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Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us

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Hi all,


First of all, just like to state categorically that I am really not a big Fan of FriendlyTraders or hereby refer to as FT :x :evil:




I am not going to explain what this site is & also not going to bash them right here, u can all be the judge. :sum:


But lately, I'd noticed that there have been a a lot of submission in Indo-Investasi that starts popping up in FT, always right after some kind & generous members starts sharing it here first then in a about 1 week or so later U will start seeing the same submission in FT... :huh: I am talking about the MT4 stuff of coz.


So who are these members that leeches from this forum? Well u know who u are.


Of coz if you are a members there(FT) & here & u are the original sharer of the system. Then of coz u have the right to contribute it wherever u like.


As for leechers, who cares! Is not my say if u take it to FT. There is nothing i can do....right?


Well, there is..I myself e.g. can stop sharing & eventually genuine kind members of indo will also STOP sharing less & we all know that this is not a good thing.


Have you guys notice lately that some of the important members already STOP sharing good stuff and/or appearing less in this section of the forum....I am sure some contributing members feel the same.


OK maybe, is just me & my pet peeve with FT, but I would heed members here do CORDIALLY RESTRAINT from leeching to FT. :evil:



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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  caillie said:
Hi all,


First of all, just like to state categorically that I am really not a big Fan of FriendlyTraders or hereby refer to as FT :x :evil:





I am not going to explain what this site is & also not going to bash them right here, u can all be the judge. :sum:


But lately, I'd noticed that there have been a a lot of submission in Indo-Investasi that starts popping up in FT, always right after some kind & generous members starts sharing it here first then in a about 1 week or so later U will start seeing the same submission in FT... :huh: I am talking about the MT4 stuff of coz.


So who are these members that leeches from this forum? Well u know who u are.


Of coz if you are a members there(FT) & here & u are the original sharer of the system. Then of coz u have the right to contribute it wherever u like.


As for leechers, who cares! Is not my say if u take it to FT. There is nothing i can do....right?


Well, there is..I myself e.g. can stop sharing & eventually genuine kind members of indo will also STOP sharing less & we all know that this is not a good thing.


Have you guys notice lately that some of the important members already STOP sharing good stuff and/or appearing less in this section of the forum....I am sure some contributing members feel the same.


OK maybe, is just me & my pet peeve with FT, but I would heed members here do CORDIALLY RESTRAINT from leeching to FT. :evil:




Exactly!!!!!! :arrow:

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing. Sharing is caring
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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


First of all, just like to state categorically that I am really not a big Fan of FriendlyTraders or hereby refer to as FT

I am not going to explain what this site is & also not going to bash them right here, u can all be the judge.


Well... its look friendly ... but really mate... there is nothing to proud of ... there. :)


But lately, I'd noticed that there have been a a lot of submission in Indo-Investasi that starts popping up in FT, always right after some kind & generous members starts sharing it here first then in a about 1 week or so later U will start seeing the same submission in FT... I am talking about the MT4 stuff of coz.

So who are these members that leeches from this forum? Well u know who u are.


Well... I think that somebody is making a Mirror... there! and i used to be that somebody. but i realize that sharing is like more about leave your ego behind, honesty, giving and karma. somehow somebody will help you! If you're in trouble. and somebody WILL GAVE YOU IF YOU GAVE THEM. is like more to be take and give process not selling off something. :)


Of coz if you are a members there(FT) & here & u are the original sharer of the system. Then of coz u have the right to contribute it wherever u like.

As for leechers, who cares! Is not my say if u take it to FT. There is nothing i can do....right?

I think the FT was't a really BIG DEAL. The main problem is that somebody who take our contribution and SELL it for money. You'll notice this when you find on something that we call MBAH GOOGLE.


Well, there is..I myself e.g. can stop sharing & eventually genuine kind members of indo will also STOP sharing less & we all know that this is not a good thing.

Have you guys notice lately that some of the important members already STOP sharing good stuff and/or appearing less in this section of the forum....I am sure some contributing members feel the same.

Hey ... mate ... MISS ME..... hehehehehe :) , seriously ... that there is a "brokbek" issue ... since I'm not "brokbek" so I "combek"


OK maybe, is just me & my pet peeve with FT, but I would heed members here do CORDIALLY RESTRAINT from leeching to FT.  

Well if you do ... happens to be a member ... let's COOPERATE. I don't like enemy... my enemy is *"brokbek" wekekeeeke ...


*edited ..coz callie doest like me to write this down ... hahahahahahahahaa

WARM REGARDS for your friend that friendly enough for YOU,



K. ;)



* qqqq ... :lol: Did you mean to many "BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN" at FT ? c'mon Wa' Kardel .... :mrgreen: Holly Marry DON'T Brrrrrrrrr ............. :D (Gyverd)

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


I thin FT have strange policy about sharing trading systems and programs.


If you are beginner and wont to learn how to trade and test trading systems you probably never

get any stuff from FT because from there point of view you wont contribute enough to FT.

More than 90 % of all members in FT are now not able to post new

stuff by there rules. That means the beginner stay beginner and the expert will get better expert.

