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Sakuntil Stochastic System

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S3 system



1. 1. dibawah level 80 stochastic (area resistance) menggunakan stoch 8 3 3 (kuning dan gray) HARUS bersilang dengan tanda lingkaran warna HIJAU (seperti anda lihat di gambar), untuk yang ini saya bisa katakan tingkat keberhasilan 50:50 (kemungkinan reversal) stochastic level below 80 (area resistance) using stoch 8 3 3 (yellow and gray) MUST-hand with a circle HIJAU colors (like you see in the picture), to which I can say this level of success 50:50 (possible reversal)


2. 2. Tetap menggunakan stoch 8, TAPI...entrynya diantara posisi atau sudah cross dengan stoch 20 dan 50 (lihat lingkaran warna putih) untuk ini saya berani katakan tingkat keberhasilannya 100% Still using stoch 8, BUT ... entrynya among position or have a cross with stoch 20 and 50 (see white circle) for this I dare say 100% success rate



1. 1. diatas level 20 stochastic (area support) menggunakan stoch 8 3 3 (kuning dan gray) HARUS bersilang dengan tanda lingkaran warna HIJAU (seperti anda lihat di gambar), untuk yang ini saya bisa katakan tingkan keberhasilan 50:50 (kemungkinan reversal) stochastic level above 20 (area support) using stoch 8 3 3 (yellow and gray) MUST-hand with a circle HIJAU colors (like you see in the picture), to which I can say tingkan success 50:50 (possible reversal)


2. 2. Tetap menggunakan stoch 8, TAPI...entrynya diantara posisi atau sudah cross dengan stoch 20 dan 50 (lihat lingkaran warna putih) untuk ini saya berani katakan tingkat keberhasilannya 100% Still using stoch 8, BUT ... entrynya among position or have a cross with stoch 20 and 50 (see white circle) for this I dare say 100% success rate


untuk mengetahui TREND, apakah Down Tren atau Up Trend, anda bisa melihat posisi stochastic 20 (biru) dan stoch 50 (merah) TREND to know, whether or Down Trends Up Trend, you can see the position of stochastic 20 (blue) and stoch 50 (red)


UPTREND : stoch 20 (biru) berada diatas stoch 50 (merah) UPTREND: stoch 20 (blue) are stoch above 50 (red)

Down TREND : Stoch 20 (biru) berada dibawah stoch 50 (merah) Down TREND: Stoch 20 (blue) under stoch 50 (red)

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Sakuntil Stochastic System


english translation through google:

S3 system



1. 1. under 80 level stochastic (area resistance) using stoch 8 3 3 (yellow and gray) MUST be piled with a GREEN color circle (like you see in the picture), to which I can say this level of success of the 50:50 (possible reversal) stochastic level below 80 (area resistance) using stoch 8 3 3 (yellow and gray) MUST-hand with a circle HIJAU colors (like you see in the picture), to which I can say this level of success 50:50 (possible reversal)


2. 2. To use the stoch 8, BUT ... entrynya between the position or have a cross with stoch 20 and 50 (see white circle) to this I dare say 100% success rate using stoch 8 Still, BUT ... among entrynya position or have a cross with stoch 20 and 50 (see white circle) for this I dare say 100% success rate



1. 1. stochastic level above 20 (area support) using stoch 8 3 3 (yellow and gray) MUST be piled with a GREEN color circle (like you see in the picture), to which I can say tingkan success 50:50 (possible reversal) stochastic level above 20 (area support) using stoch 8 3 3 (yellow and gray) MUST-hand with a circle HIJAU colors (like you see in the picture), to which I can say tingkan success 50:50 (possible reversal)


2. 2. To use the stoch 8, BUT ... entrynya between the position or have a cross with stoch 20 and 50 (see white circle) to this I dare say 100% success rate using stoch 8 Still, BUT ... among entrynya position or have a cross with stoch 20 and 50 (see white circle) for this I dare say 100% success rate


TREND to know, whether Up or Down Trends Trend, you can see the stochastic position 20 (blue) and stoch 50 (red) TREND to know, whether Up or Down Trends Trend, you can see the position of the stochastic 20 (blue) and stoch 50 (red)


UPTREND: stoch 20 (blue) stoch is above 50 (red) UPTREND: stoch 20 (blue) are stoch above 50 (red)

Down TREND: Stoch 20 (blue) under stoch 50 (red) Down TREND: Stoch 20 (blue) under stoch 50 (red)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Sakuntil Stochastic System


Hi bro. kopaszn,


Not quite understand the translation, seen some mistake, rephase and see whether it correct:


S3 system



1. 1. When the stochastic (8,3,3) (yellow and gray) is below 80 level (area resistance) ,

MUST be cross down (as shown in the RED circle in the picture) - for this setup, i can say the level of success is 50:50 (possible reversal)


2. 2. If the Stoch (8,3,3) between Stoch(20) and Stoch(50) or have a cross down stoch(20) and stoch(50) (see the white circle) to this I dare say 100% success rate



1. 1. When the stochastic (8,3,3) (yellow and gray) is above 20 level (area support) ,

MUST be cross up (as shown in the REEN circle in the picture) - for this setup, I can say the level of success is 50:50 (possible reversal)


2. 2. If the Stoch (8,3,3) between Stoch(20) and Stoch(50) or have cross up stoch (20) and stoch(50) (see the white circle) to this I dare say 100% success rate



To know whether Up or Down TREND - you can look at the relative position between the Blue Stoch(20) and Red Stoch (50):

- UPTREND: Blue Stoch (20) above Red Stoch(50)

- DOWNTREND: Blue Stoch (20) below Red Stoch(50)

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