 = Bars;
  if (!gi_164) g_bars_216 = Bars;
  return (0);


there ,.... i have't touch it

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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  • 1 year later...

You are right my friend

but I have the hope that exists some EAs that make more than 20% a month with no problems (big drowdown, margin call ...)

and I want to see them with my own eyes & there maybe was a good period for that EA.

Anyway I test and hope.

(2800% is in backtest but no lossing 1 trade in 6 months make me hope more with this. )

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Guest fxprofits
You are right my friend

but I have the hope that exists some EAs that make more than 20% a month with no problems (big drowdown, margin call ...)

and I want to see them with my own eyes & there maybe was a good period for that EA.

Anyway I test and hope.

(2800% is in backtest but no lossing 1 trade in 6 months make me hope more with this. )


please upload the EA again please .. the links are not working..



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  • 7 months later...

His latest version 1250% per month explorer:





Decompiled version: EUR/USD M30




Customer support is rude and arrogant blaming customer if any problems, It will not trade at all for me. Its all my problem he claims. Test it out and let me know if anyone has any sucess.




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