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Results of the conference in Singapore

Good news from our company!


On October 21, 2017 Superforex participated in the prestigious international Forex conference ShowFx in Singapore. Our efforts to create the best partnership program have not gone unnoticed. We are returning from Singapore with the “Best Affiliate Program 2017” award by ShowFx.


Along with our partners’ success, this award once again shows that we’ve reached our goal.

Everyone who decided to become our partner and work with us can benefit from the best conditions for cooperation.


We’ve created various such opportunities:


Being our Introducing broker





FX Signal Provider

FX Advisor Seller

FX Education Project

Investment Project


If you are confident enough and have the desire to join us - we are always happy to connect!

You can find more photos from the Conference here: https://superforex.com/offline

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CAD/JPY: Fundamental Review and Forecast

01/11/17 12:04 PM

The JPY has weakened due to a decision by the BoJ to leave the rate unchanged, while the CAD was supported by high oil prices and has all chances for growth.

More information look here: https://superforex.com/analytics/cad-jpy-fundamental-review-and-forecast-011117


Edited by Super Forex
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SuperForex Seminar


On October 28, 2017 SuperForex organized a dynamic trading seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This special event was aimed at providing new insights into the Forex market for our traders and helping them find new, better ways to be profitable.


It was, in fact, quite a busy day in terms of trading tips and advice, thanks to our noted guest speakers.

This particular seminar was attended by more than 70 eager traders and Forex professionals. As always, we prepared a number of prizes for our loyal customers - we held a raffle at the end of the seminar where four certificates were awarded, of a total value of $1500.


You can see some of the most memorable moments from the seminar on our website.


We would like to thank everyone who managed to come and join us at this seminar. We sincerely hope you had a great day of learning and networking, and went home with new inspiration for even more ambitious, more successful trades!


Remember to follow our media outlets to learn about our upcoming events. We would love to see you there!





Visit our website: https://superforex.com


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Powell Named Next Fed Chief


Trump's nomination of Jerome Powell as next chief of the Federal Reserve didn't shock the markets.

For over a week now the financial markets were taking it easy on the American dollar. Investors almost stopped trading USD pairs this week as we all waited for one important announcement that happened yesterday – President Trump’s nomination of a new head of the Federal Reserve. He chose Jerome Powell for this position, so let’s take a look at what this entails.

To start with, it is important to remember that the President’s rule is not absolute – he cannot appoint a Fed chief, but merely nominate one. It is up to the Senate to decide whether they accept the nomination or not. So, technically speaking, Powell’s position is not 100% confirmed yet.

So, who is Jerome Powell? Unlike the previous Federal Reserve chiefs over the last 40 years, Powell does not have a PhD in Economics, but is instead a lawyer by training. However, he has had a long career within the finance world that includes investment banking, a position in the U.S. Treasury during Bush senior’s presidency, and a post as governor within the Federal Reserve for the last few years. He has been working closely with current head Janet Yellen, so he knows all about the current trend of policy making employed by the Fed. In many ways he seems like the perfect candidate for the job, since he’s already involved and up-to-date with the Fed.

In terms of his policy outlook, Powell has been on the same page as the current Fed chief Janet Yellen. That means that while the Federal Reserve in general plans to reduce its investments (after the 2008 crisis the Fed bought trillions of dollars worth of assets in order to boost the economy) and increase interest rates, Powell’s goal would be to do it slowly, gradually. Even though economic data from the United States is coming in consistently positive, the economy is still vulnerable to sudden changes. The Federal Reserve is also struggling with an issue of mixed signals – strong statistics and low unemployment are begging for a rate hike, but low inflation is saying it’s too early. It’s a tricky balance that Yellen has managed to keep with remarkable patience and attention to detail. It is expected that Powell’s approach will be similar.

The markets didn’t have a major reaction to the announcement. As evidenced above, Powell is expected to pretty much replace Yellen unnoticeably, with no major changes in policy. He was also rumored to be the top candidate for the job weeks before the announcement, due to his current prominent post within the Federal Reserve. He is also a Republican, which makes him an even more desirable choice for President Trump and a mostly-Republican Senate.

There was some space for surprise, in case Trump nominated someone else with a different economic opinion, such as John Taylor. The Stanford economist is known for his much more hawkish stance on monetary policy, and if he had been nominated, it is likely that the dollar would have received a major boost.

