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I used to be a h... long time ago ;)

a ... ho ? :mrgreen: kidding pal

THANKS FOR catching this .. "ho" :mrgreen:


A very very many thanks :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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I used to be a Happy friend :mrgreen:


IC ... it says "ho" in the code :mrgreen:

Sorry forgot . heres the code .I cant attach it though, so you can do yourself a co'paste


regards, K


#property copyright "Copyright Trading From a Ho "
#property link      ""

double g_point_76 = 0.0001;
extern double Lots = 0.1;
extern int MagicNum = 98760;
extern bool UseTime = FALSE;
extern bool Sunday = TRUE;
extern bool Monday = TRUE;
extern bool Tuesday = TRUE;
extern bool Wednesday = TRUE;
extern bool Thursday = TRUE;
extern bool Friday = TRUE;
extern bool Saturday = TRUE;
int gia_128[10] = {25, 20, 20, 25, 25, 20, 20, 20, 20, 25};
int gia_132[10] = {20, 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 20, 20, 20, 30};
double g_lots_136 = 0.0;

int GetFinalInc(double ad_0) {
  ad_0 = NormalizeDouble(ad_0 / g_lots_136, 0);
  for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < 10; li_8++)
     if (MathPow(2.0, li_8) == ad_0) return (gia_128[li_8]);
  return (gia_128[9]);

int GetFinalIncNum(double ad_0) {
  ad_0 = NormalizeDouble(ad_0 / g_lots_136, 0);
  for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < 10; li_8++)
     if (MathPow(2.0, li_8) == ad_0) return (gia_132[li_8]);
  return (gia_132[9]);

int init() {
  if (Point == 0.00001) g_point_76 = 0.0001;
  else {
     if (Point == 0.001) g_point_76 = 0.01;
     else g_point_76 = Point;
  if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT) == 10000.0) g_lots_136 = 10000.0 * Lots;
  else g_lots_136 = Lots;
  return (0);

int deinit() {
  return (0);

