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MegaDroid 1.1

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


backtests 2008/2009 on








Thanks for that! :-bd


What Broker did you use for that backtests?

I'm having the problem that MD won't trade EURCHF and EURGBP live cause of the 5 Pips Spread, and I don't know what to change in the mq4 to make it work on higher spreads.

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


Stormin Norman or anyone else who backtests a lot...regarding backtests and GMT settings. I have found that at Alpari UK which for half the year is GMT +1 and the other half GMT +2, that GMT +1 provides much better results historically. I was about to break it down into dates and compare a flat test of GMT +1 compared to results with GMT +1 & +2 corrected for summer time, when I found this post at FPA. Wondering about other peoples opinions about this.


To adjust or not for daylight savings time? - Yesterday, 10:57 AM

Daylight savings time in Europe ("European Summer Time") began at 01:00 GMT on 29 March 2009. Everyone moved their clocks forward by 1h on the last Sunday in March.


European Summer Time will end at 01:00 GMT on 25 October 2009. Everyone will need to move their clocks back by 1h on the last Sunday in October.


Alpari's server time is normally GMT+1, but during European Summer Time it is GMT+2, which the automatic GMT offset feature of MegaDroid correctly determines.


However, a question you should ask is whether you should actually be using the adjusted GMT offset.


When you backtest MegaDroid, I presume that no adjustment for daylight savings time is performed, so the GMT offset remains constant. If this is true, then the EA has been optimized to use a constant GMT offset. So during live trading, if you then instead use a GMT offset that varies, you cannot be sure that you will get the same kind of results as a backtest, because you are using different input parameters.


I decided to test how MegaDroid performs with proper adjustment for daylight savings. Such a test can be conducted a number of ways. One way that you can try yourself is to run the Strategy Tester a number of times, each time using appropriate date ranges and appropriate GMT offset for each range. You can then aggregate the seperate results using a tool like http://www.mqlsoft.com/download/reportmanager - ReportManager.


I have found that with the GMT offset adjustment, the profit is about the same or lower, and the profit factor is lower. So my findings indicate that it's better not to change the GMT offset during daylight savings time. i.e. disable the automatic GMT offset feature in MegaDroid.


I welcome you guys to do the test yourself and see if your results agree with mine. If they do then the the test that is being done by Forex Peace Army should also have the GMT offset set at a constant value (1 for Alpari) and not adjusted for daylight savings time which it currently is.


What I've said above is mainly relevant to those who are using MegaDroid on Alpari, who adjusts their own server time during daylight savings time.


However, for those who use a broker whose GMT offset is fixed year-round, then you'd need to add 1 to your GMT offset value in MegaDroid during daylight savings time (if you agree with what I said in my previous message).


An important question to answer in all of this is:


Should we be keeping to the European clock instead of the GMT clock?


i.e. does the price behavior that we are trying to catch occur between 22:00 and 00:00 European time regardless of the time of year?


Or does it occur between 21:00 and 23:00 GMT time regardless of the time of year?


Based on my findings, I think the first case is truer than the second.


Your opinions are appreciated :peace:[/quote:334b0qmf]


any suggestions? i use alpari uk.

backtesting with +1 gives best results, but at livetrading autogmtoffset shows +2. what should i use now? oO

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked



'gi_1020' - comparison expression expected C:\Program Files\AxisTrader\experts\MegaDroid.mq4 (1178, 11)

it's not an error, its a warning, and it doesn't matter,

the if expression expect an bool and get an int


Can someone that cracked MegaDroid give an explanation how you cracked MegaDroid so more people (including me) can’t help and crack future versions?


Which program did you use to decompile the ex4-file (or is it the dll)?

they use for the ex4-files the decompiler from purebeam, actual version 224


backtests 2008/2009 on








Thanks for that! :-bd


What Broker did you use for that backtests?

I'm having the problem that MD won't trade EURCHF and EURGBP live cause of the 5 Pips Spread, and I don't know what to change in the mq4 to make it work on higher spreads.

i have done some backtest with EURGBP and higher spreads, but it was not profitable


here can you read how you can trade on every spread





Thanks for your good backtest job! ! !


