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Don’t be too greedy to ignore basic forex trading rules.

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In my opinion the most mutual motive of loss in this forex trading business is that when a trader realizes that he is receiving profits in his trades then he close that trade and open again with big lot size without any analysis. And as a consequence he starts receiving big loss in his trading account and also loses his account totally. So don’t be too greedy to ignore basic forex trading rules.


Edited by Joe Hoover
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Basically, a trader needs to get powerful analytic tools for easy and profitable trading. Most of the time trader get it from the broker they have connected. To trade in Forex, I have selected Forex4you the established broker who provide me necessary tools for my multimedia trading. After involving with my broker, I have never missed a bit of information’s like- the central bank reviews, hottest reports and currency market news, legislative and political news and so many important things.
Before get my broker I never thought that I can trade so comfortably with essential services, and now I feel I’m just lucky to have them for my regular trading. This broker has their own trader room analytic sections from where I get 200 news titles daily, technical analysis, technical indicators and other as I am a verified customer of my broker.

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