int start() {
  double ld_0;
  double ld_8;
  double l_price_16;
  double l_price_24;
  double l_price_32;
  double l_lots_40;
  bool li_48 = FALSE;
  double l_ord_lots_52 = 0;
  double l_ord_lots_60 = 0;
  double l_ord_open_price_68 = 0;
  double l_ord_open_price_76 = 0;
  double l_ord_takeprofit_84 = 0;
  double l_ord_takeprofit_92 = 0;
  int l_slippage_100 = 3;
  int li_104 = 0;
  int li_108 = 24;
  int li_112 = 35;
  int li_116 = 1000;
  bool li_120 = FALSE;
  int l_ticket_124 = 0;
  int l_ticket_128 = 0;
  int l_ticket_132 = 0;
  int l_ticket_136 = 0;
  int l_ticket_140 = 0;
  int l_ticket_144 = 0;
  double l_ord_lots_148 = 0;
  double l_ord_lots_156 = 0;
  double ld_164 = 0;
  double ld_172 = 0;
  if (!UseTime || (DayOfWeek() == 0 && Sunday) || (DayOfWeek() == 1 && Monday) || (DayOfWeek() == 2 && Tuesday) || (DayOfWeek() == 3 && Wednesday) || (DayOfWeek() == 4 &&
     Thursday) || (DayOfWeek() == 5 && Friday) || (DayOfWeek() == 6 && Saturday)) li_120 = TRUE;
  for (int l_pos_180 = 0; l_pos_180 < OrdersTotal(); l_pos_180++) {
     OrderSelect(l_pos_180, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNum) {
        if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && l_ticket_124 < OrderTicket()) {
           l_ord_lots_52 = OrderLots();
           l_ord_open_price_68 = OrderOpenPrice();
           l_ticket_124 = OrderTicket();
           l_ord_takeprofit_92 = OrderTakeProfit();
           if (OrderLots() == g_lots_136) ld_164 = OrderOpenPrice() - li_116 * g_point_76;
        if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && l_ticket_128 < OrderTicket()) {
           l_ord_lots_60 = OrderLots();
           l_ord_open_price_76 = OrderOpenPrice();
           l_ticket_128 = OrderTicket();
           l_ord_takeprofit_84 = OrderTakeProfit();
           if (OrderLots() == g_lots_136) ld_172 = OrderOpenPrice() + li_116 * g_point_76;
        if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT) {
           l_ticket_132 = OrderTicket();
           l_ord_lots_156 = OrderLots();
        if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) {
           l_ticket_136 = OrderTicket();
           l_ord_lots_156 = OrderLots();
        if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) {
           l_ticket_140 = OrderTicket();
           l_ord_lots_148 = OrderLots();
        if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) {
           l_ticket_144 = OrderTicket();
           l_ord_lots_148 = OrderLots();
  if (l_ticket_124 == 0) {
     if (l_ticket_132 != 0) OrderDelete(l_ticket_132);
     if (l_ticket_140 != 0) OrderDelete(l_ticket_140);
     l_price_24 = Ask - li_116 * g_point_76;
     if (li_116 <= 0) l_price_24 = 0;
     l_price_32 = Ask + li_112 * g_point_76;
     if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) >= li_104 && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) < li_108 && li_120) OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_136, Ask, l_slippage_100, l_price_24, l_price_32, "MagicNum = " + MagicNum, MagicNum, 0, CLR_NONE);
  if (l_ticket_128 == 0) {
     if (l_ticket_136 != 0) OrderDelete(l_ticket_136);
     if (l_ticket_144 != 0) OrderDelete(l_ticket_144);
     l_price_24 = Bid + li_116 * g_point_76;
     if (li_116 <= 0) l_price_24 = 0;
     l_price_32 = Bid - li_112 * g_point_76;
     if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) >= li_104 && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) < li_108 && li_120) OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_136, Bid, l_slippage_100, l_price_24, l_price_32, "MagicNum = " + MagicNum, MagicNum, 0, CLR_NONE);
  if (l_ticket_124 != 0 && l_ticket_132 == 0) {
     ld_8 = GetFinalInc(l_ord_lots_52);
     ld_0 = GetFinalIncNum(l_ord_lots_52);
     l_price_16 = l_ord_open_price_68 + ld_8 * g_point_76;
     if (li_48 == FALSE) l_price_24 = l_price_16 - li_116 * g_point_76;
     else l_price_24 = ld_164;
     if (li_116 <= 0) l_price_24 = 0;
     l_price_32 = l_price_16 - ld_0 * g_point_76;
     l_lots_40 = NormalizeDouble(2.0 * l_ord_lots_52, ld_0);
     if (li_120) OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, l_lots_40, l_price_16, l_slippage_100, l_price_24, l_price_32, "MagicNum = " + MagicNum, MagicNum, 0, CLR_NONE);
  if (l_ticket_128 != 0 && l_ticket_136 == 0) {
     ld_8 = GetFinalInc(l_ord_lots_60);
     ld_0 = GetFinalIncNum(l_ord_lots_60);
     l_price_16 = l_ord_open_price_76 + ld_8 * g_point_76;
     if (li_48 == FALSE) l_price_24 = l_price_16 + li_116 * g_point_76;
     else l_price_24 = ld_172;
     if (li_116 <= 0) l_price_24 = 0;
     l_price_32 = l_price_16 - ld_0 * g_point_76;
     l_lots_40 = NormalizeDouble(2.0 * l_ord_lots_60, ld_0);
     if (li_120) OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, l_lots_40, l_price_16, l_slippage_100, l_price_24, l_price_32, "MagicNum = " + MagicNum, MagicNum, 0, CLR_NONE);
  if (l_ticket_124 != 0 && l_ticket_140 == 0) {
     ld_8 = GetFinalInc(l_ord_lots_52);
     ld_0 = GetFinalIncNum(l_ord_lots_52);
     l_price_16 = l_ord_open_price_68 + ld_0 * g_point_76;
     if (li_48 == FALSE) l_price_24 = l_price_16 + li_116 * g_point_76;
     else l_price_24 = ld_164;
     if (li_116 <= 0) l_price_24 = 0;
     l_price_32 = l_price_16 + ld_0 * g_point_76;
     l_lots_40 = NormalizeDouble(2.0 * l_ord_lots_52, ld_0);
     if (li_120) OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, l_lots_40, l_price_16, l_slippage_100, l_price_24, l_price_32, "MagicNum = " + MagicNum, MagicNum, 0, CLR_NONE);
  if (l_ticket_128 != 0 && l_ticket_144 == 0) {
     ld_8 = GetFinalInc(l_ord_lots_60);
     ld_0 = GetFinalIncNum(l_ord_lots_60);
     l_price_16 = l_ord_open_price_76 - ld_8 * g_point_76;
     if (li_48 == FALSE) l_price_24 = l_price_16 - li_116 * g_point_76;
     else l_price_24 = ld_172;
     if (li_116 <= 0) l_price_24 = 0;
     l_price_32 = l_price_16 - ld_0 * g_point_76;
     l_lots_40 = NormalizeDouble(2.0 * l_ord_lots_60, ld_0);
     if (li_120) OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, l_lots_40, l_price_16, l_slippage_100, l_price_24, l_price_32, "MagicNum = " + MagicNum, MagicNum, 0, CLR_NONE);
  for (l_pos_180 = 0; l_pos_180 < OrdersTotal(); l_pos_180++) {
     OrderSelect(l_pos_180, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderType() == OP_BUY && l_ticket_124 != 0 && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNum) {
        if (li_48 == FALSE) l_price_24 = l_ord_open_price_68 - li_116 * g_point_76;
        else l_price_24 = ld_164;
        if (li_116 <= 0) l_price_24 = 0;
        if (l_ticket_124 != OrderTicket()) l_price_32 = l_ord_takeprofit_92;
        else l_price_32 = OrderTakeProfit();
        if (l_price_32 != OrderTakeProfit() || l_price_24 != OrderStopLoss()) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_24, l_price_32, 0, CLR_NONE);
     if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderType() == OP_SELL && l_ticket_128 != 0 && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNum) {
        if (li_48 == FALSE) l_price_24 = l_ord_open_price_76 + li_116 * g_point_76;
        else l_price_24 = ld_172;
        if (li_116 <= 0) l_price_24 = 0;
        if (l_ticket_128 != OrderTicket()) l_price_32 = l_ord_takeprofit_84;
        else l_price_32 = OrderTakeProfit();
        if (l_price_32 != OrderTakeProfit() || l_price_24 != OrderStopLoss()) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), l_price_24, l_price_32, 0, CLR_NONE);
  return (0);