Only person who will gain experience in trading and get lates stuff are moderators of FT.


Now you can even not register with FT and with there policy i think it is not worth to be a member of FT.


But we could cooperate and get together by sharing all stuff that are posted here to FT through one -same account

in this way we could get 'hard to find' stuff and share it here.

Probably one of moderator who has access to FT can open new board through which we will post all new systems and then he can post it in FT and swap it for stuff that we are looking or not having in our forum.


Be a member of Indo..is honour, be a member of FT is nothing..

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


weleh - weleh.. pakai bhs england semuanya..

nih aku juga mau pakai bahasa java script.. :D :D :D

kalau mas Kardel pasti tau bhs java script nih.. hehehe soalnya banyak buku perpustakaannya sih... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :arrow: :arrow:


monggo mas kardel... wis suwe ora ono nang forum iki... mlebu nang en'di ? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


oh iya.. gmn .. wis nemu software kuwi .. sing nganggo "wave2: kuwi.. ehmm.. Exoticwave pro ver.40.. hehehe... wis tak takon sedulur-sedulur nang forum lain.. eh.. gak ono 'e :cry:


tapi aku ngarep iso nemu .. yen pas nemu.. wah engko tak rame-ramein iki forum.. tak panas-panasi, tak kebul-kebul sampe ko'bongan.. hahaha...


oke Mas.. "I'm very Happy you come back again.. and thanks your DVD steve bisson eh sorry steve nisson".. hahaha... ups.. england me'neh... hahaha :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


Nani ka kore anata tachi ? Wakara nai yo.


Hontoni wakara nai!



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


nanti2 gue akan cuba sharing2 di sini.. soal nya.. gue masih baru dgn dunia forex nih.. so for now.. gue download2 aja... nanti2 gue upload dan sharing apa2 yg patut... thanks to all master2 aka.. forex senior for sharing the systems and indicators... i salute u all.. adios amigos... :peace:

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  SEFC said:
weleh - weleh.. pakai bhs england semuanya..

nih aku juga mau pakai bahasa java script.. :D :D :D

kalau mas Kardel pasti tau bhs java script nih.. hehehe soalnya banyak buku perpustakaannya sih... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :arrow: :arrow:


monggo mas kardel... wis suwe ora ono nang forum iki... mlebu nang en'di ? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Halo ... LIk ....hehehehehhehe....

aq ki ra iso mlebu mlebu ... perkoro gogle krom... halah ...


  SEFC said:
oh iya.. gmn .. wis nemu software kuwi .. sing nganggo "wave2: kuwi.. ehmm.. Exoticwave pro ver.40.. hehehe... wis tak takon sedulur-sedulur nang forum lain.. eh.. gak ono 'e :cry:

EXOTIC wave ... waduh lik ... nun satus sewu ... dereng kepanggih lha ...nek iso sedoyo maringi satus ewu mesti bakalan nemune ... kok lik ... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


  SEFC said:
tapi aku ngarep iso nemu .. yen pas nemu.. wah engko tak rame-ramein iki forum.. tak panas-panasi, tak kebul-kebul sampe ko'bongan.. hahaha...

sing kudu di kebul kebul saiki kancane lik ... biyuh ... ra due duit ki ...

  SEFC said:
oke Mas.. "I'm very Happy you come back again.. and thanks your DVD steve bisson eh sorry steve nisson".. hahaha... ups.. england me'neh... hahaha :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:


Oyes ... yes ... i no.... no .... :shand: :shand: :shand: :shand:

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


Then I think it would be nice for all FT members to share stuff from there to here, so it would be fair, right?



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  William said:
Then I think it would be nice for all FT members to share stuff from there to here, so it would be fair, right?




Absolutely RIGHT!!! :arrow:


BUT I'm not a FT member :mrgreen:

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing. Sharing is caring
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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  fx_cyborg said:
Im not FT members, but for me is so fun & its OK too, so lets we party & dance togeteher in this forum. :arrow:

So " How much ??? mate ?" clinging around can't ring the bell whats your nick anyway?

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


Wow guess where did he get this?





and here is all his contributions, looks familiar any1?




Shoot me if i am wrong..... :huh:


Well, if i am am wrong I am 50% wrong, if I am right I am 50% right... :sleapy:


Whoever u are, I hope u know what to do in return....if u know what i mean :huh:

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  goblay said:
dont forget this site :x



There no need to worried that much. and we have their "boss" right above my post! :sum:

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  goblay said:
dont forget this site :x





The site quoted above, MIGHT BE a spyware site. Why? POSSIBLE "BUFFER OVERFLOW ATTACK". :!: :idea:


At least, It behaves like a "buffer overflow attack". If you have your task manager open and monitoring it before going to this site then after goining to the site you will understand what I am talking about. If you have only two tabs of this site open at the same time you will notice that more than 500 MB of your RAM memory is sucked until it takes your RAM to almost Zero or dead in a matter of a minute or less which of course would depends on your system. Firewalls and antivirus programs usually do not detect such attacks and It appears the way to detect them is simply monitoring your RAM via your task manager and applying some common sense! :huh:


Extracted: "One of the most serious and common attack types on the Internet is the buffer overflow attack. This type of attack occurs when a malicious program or script deliberately sends more data to its memory buffer than the buffer can handle. It is at this point that a successful attack can create a back door to the system though which a hacker can gain access. The goal of most attacks is to install malware onto the compromised PC whereby the hacker can reformat the hard drive, steal sensitive user information, or even install programs that transform the machine into a Zombie PC. " :|


Data theft, computer crashes and system damage or ...


