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My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


Below is the list of my contributions:


1. Volatility Scalp EURCHF

2. USD Hunter EA

3. Swiss Army EA v1.51

4. Open Tiks EA

5. Holy Grail EA

6. GT shadow v3.09


8. Autobot EA

9. 100pips v3 EA

10. Silve Trend v3


Hope all are vaild.............

and also hope i qualify for the giftQQ :oops:

There is no delight in owning anything unshared
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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


These are my top ten contributions:


1) Say Thanks

2)Make Requests

3)ask for cracked eas

4)ask backtests

5)ask forward tests


7)Request something that has already requested

8)ask stupids questions

9)post in the wrong topic

10)and feel proud to help the indo-investasi community..!


I really deserve it

:D :D :D

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


Hi William,


Can I have the free gift ? Here is my list...i love to learn new things.. tq.. :oops:












4.Two pair in one chart indicator












8.Multitimeframe Recent Candles - very good for scalping tools



9.Forex Trading Strategy - the Secret of Timing





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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


Hello William,

Here there are some of my threads.

I hope this is enough to have access to "the gift".


Thank you so much for encourage every body to share.


I will waiting your ok that everything is valid


By :peace:


Trading Day Trade Forex System (Advance course)



ForexAutopilot (pack)



Forex for Dummies



80 trading strategies in one PDF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






XPROFUSTER (forecast indicator)



NFP Pilot EA



TrendScalper TR EA



From Rusia with love EA



Ultra Trend indicator



Nameless V2 EA



Harvester 3 EA



Very good pack of indicators


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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


@ all

- If you want the gift, please read from post #1 about the rules

- Don't make request or unrelated post here. keep things tidy.


@ zeeshanfkhan and @ daw-veed

- Please list links and titles, not titles only. I need the links to verify whether it's valid or not. If you have more than 10, list more in case some of them are not valid.


@ jackdan

- I believe at least liuganquan could post his/her great contributions. If s/he lacks 1 or 2 I could give the gift if s/he is a good standing member.

- This is not an EA. Not A trading System. Please read from post #1


@ pasavento

- your 9th list is somewhat not valid for the gift, but it's a good post. Also, you've been here long enough and respected by others. So, I myself promote you to get the gift (kindda bias don't you think huahahahaha :D )

- Gift sent via PM to pasavento


@ ejlamarque

- the fap thread is not valid based on forum rules.

- The 80 strategies in 1 pdf is broken, so not valid.

- Luckily you've provided 13 lists so the other 11 are valid.

- Gift sent via PM to ejlamarque


Current Hall of Fame (without any order):

Texan, Jh07, Mashki, Gbon, Middx58, R326196, Cubicrey, Hakuzo, K12, Sonny, Yeni, DDD, Pasavento, & ejlamarque.




P.S. Our dearest bro Kardel is already a moderator, so he's not on the list anymore. He's too great to be put on that list. :D

Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


  • Forex Ace
Fibonnaci Application for Trader
Blade (Tumpul) Forex Strategy
Henry Vlado Trading Method
15 Ways to Trade Moving Averages
Cycle-*based Market Timing
Ins*ider Cod*e Ago*ra For*ex Tr*ading
Super Easy Forex System
Hot Trading Secret
New Market Mavericks
Jo* Series
Harvester R3 - Russian Version - EA
Technical Analysis Nightmare - EA


Ehmm... Sinshei William, will I qualify too? :D

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


Oh Sorry Mod... i just i forgot to link to the post so here are my contributions and links to them


1.Silver Trend v3



2.100pips v3 ea



3.Autobot EA






5.Open Tiks EA



6.Swiss Army EA v1.51



7.Holy Grail EA



8.USD Hunter EA



9.Volatility Scalp EURCHF



10.GT Shadow v3.09


There is no delight in owning anything unshared
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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year



I am newbie here

hm....about the gift ...

i had post more than 10 in the indo-investasi but i dunno how to bring it up here( i mean prove it here)

so maybe u can be kind enough to check all my post and see if i am worth or not to recieved the gift


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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


@ edw123

Yes, it's all valid. You have even more than 10. Great! Some of them are even shared long time ago. A solid proof that you are a good standing member indeed, not just someone who wants the gift and run away. :D Superb!


Gift sent via PM to edw123.


@ zeeshanfkhan

From current checking all seems to be valid. However, I will wait some time, who knows somebody else will find out that some of them are already posted here. If you have more, please list more in case some of them are double post, you will still have 10. Just remind me next week at 5th of may. If nobody claims the double post, I'll sent the gift to you.