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  • 2 weeks later...



it goes well...until BOOM and blows the account - at least on backtests.


what have other's found?



I backtested it on EURUSD H4 and surprisingly it did not blow the account. It has a good PF and winning rate. Looking at the code it is amazing to see that it uses no indicators. It just buys and sells and does a Martingdale approach. Very dangerous for a real account I think. SL is very wide ~100 pips. Looking forward other testers to share thoughts and experiences.



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Another not protected website :oops:




and the manual




I think some of you will transform it in mq4 :P


May be scam or not but we will see ...



Thank you for sharing this. It definitely looks good at least to backtest and share experiences.



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it goes well...until BOOM and blows the account - at least on backtests.


what have other's found?



I backtested it on EURUSD H4 and surprisingly it did not blow the account. It has a good PF and winning rate. Looking at the code it is amazing to see that it uses no indicators. It just buys and sells and does a Martingdale approach. Very dangerous for a real account I think. SL is very wide ~100 pips. Looking forward other testers to share thoughts and experiences.




how long did u test for? i did 2004-2008. even with 1,000,000 and 0.1 lots it still eventually killed the account.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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  • 4 months later...



After reading this thread I am confused. Originally I downloaded FRED EA from the below link...




... and I was working with it and ofcourse its very profitable.


But after reading this thread, I downloaded the FRED EX4 file from the original site but the settings part seems to be very different from that of what I am using already..! There is no momeymanagement or other settings...!


Which one is original and correct to use..?


Anyone please help me..

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After reading this thread I am confused. Originally I downloaded FRED EA from the below link...




... and I was working with it and ofcourse its very profitable.


But after reading this thread, I downloaded the FRED EX4 file from the original site but the settings part seems to be very different from that of what I am using already..! There is no momeymanagement or other settings...!


Which one is original and correct to use..?


Anyone please help me..



I use this, this is Fred ea type scalper different types of the above type of Martingale. Fred scalper is usually op at 18:00 wib

From member area Fred type martingale:)>-

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Sorry I dont understand..!

Then why its different from the Original site ex4..? The original site file settings has "sunday, monday... trade specifications and just a magic number and lot size..! Nothing other than this.

But the file I downloaded already from "ziddu" has settings for "repeat function, time frame" etc...

I am still confused... which one is correct..?

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I am testing it on my live account and its wonderful. I gained more than 3200 (micro account) in a single day with this robot. Fantastic I can say.

