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[req] The Northern Lights Stategy


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Re: [req] The Northern Lights Stategy


Who cares? This is what we do (or should be doing) here - share things that people are either selling or that we've picked up along the way, test them in our private community and hopefully tell others what we learnt. Be they EA's or manual systems - collective effort and sharing of results is the only way to finding methods that lead to financial freedom. Lemon45 & pultimo, please leave comments like this till after you have done groundwork and/or homework and it can be considered result from experience not opinion.



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Re: [req] The Northern Lights Stategy


Now. Now. Don't fight.


It is nice to say "kindda scam" to reduce the marketing hype and get a touch of mother earth. Thank you.


It's even nicer to actually fulfil the request so people can decide by themselves. Many many thanks.


Because everybody is different. Some people will go away at the 1st sight of scam. Some people will deal with scam. Some people will fight scammers. Some people will be happy to be scammed.


In this virtual world we called internet, everybody is correct and everything is possible.


So be nice and don't fight OK.




P.S. if I have a system that gives "Above 95% success ratio every day", I won't sell it even for $100k. I'll keep it close to my chest. I'm not hoping much from this system.

Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: [req] The Northern Lights Stategy


I was also tempted to answer the attack against me by Forexexample but I didn't for the reason William mentioned.


Like many people on the forum, I spent a lot of money of forex system and most of them weren't worth it that's why when I see on a commercial a 95% success rate, I know the chances to have a dishonest person is very high...and such a person steals money from his customers without scruples !


Of course someone with such a Grail would keep it for him very secretly.


But I like this forum as there is a friendly mind among the members so let's keep it as it is.

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Re: [req] The Northern Lights Stategy


Whether it is a scam or not, if we get it here for F*R*E*E then is it not a very good deal anyway ;) ?


I don't think anyone can claim to be scammed for something that they graciously accept at no cost to them. Of course they must exercise caution in their usage of such a gift with unknown good/bad potential.


Now if you actually paid $$ for it and it did not deliver then that is an entirely different story...



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Re: [req] The Northern Lights Stategy


easy guys...it wasn't an attack, i was just asking to keep opinions so and facts forefront.


we could look at anything and say "bah, it's a scam". it's expensive so its a scam; or maybe like fapturbo, only $99 it must be a scam, whatever. but in the end what did we learn?


but then i'm coming from a mindset where i don't believe the hype but i like testing EA's and manual systems and expanding my forex trading knowledge; whereas maybe other people on here might be looking for that holy grail and need you to warn them so thank you for that and i'm sorry to only see my side.


i like this forum as people share a lot of great stuff freely from their hearts...but then the threads die once the indicator or EA has been shared. what i would like to see more is people then sharing feedback from experience with these indicators and EA's and systems and helping educate others who haven't followed the path that far -


"don't go that way, it's a dead end"


"have a look down there, the apples are tasty and abundant"


"go that way but watch out for the bear"


that kind of thing.


scalping strategies like this northern lights strategy appears to be some people use remarkably effectively but they're not right for everyone as they're pretty intensive. recently i have been using cobraforex's THV system from the forex factory forum, a free system that is proving for me and a lot on there to be very effective. i just wondered if anyone has this system so i could compare signals between the two and hopefully offer feedback as to whether i did well or found it too complicated or just lost pips or what - and hey if it was a winner, what then?


oh well, it probably is a scam anyway so lets not worry about it. sorry to offend :peace:

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Re: [req] The Northern Lights Stategy


Ninja Trader??

Is that the ea or indicator?


its for ninja . ninja is a charting platform. you can download their demo by google ... search for ninja trader.

and guys ... IMHO . this is cyrox based .... its good for scalping . but you need a tick movement - that is .. 10 sec chart. and ... range bar . if im not mistaken ...


and you'll eventually see a move before every one else does ...


but spending, more than what u can ever deposit . is a such a waste .

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: [req] The Northern Lights Stategy


guys, you are WRONG saying that his stop gets hit in a split second - because this is a TRAILING STOP which moves down automatically (Ninja Trader can do this) once a certain price target is hit, and this is what you see in the video - so what you see is actually a profitable short trade, where the remaining part of the position gets stopped out on a retracement, shortly after the trailing stop moves down (Ninja Trader will only say "STOP HIT" and NOT "TRAILING STOP"



and YES, i would like to get my hands on that system too - SO LETS GO FOR IT ;)

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