@ nama12

Please read this thread from post 1 and you will know that i've said it before... "I'M NOT NICE. I'M NOT KIND. I'M A BITCH"

In fact, as far as I remember all your indicator posts are double posts.


Current Hall of Fame (without any order):

Texan, Jh07, Mashki, Gbon, Middx58, R326196, Cubicrey, Hakuzo, K12, Sonny, Yeni, DDD, Pasavento, edw123, & ejlamarque.



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


hi...i try to share my ebooks colection with u guys....

dunno if it can help or not....but after read those ebooks i am so sure that

u guys trading skill will improve.....

hope the best trading for all




there is about 10 ebooks in that link



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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


Hello William, :P

i m just a newbie i keep up sharing what i have

Here is 10 threads which were sent by me

I hope all are valid


1- One of the best support/resistance indi i ever found



2-Very nice fib tool NEED CRACK



3-FXPP Auto Trader v2 for 5000$



4-AlfaForexEA for 500$



5-elliot indicator



6- Course Syllabus 6 GB



7-Fibonacci Secrets Stephen Pierce's






9-manual Trading System



10-Volume : The Truth of Secret !!



I will hopefully have much more for the future! :peace:

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


Forum ini benar2 berarti buat Q

Hehehe i am late, am i qualified??

But I want the gift, here are my 10 great contributions of my history here, i hope enough:


1. Give Mafioso EA decompile version in this topic (In Post 6):



2. Give Lawaqib EA decompile version & removed the demo code in this topic (In Post 10):



3. Give Screenshot of Sakuntil Stochastic System in this topic (In Post 3):



4. [My Own Topic] Trend Rider 3 Trading System:



5. [My Own Topic] Venom Trading System:



6. [My Own Topic] "Rahasia Jutawan Forex" Trading System Guide:



7. [My Own Topic] Kuasa Forex V.2:



8. [My Own Topic] VS_EURCHFD01 Trading System / EA:



9. [My Own Topic] Awesome Custom Indicator Collections (Sorry if repost):



10. Give Entrex indicators decompile version in this topic (In Post 3):



11. Give Thrall Trading System in this topic (In Post 4):



12. [My Own Topic] {My Development for Scalp} "MU vs Chelsea" Trading System:



Cuma itu yang nemu...

Wah kelebihan jd 12 (ane takut ad yang bukan dianggap kontribusi jd ane lebihkan takut ga dapat Giftnya hehehe :mrgreen: Kidding :peace: ), sorry ya Bro, namun ane rasa masih kurang kontribusinya dibandingkan apa yang forum ini telah berikan kepada saya, Thanks...

My Motto is:





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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


let's see if i can find some of my post:






the uncracked v1.11 megadroid




vengeance :evil:












sharing my settings




more results from optimization. Iknow it looks a short post, but there are a couple of

hours behind to do those test





beeing helpfull




sharing latest version of uncracked fapturbo




sharing my experience





And generally, for trying to be as helpfull as my little knowledge allow me



therefore, would you mind sharing that trading principle you have?



tarima kashish, thank you, Gracias

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


@ nama12

- You've submitted more than 10, I think there won't be problem with double posting since you have more than 10.

- Gift sent via PM to nama12


@ makni

- your bill paulos is double post, so you don't have 10. sorry.


@ Luffy-kun

- yes, 3rd is not valid, but since you have 12, it's valid :D

- and you've contributed since dec. nice. :D

- Gift sent via PM to Luffy-kun


@ canados

- .......... Don't know what to say.


@ jackdan

- This is not my trading principle. I just found it, and it seems great. The 1st suggestion on this gift resulted in a 500 pip profit.

- Based on the gift rule, you only have 8 valid posts.

- However, since you've been quite a nice member, I'm also trying to be nice (although I normally not nice :P ) and see your posts. After all you have 100+ posts and as far as I remember, you are quite nice to everyone.

- From my "research" I can see that you've given quite a lot of contribution on backtesting and mirror making. So no prob. It's my gift to give and I want to give it to you.

- Gift sent via PM to JackDan


Current Hall of Fame (without any order):

Texan, Jh07, Mashki, Gbon, Middx58, R326196, Cubicrey, Hakuzo, K12, Sonny, Yeni, DDD, Pasavento, Edw123, ejlamarque, nama12, Jackdan, & Luffy-kun.