Since the nomination went on without any major surprises, we can say that in terms of the American dollar, in 2018 we expect things to continue in much the same way as now: slowly, patiently, with a close attention to each report on the American economy and inflation. Meanwhile, an interest rate increase in December, still under Yellen’s guidance, is still expected.


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Seminar in KL

We invite everyone to gain new knowledge and useful information for free.


Our seminar will be held very soon, so we want to remind you that you have little time to register, if you have not already done so. Our Forex Trading Seminar will be held on October 28, 2017 at the Arenaa Star Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


You will have a unique chance to learn a lot of new information regarding the Forex market. Our speakers have prepared reports on various topics that will be of interest to both novices and experienced traders.


This year our speakers will be:

- Razak Mohd Nor

- Haji Azhar Ramli

- Dan Imran



12:00 - 12:30 - Registration

12:30 - 13:30 - “SuperForex Company Profile” by Haji Azhar Ramli

13:30 - 14:45 - “Forex Market Outlook” by Razak Mohd Nor

14:45 - 15:15 - Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:30 - “Support & Resistance in Forex” by Dan Imran

16:30 - 17:00 - The final lottery


It would be our great honor if you can come to this seminar. Participation in the seminar is free, it is only necessary to fill in the registration form on the site.





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Results of the conference in Singapore

Good news from our company!


On October 21, 2017 Superforex participated in the prestigious international Forex conference ShowFx in Singapore. Our efforts to create the best partnership program have not gone unnoticed. We are returning from Singapore with the “Best Affiliate Program 2017” award by ShowFx.


Along with our partners’ success, this award once again shows that we’ve reached our goal.

Everyone who decided to become our partner and work with us can benefit from the best conditions for cooperation.


We’ve created various such opportunities:


Being our Introducing broker





FX Signal Provider

FX Advisor Seller

FX Education Project

Investment Project


If you are confident enough and have the desire to join us - we are always happy to connect!

You can find more photos from the Conference here: https://superforex.com/offline

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SuperForex merchandise

Our design team worked hard and came up with a new piece of SuperForex merchandise exclusively for our partners.


If you are a SuperForex partner, this fashionable black T-shirt with collar and SuperForex branding could be yours - for free!


All you need to do to obtain it is reach a certain target. To learn more, simply get in touch with our Partnership Department - they will explain the process and also get your mailing information, so that the shirt can be shipped to you.


Our partners from all countries in Asia will also be able to receive their T-shirts at dedicated meetings with SuperForex company representatives.


You can contact the Partnership Department using the following methods: +65-3-1590282 (International format)

[email protected]


Also you can find more merchandise products here: https://superforex.com/merchandise


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SuperForex in facebook


We invite you to subscribe to our official pages in facebook. There we publish the latest economic news, inform users about the actions, hold contests and draw prizes. The activity of our users in social networks is growing every day, because we not only register new partners and traders daily, but also simply inquisitive people who are interested in economic news and forex.


English version - https://www.facebook.com/SuperforexOfficial

Indonesian version - https://www.facebook.com/SuperForex-Indonesia-1796906470348859

Malay version - https://www.facebook.com/SuperForex-Malaysia-1849805965350162

Thai version - https://www.facebook.com/SuperForex-ประเทศไทย-1630377847005126/

Vietnamese version - https://www.facebook.com/SuperForex-Việt-Nam-188876808337535

Russian version - https://www.facebook.com/SuperForexRu



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Seminar in Kuala Lumpur

Recently SuperForex organized a dynamic trading seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This event provided new insights into the Forex market for our traders, helping them find new ways to be profitable.


Vladimir Syrov, CEO of the company, opened the seminar with his speech, revealing facts about the growth of SuperForex.


It was quite a busy day in terms of trading tips and advice, thanks to our guest speakers.

Firstly, we had Haji Azhar Ramli provide an overview of SuperForex as a company, highlighting our services which make trading with SuperForex so exceptional.


We also learned new things about the Forex market itself by Razak Mohd Nor.


Finally, we discussed with Dan Imran one of the most important elements of technical analysis - support and resistance levels.


