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Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


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Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21


The ROBOT is 100% fully automatic


Places all your trades for you without any human intervention


1. The worlds only Forex robot with intelli-switch that automatically changes settings.

2. Automatically searches for counter trends between the monthly and 5 minute timeframes.

3. Self checking logic when/if you set an input incorrectly.

4. User adjustable to set to trigger on closed or unclosed candles!

5. Ability to enter on Alert or Alert -1 TF color change (closed or unclosed candles).

6. Optional enter on a fresh signal when EA is first turned on (switchable).

7. Money management available to trade a % of free margin or account balance.

8. Intelligent lot fractional sizing based on what broker you use.

9. Take profit with fixed pip amounts that you decide for each timeframe.

10.Take profit can be selected to use % ATR for each individual timeframe.

11. All TP and SL are invisible to broker. (no hunting allowed).

12. A safety SL & TP can be set as a fail safe if power is lost (will be displayed to broker).

13. Partial close option to take 1/2 profit automatically when TP is reached.

14. Stop loss can be set at a fixed pip amount or % of ATR.

15. Trailing stop loss feature is available.

16 Trailing stop trigger and pip step amount fully adjustable.

17. Broker spread widening detection option to halt entries if spread widens by "x" pip amount.

18. Trading hours only available to trade based on your times you choose.

19. All text is font size and color adjustable.

20. Three different de-bug inputs to analyze all your backtesting and forward trading!

21. Upper TF feature to use as a filter for trading desired TF to help avoid head fakes.

22. Break even setting with a guaranteed lock in pip amount.

23. Ability to take full profits when TP target is triggered with color change based on choice of timeframes.

24. Ability to take 1/2 profit when TP target is triggered and let other half run up until color change on choice of timeframe.

25. Superb labels displaying on screen what the EA is doing inside to understand what is going on.

26. Superb labels displaying int & ext SL & TP, curr DD, Max profit, Max DD and much more!

27. Intelligent analysis to determin to close out a set #1 set-up in favor of entering back in with a set #2 set-up and visa versa..

28. Can be set-up to disallow new trades on Friday at your preferred time.

29. Can also close out open trades on Friday to go flat before the weekend at your preferred time.

30. . Along with the above feature you can have the robot automatically close out all open trades every "X" # of days.

31. Automatically detects when market changes from trending to ranging and switches into a different mode using pre-determined settings to trade the new market effectively!

32. The robot has the ability to place hedge trades automatically.

33. New feature that places a seperate trade in the direction of the counter trend. This means additional trades and more profit.

34. New feature to recognize automatically if the market has changed after entering on set #1 or set #2 and automatically close out the position. The robot will then re-enter on the opposite set-up to trade the current market efficiently.

"TMT via LoONie" If you remember, pm me.
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Mq4 file for Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


Thanks to our dear Mas Kardel :oops:




Btw, anyone has more information on the settings of this EA....Manual, Ebook, white paper etc...pls share it ok!!! :)

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing. Sharing is caring
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Re: Mq4 file for Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


Thanks to our dear Mas Kardel :oops:




Btw, anyone has more information on the settings of this EA....Manual, Ebook, white paper etc...pls share it ok!!! :)


Here is the manual you can find the information of EA setting.



"TMT via LoONie" If you remember, pm me.
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Re: Mq4 file for Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


Thanks to our dear Mas Kardel :oops:




Btw, anyone has more information on the settings of this EA....Manual, Ebook, white paper etc...pls share it ok!!! :)


Here is the manual you can find the information of EA setting.





Thanx to Pyrax and Caillie, :shand: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing. Sharing is caring
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Re: Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


I'm sorry,


The link for the manual is corrupt, please upload it on 4shared.com. thank you


Try this link



"TMT via LoONie" If you remember, pm me.
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Re: Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


I'm sorry,


The link for the manual is corrupt, please upload it on 4shared.com. thank you


Try this link






Thank you very much my brother :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :shand: :shand: :shand:

I'm my own enemy.....
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Re: Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


It works fine without the indicators. the MTF Indicators are nice but use up lots of ram and cpu.



New 3.21 stenittz.rar [118.61 KiB] no need akaun trading / tak perlu enter account trading (modified by whatta)





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Re: Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


It works fine without the indicators. the MTF Indicators are nice but use up lots of ram and cpu.



New 3.21 stenittz.rar [118.61 KiB] no need akaun trading / tak perlu enter account trading (modified by whatta)






Makasih ... :peace: :peace:

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: Steinitz HAS MTF Hedge Robot v3.21 *NEW*


New 3.21 stenittz.rar [118.61 KiB] no need akaun trading / tak perlu enter account trading (modified by whatta)






Makasih ...


The EA above still needs Account Number.

Do you have the one modified by Whatta ?

If so pls fwd to me [email protected]


Makasih ..

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