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Technical and Fundamental Analysis


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The rule followed by all investors in all markets worldwide is that they are looking to earn money. However, if they closely analyse and assess the movement of the foreign exchange market or the stock market, they would discover that the nature of the investments being made in these markets, and the nature of the money being placed, is similar to an activity that is well known for either providing heavy losses or enormous profits. This activity is gambling.

Businessmen who gamble for too long often find that they have run out of luck, and this loss of luck eventually leaves them on the streets after they lose everything. This is because gambling is an extremely high risk activity, and is partly based on luck. The high risk nature of this activity can result in profit if the gambler has good luck. However, the balance of probability states that the gambler’s luck will eventually run out, and when the gambler’s luck runs out, he will find that he has lost everything that he had previously earned.

Hence, the smart businessman does not gamble often, and definitely never gambles with everything that he owns. Businessmen who become rich and remain rich usually take a more analytical approach to their investments, especially when these investments are applied in volatile markets such as the stock or foreign exchange market.

In order to minimize risk, businessmen employ analysis techniques so that they can gather information to assist them in making investments that would be profitable.


For more detail : Technical and Fundamental Analysis

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Fundamental analysis is the interpretation of statistical reports and economic indicators.  Forex traders must pay close attention to economic indicators which can have a direct – and to some degree, predictable – effect on the value of a nation's currency in the forex market. It is really tough for a person to analyze market fundamentally. Trade12 provides fundamental analysis frequently and through following this I can make a good amount of profit.

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I would prefer not to recommend eToro broker for traders as they are a least expensive one in forex market. I have confronted issues in each and every trade. Indeed, even they don't explain issues in ideal time and gives such a significant number of reasons. They simply need, you to deposit more and the sky is the limit from there. They provide me wrong data for trading and in result I confront a $1050 misfortune and when I have requested that they close my record and return my cash back.

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I am new in this market and I believe fundamental analysis is base of forex education. I am currently learning from my broker AAFX. This broker offers me free forex education and provides some trade analyses which help me to make trade. Recently I am learning technical analysis too. That’s quite interesting as it doesn’t have any specific rules and boundary. But both are incomparable according to me. I think we should try any of these for our trading.

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There are many types of analysis in Forex and you cannot know all of these at once. Among all these analysis, most retail traders prefer technical analysis to find quality trades in their online trading platform. However, If you think you are going to make a difference and trade with all your heart, you will need the knowledge to make the best use of your time and work. For acquiring knowledge, FXPM broker can be a best place as they have amazing educational resources.

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In Forex, there tends to be a large amount of data that can be used to gauge future price activity, thereby increasing the statistical significance of the forecast. This makes it the perfect market for traders that use technical tools, such as trends, charts and indicators.  As a technical analyzer I have the best facilities with Trade12 broker and I am really lucky having such a broker. I have the best trading platform including more than 250 technical tools and free from all technical errors like dealing desk, slippage and reqoutes.

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I am new in this market and I trust crucial examination is base of forex training. I am at present gaining from my broker Forex4you. This broker offers me free forex instruction and gives some exchange investigations which help me to make exchange. As of late I am learning specialized examination as well. That is very fascinating as it doesn't have a particular guidelines and limit. 
There are many sorts of examination in Forex and you can't know these without a moment's delay. Among all these investigation, most retail traders incline toward specialized examination to discover quality exchanges their web based trading platform.

Edited by Willem Hesselink
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