It seems Activetrades is not so bad as broker,

do you think it is a good broker for megadroid ?




i think everybody must decide by himself, which broker he use,

i have test some brokers froward in demo account (ODL, FXOpen) and decide for ActivTrades and Alpari UK, but in the next time i open one account on FXDD


here is a website with some brokers who are supporting MT4


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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


I back tested the megadriod version 1.11 on my ATC real account data, I see it during the feb, 2009, blow upp the account with 5 losses, each one hitted the huge stoplosses, althrough it has the consedutive winning ratio very high, it still scaring me with the occcationall blow the account posibility. So I am not using it on my real account.

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Which broker is best to start with?


I have been looking around on internet to find the best broker to start trading with Megadroid. They recommend http://forexmeta.com/ on the MegaDroid site but some people say that they maybe have same kind of partnership.

People generally recommend IBFX, Alpari UK, FXDD and forex.com but which broker of this is best to start with?

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


if (s1_Init(/*Symbol()*/ "EURUSD", lia_0, lia_4, lia_8, lia_12, lia_16, lia_20, lia_24, lia_28, lia_32, lia_36, lia_40, lda_44, lda_48, lda_52, lda_56, lia_60, lia_64, lia_68, lia_72, lia_76, lia_80))


This just fools the DLL into thinking that the current symbol is EURUSD. This may or may not be okay to do, depending on whether the DLL needs to know what the true symbol is in order for the EA to make proper trades. I worked out a way to check whether it's okay:


If you open the DLL file in a text editor you can see "EURUSD" in the file. Using a Hex Editor I changed EUR (hexadecimal values 45 55 52) to GBP (hexadecimal values 47 42 50).

The original DLL file only allows EURUSD to be traded. When you change the MetaTrader symbol to GBPUSD it doesn't make trades.

Using the modified DLL, it no longer took trades when the MetaTrader symbol was EURUSD, but it took trades when the symbol was GBPUSD.


I then compared the GBPUSD results from my modified DLL with the results from fooling the original DLL, and the results were the same. So from this we can conclude that it's okay to fool the DLL into thinking that the current symbol is EURUSD whilst actually using a different symbol. So we are lucky. If we found that the results were not the same, then fooling the DLL would not be the correct approach. We'd either need different modified DLLs for each symbol, or have to crack the logic of the DLL using low-level debuggers like IDA Pro or OllyDbg so that it would accept any symbol.



i had done some backtest, and the ea is profitable like with EURUSD, but the problem is the spread is on ohter pairs to high


To remove the strategy 1 spread limit, add this code in S1_CheckSymbol() just before "return (1);":

     gi_380 = 0; //set unlimited spread


To remove the strategy 2 spread limit, add this code in S2_CheckSymbol() just before "return (1);":

     gd_340 = 0; //set unlimited spread

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked



To remove the strategy 1 spread limit, add this code in S1_CheckSymbol() just before "return (1);":

     gi_380 = 0; //set unlimited spread


To remove the strategy 2 spread limit, add this code in S2_CheckSymbol() just before "return (1);":

     gd_340 = 0; //set unlimited spread


this is much better, great, thank you :-bd

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


can anybody tweak this droid that we can change spread filter manually,it is not good when spread is unlimited.


You can just add the user definable parameters yourself, e.g. add these new lines with the other extern variables near the top:


extern int S1_SpreadMaxLimit = 3;
extern int S2_SpreadMaxLimit = 3;


Then change the two lines that I mentioned before to this:


gi_380 = S1_SpreadMaxLimit;

gd_340 = S2_SpreadMaxLimit;


You can learn MQL here: http://www.mql4.com

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


If you want to change the Take Profit pip distance:


you can add this just before "Return (1);" in S1_CheckSymbol():


gi_236 = 10;


Change the 10 to whatever you want.


You can also make a user definable parameter ("extern int ...") for this like in my previous post. You can then run optimizations to find better Take Profit pip distance for any symbol.

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