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  • 4 weeks later...

I got problem with neuroshell... the buy and sell signal are not sync with the prediction arrow! anybody have the same problem? help me out!




You can see the pic above that the long and short signal is there which suppose to be not there!

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  • 1 month later...

A bit of computer knowledge and assembly would help here very much! The address given below is for a 32 bit version of cpu and OS. If its 64 bit cpu and os, there is a high probability, you are looking at the wrong address. Also, at the address, you will get an unlock code. You have to use that code and paste it in the init.asp file which is residing in the wwwroot folder.


Question is, are you following the instructions exactly? If so then it shouldn't be an issue. Once again try it as exactly.


cant find my machine ID with the method mentioned on pdf ...

I do exactly the same as pdf ... but neurosshell login would not pop-ing out after F9

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Since NS is 32 bit only, are you able to set your breakpoint at the correct address? Is the same address seen in your debugger? If so, then you can follow the rest of the instructions and get it working. Otherwise, its going to be difficult.


Edit: The address should be the same for 32 bit and 64 bit machines and OS. I remember helping earlier on the same issue. If not, you are not doing some thing right.

Edited by kesk
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  • 1 year later...

I found the online version 6.1 kryaknut emulation server in the ward.

errands. Vin7h64 by. All loads in kernel. However, I did not notice acceleration in multi-core computing.

Maybe it can leave a glitch that I cut 6.1 percent and curves. Also found a 6.2 istalyashk

Can I get treatment from version 6.2 all healers? Maybe ... there is accelerated by multi-core normal calculations

Version 6.1 http://www.multiupload.nl/ve8cıylvx version 6.2 with medication and instructions http://www.multiupload.nl/qpwyz62mv1 difference from insects. If what prozhk sometimes corrupt calendar file is not otkryvaetsya nstparam. and prices. This aid or modify and delete the original file or re-re-bend. It is also important to set the right time on the computer. In general, read the notes and tips medication.

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Интересный момент в мануале, если я правильно понял, нельзя одновременно использовать предикт и стратегию на одном чарте, эти объекты в программе делают разные запросы и получают разные ответы от сервера:

ответ от предикта


ответ от стратегии



у кого нибудь получилось запустить одновременно и стратежку и предикт?



Устанавливаем NeuroShell Trader 6.1 with Videos

Копируем в паку с программой nstparam.ini и NSTrader.exe

Заменяем файл hosts

В диск с:\ копируем папку shttps

Запускаем утилитку HowToGetTime (она переведет нужное время на компе)

Запускаем C:\shttps\http.exe

Запускаем и активируем прогу

Если нам нужны предсказания или стратегия заменяем в файле веб сервера(/protectiz/protect/init22.asp) строку на нужную

ответ от предикта


ответ от стратегии


Если используете многоядерность то имя пк должно быть английскими буквами

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