Hi mulri,

Congratulations for your profit.

What do you mean the "3200"? Is it pips? in a day only?

what's the preset?

Can you share us the live statement which FRED.ex4 trade?




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Hi mulri,

Congratulations for your profit.

What do you mean the "3200"? Is it pips? in a day only?

what's the preset?

Can you share us the live statement which FRED.ex4 trade?





No Its not pips.. I said its a micro (cents) account so 32.00 USD. Yes in only one day only..

I am using it from 28th Aug to today..!

I used it on GPBUSD. USDCHF and EURGPB..

But for the last 2 days it incurred losses too.

Its my live account.

Same settings of "adil08"


But the original site file seems to be very much different and non-profitable... I still dont know which is correct to use..!


You can download the file I use, from here... Along with the review...




You can see my live account history screen shot of this EA..! Seems to be fantastic..!

I have uploaded it in 4shared.. 3 image files are there.

Just view all the three, right now at online thro this below link...




See how many profitable trades with no single loss for 2 days..! Amassing... but last 2 days only it incurred losses...

I dont know why..?

I have closed some trades which were negative due to my fear.. May be those too could have turned into profit after some time..! This EA is meant for EU only..! But I have used it with EurUsd, GbpUsd and their correlated pairs like UsdChf and EurGbp..! Nice returns... But with some losses too..!

I dont know how this EA works... So far I understand from its operation, it opens sell trades when its a buying trend..! and vice versa...

I hope that any mql programmer here can still fine tune this EA..! I dont understand some of its settings too..

My main settings are.. Currency Pair : EURUSD

Time Frame: 30m:

SL : 50

TP: 20

TS: 15 I left others unchanged..!

Please somebody test this EA and report your feed back here..!

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what do you mean by "op"...? please explain.... and what is your lot size ...? can you here post all your settings...?


And one more good thing... I reduced the takeprofit from 20 pips to just 10 pips.. also I changed the time frame from 30m to 15m.. and it worked well. Bo single loss.. I use FRED at my real account on EU, GU, UsdChf and EurGbp.... Of thess EG does not suit well.

the other three are good.

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what do you mean by "op"...? please explain.... and what is your lot size ...? can you here post all your settings...?


And one more good thing... I reduced the takeprofit from 20 pips to just 10 pips.. also I changed the time frame from 30m to 15m.. and it worked well. Bo single loss.. I use FRED at my real account on EU, GU, UsdChf and EurGbp.... Of thess EG does not suit well.

the other three are good.


My seting Fred scalper:


Lot : 1-2, (

TF : 30

SL : 45

TP : 20

TS : 11

REPEAT : 3 --> max open position

TRAIL STEP : 2 --> minimum distance OP1 TO OP2 TO OP3


if open trade is happening:

IF OPEN POSITION = 2-3 OP, make TS = 0, usualy profit

IF OPEN POSITION = 1 OP, TS = 10, may be profit or loss

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Nice Idea to Convert FRED EA as a "No-Loss EA"..!


I have a fantastic idea to make this FRED EA a consistent profit maker, since it at times incurs heavy losses thereby vanishing all the profits it earned. The losses are huge when compared to its profits.


After a lengthy analyzing its trading strategy, I conclude this... It basically follows a reverse strategy in opening trades. Means, it opens a buy trade when the trend is selling and vice verse. Many times this strategy seems to be profit... bcoz, many times upward trend may give a small retracement and come down for a while and this EA mainly makes profit in that time only... but remember still its against the Trend. Obviously it incurs huge losses when the trend is going strong and stronger.... without any big retracement and its stop losses are hit...!


"Trend is our Friend" is the main slogan of forex success. So if we can change this FRED EA's trading strategy slighter, I strongly believe this EA would become a successful one.


Since I am not a mql coder.... I put forward a open request in this forum...


Any one please decompile the ex4 file of FRED EA and change its way of trading as upside down, without changing any thing... I mean, to change its code/syntax for buying and selling.... when its original code prompts to buy, the EA should sell and vice versa..! If anyone change its code in this way then I hope this EA can be highly profitable as it just rides along with the trend.


Please dont change any thing other than modifying its code to buy and sell... Please download the FRED EA's ex4 file which needs to be changed from the very 2nd post in this page (first file in the attachement whose size is 37.88 KiB)


Could any one here do this favour soon..?

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