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


William...I'm really really sorry


I didn't understand that the posts must be mine...sorry. I thought I had to choose the best posts for me and put the link.

I'm a new member, so I hope I'll contribute in the the near future


have a nice day

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


  William said:


@ makni

- your bill paulos is double post, so you don't have 10. sorry.



  makni said:


1- One of the best support/resistance indi i ever found



2-Very nice fib tool NEED CRACK



3-FXPP Auto Trader v2 for 5000$



4-elliot indicator



5- Course Syllabus 6 GB



6-Fibonacci Secrets Stephen Pierce's






8-manual Trading System



9-Volume : The Truth of Secret !!



10-AlfaForexEA for 500$



11-very impressive indicator Candle Patterns



12- Vic Noble & Chris Lori Forex Scalping



My 12 contribution.thks williams

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


Gift sent via PM to zeeshanfkhan & makni.


Current Hall of Fame (without any order):

Texan, Jh07, Mashki, Gbon, Middx58, R326196, Cubicrey, Hakuzo, K12, Sonny, Yeni, DDD, Pasavento, Edw123, ejlamarque, nama12, Jackdan, Luffy-kun, zeeshanfkhan & makni.


Dear all. We mods, are preparing something that imho is extremely extraordinary in term of our trading result. After all we are here not to collect indis or EA, we here to get money. If this "proposal" get approved by our admin, then this forum will evolve once more.


The "thing" will only be accessible to a handful of members, selected and invitation based members. The criteria will be very strict, coz the "thing" will be very good. People who are not in my hall of fame will have a very hard time fulfilling the criteria. However, getting listed in my hall of fame here does NOT guarantee that you will pass the criteria. It's super strict, and we will make the criteria hidden, so people can't trick us anymore. Only good members who think and act in this forum original spirit will be accepted.



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


  William said:
Gift sent via PM to zeeshanfkhan & makni.


Current Hall of Fame (without any order):

Texan, Jh07, Mashki, Gbon, Middx58, R326196, Cubicrey, Hakuzo, K12, Sonny, Yeni, DDD, Pasavento, Edw123, ejlamarque, nama12, Jackdan, Luffy-kun, zeeshanfkhan & makni.


Dear all. We mods, are preparing something that imho is extremely extraordinary in term of our trading result. After all we are here not to collect indis or EA, we here to get money. If this "proposal" get approved by our admin, then this forum will evolve once more.


The "thing" will only be accessible to a handful of members, selected and invitation based members. The criteria will be very strict, coz the "thing" will be very good. People who are not in my hall of fame will have a very hard time fulfilling the criteria. However, getting listed in my hall of fame here does NOT guarantee that you will pass the criteria. It's super strict, and we will make the criteria hidden, so people can't trick us anymore. Only good members who think and act in this forum original spirit will be accepted.





Reminds me of FT now.....

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Re: My Gift 4 U - New Holy Grail - Tested & Proven for 37 Year


  caillie said:
Reminds me of FT now.....

For me personally, it's up to you what do you think about the idea. The spirit of this forum is knowledge sharing. EA, TS, Ebook, Strategies, all are considered knowledge and I believe should be shared.


We mods, are tired of people who:

- take good free system and sell it. Like those on our dear bro SEFC system.

- just ask and ask, and don't even bother to make a mirror if requested. People don't even bother to look at [req] topic such as our bro Kardel range bar.

- share, request, fulfil EA / TS blindly.


Seriously, we mods, don't really like the condition of this forum where there are many [req]. Even though it's fulfilled, we don't really like it. We build the forum as a knowledge sharing, but this forum has become warez sharing. There are about hundreds of EA here. How many of you are trading live? It's kindda stupid imho and wasting the hosting resources.


For me, if it's not making money, it goes to trash. If it's good read but not making money, goes to trash. I personally can't understand why you guys keep [req] every single EA / TS out there. When we mods [req] something, we carefully researched about it before. We don't request something because the seller says something. When we request something, we have researched it carefully and think that it would benefit us somehow. On the other hand, people here, got some spam email about new forex ea, then put the request here at the forum because the seller promise a 100% win rate.


For us mods, we know it's somehow good, then we requested it. But lately it seems that you people just requested it first then decide whether it's good or not, which we all know that 99% of them will be junk. You may believe it or not, but since many months ago, I've only downloaded 2 products here, and those 2 are not even EA.


With that said, the current forum will keep intact, we will add, not change this lovely forum. For those who shared the same idea, you will be invited to access the added "thing". Those who don't, well, this current forum is still available for you.



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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