I might be mistaken about it but I thought it was better to let you know at least of my opinion. Good luck to everyone. ;)

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


I don't mind some members share at other sites if they share here too.


Actually good to have a system does not let leechers to download even a single file!


There are different kind of leechers and If you want to find real leechers just check their posts:


1) Almost zero post


2) All posts are only requests,questions, download link problems or asking for help.

(They are so lazy & rude too, even if you share,help for links or requests they still don't bother to say thanks etc.)


3)Leeching with Spamming : "Thanks" ,"appreciate", "god bless you"; "you are great" etc. But almost no single sharing or helping. = This kind leechers know : they are doing wrong,They think that they can cover themselves this way.But It does not help!


Leechers think They are smart and others are stupid.


But I believe leechers have very bad personality and They are useless, junk idiots!


I've started to check user's posts and I wont help if they seem a leecher.


I wish we have a system which kick all leechers from net. Because It really bothers & stops me for sharing & helping.

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us




Many thanks, and here is my opinion,


  Texan said:
I don't mind some members share at other sites if they share here too.


Actually good to have a system does not let leechers to download even a single file!



  Texan said:
There are different kind of leechers and If you want to find real leechers just check their posts:


  Texan said:
1) Almost zero post

well sometimes they were busy, and even got mc during the first month.

  Texan said:
2) All posts are only requests,questions, download link problems or asking for help.

(They are so lazy & rude too, even if you share,help for links or requests they still don't bother to say thanks etc.)

well let's just said that they can't afford to buy a keyboard.

  Texan said:
3)Leeching with Spamming : "Thanks" ,"appreciate", "god bless you"; "you are great" etc. But almost no single sharing or helping. = This kind leechers know : they are doing wrong,They think that they can cover themselves this way.But It does not help!

lets just said that god will forgive them ... even they can't afford to use their brain at all.

  Texan said:
Leechers think They are smart and others are stupid.


  Texan said:
But I believe leechers have very bad personality and They are useless, junk idiots!

Jeezzz,....you just stole my word..... or i haven't got this part yet!

  Texan said:
I've started to check user's posts and I wont help if they seem a leecher.

I wish we have a system which kick all leechers from net. Because It really bothers & stops me for sharing & helping.

now now, you can't kick them ... cause their A'word is to far for you to reach. I don't mind if they stole it from me. but what I don't get it ... is that the leechers were SELLING it to the newbies ... is the worst part. I'll gave you an example in my next post... or somebody ???



[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


SELLING it to the newbies :x


Yeah, in fact if I m not wrong coming from CG, some members even have the whole webshop looking so PRO & Selling to NOOBS.. :cry: :ahhh: (btw where & what is CG? my keyboard is faulty :oops: )


Man... these blood suckers have their karma re-written in blood they sewn. May god have mercy on u. :o


PS: oh yes, Henry FX went just went up for sale in FT....haha.. :idea: must be Kardel's fault :roll: :P

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  caillie said:
SELLING it to the newbies :x


Yeah, in fact if I m not wrong coming from CG, some members even have the whole webshop looking so PRO & Selling to NOOBS.. :cry: :ahhh: (btw where & what is CG? my keyboard is faulty :oops: )


Man... these blood suckers have their karma re-written in blood they sewn. May god have mercy on u. :o


PS: oh yes, Henry FX went just went up for sale in FT....haha.. :idea: must be Kardel's fault :roll: :P


Yes, Selling to Newbies is the worst case, and I hope those guys (sekam) go to Jail or Hell...Lol.. :mrgreen:

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  caillie said:
SELLING it to the newbies :x


Yeah, in fact if I m not wrong coming from CG, some members even have the whole webshop looking so PRO & Selling to NOOBS.. :cry: :ahhh: (btw where & what is CG? my keyboard is faulty :oops: )

there is one in indo ... look



  caillie said:
Man... these blood suckers have their karma re-written in blood they sewn. May god have mercy on u. :o

they r not a dracula ... but kind a guy that "brokbek" enough .... LOL


  caillie said:
PS: oh yes, Henry FX went just went up for sale in FT....haha.. :idea: must be Kardel's fault :roll: :P

with a wrong files... hahahahaha. nope not my style mate.

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


haha, :shock:


2 members here rushing to post "mostwantedforexrobot" in FT





Just can't wait to score points.... :D ....dork

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Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us


  caillie said:
haha, :shock:


2 members here rushing to post "mostwantedforexrobot" in FT





Just can't wait to score points.... :D ....dork


Satu lagi dapet gelas nih.... :mrgreen:

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