This particular seminar was attended by more than 60 eager traders and Forex professionals. We prepared a number of prizes for our loyal customers, helding a raffle at the end of the seminar. Four certificates were awarded, of a total value of $1500.


Thanks to everyone who joined us at this seminar, and we are welcoming all of you to our upcoming events.


Remember to follow our media outlets and stay tuned.





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SuperForex League

Are you ready for FIFA World Cup 2018 Russia? We thought we could surprise you with our newest contest, which would certainly raise your sports spirit!

We would like to invite you to join the SuperForex League - a free contest which would allow you to earn extra rewards as you trade. This means that trading with SuperForex will not only bring you profit from deals, but also other prizes, as part of the SF League contest.


Start earning extra rewards immediately by registering for our SuperForex League contest below. Your trades will now earn you footballs - the more of these you collect, the higher your chances are of getting an awesome prize. This game is compatible with live accounts of the type Standard, Swap-Free (Islamic), or No Spread.

Registration for the contest has already began. In fact, the first stage of the contest begins on November 15 and will last until February 14, so hurry up and start collecting footballs and prizes as a SuperForex Champion!

Register here - https://superforex.com/sf-league


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Brexit Struggles


Dark times lie ahead for the United Kingdom.

The bad news for the United Kingdom only seem to pile up ever since the Brexit vote last June. With EU nationals members of the labour force leaving the UK in favor of other European countries, the major decline of the British pound sterling (12% versus the USD), and political instability caused by tough negotiations with the European Union, the economy of the United Kingdom is not what it used to be.

More information see here


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Improved Security with New SSL

Good news! We have upgraded the protection measures across our websites which are implemented to safeguard your data and privacy. More specifically, we recently renewed and improved our SSL protocols.


SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, is a protocol that allows a safe communication between you and our websites. Thanks to it, your device establishes a trust with our servers based on unique criteria which permit our servers to identify when it is you sending information, or when someone else is trying to cause harm by pretending to be you, modifying the data you would otherwise send. The SSL protects your data and your account.


In addition, we wanted to remind you of other security measures we have in place in order to ensure your privacy and safety:


We keep your funds segregated from company money. This is in case anything happens to the company and we need to make financial settlements, your funds cannot be used. The money you deposit to your account is your own and cannot be repurposed by the company.


You can increase your safety by verifying your account in full from the Client’s Cabinet.


We provide you with a Log-in history where you can check if any suspicious activity has been going on with your account.


Device ID: you can create a list of your trusted devices from the Client’s Cabinet. This will block attempts to log into your account from any device not on that list.


IP Restrictions: Similar to the Device ID, you can create a list of allowed IP addresses from which your account can be accessed. Every IP outside it will be marked as potentially harmful.


As you can see, we take data protection very seriously, and will continue to do so. We would keep you updated whenever anything in our Funds Security system changes.


We wish you much success in your trading!



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Partnership Types

The SuperForex Partnership Program is an excellent, risk-free way for customers to develop their own business by recommending our trading services to their contacts. Partners receive an attractive compensation for each successful referral - the highest on the market, in fact, and our Partnership team is here to support you every step of the way.


Our diverse Partnership Program is suitable for everyone, both individuals and businesses, as we offer a great variety of partnership types.

If you’d like to learn more about each type, please visit this page.





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EUR/SGD: Fundamental Review & Forecast


With decreasing geopolitical risks in the EU, there is potential for the euro to strengthen.

The unstable political situation in the EU has had a negative impact on the EUR/SGD over the past few months. However, the situation has changed unexpectedly since November with the formation of an upward trend. The support line has already changed its direction.

More information see here


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New Cryptocurrencies

In order to cater to the interests of our traders and stay ahead of market trends, we have decided to expand our list of available trading instruments to accommodate the rapidly developing sector of cryptocurrencies.


The new trading instruments included to our list include Litecoin (LTCUSD) and Etherium (ETHUSD). Furthermore, all cryptocurrencies have been allocated in one category in the terminal, which you can find under the name Crypto_CFD. Bitcoin, which was previously in the CFD category, was moved to a new group and renamed in the terminal to BTCUSD.


Partners will receive a commission of $10 per lot from trades on cryptocurrencies.


These new trading instruments are currently available for trading only from standard and swap accounts.


We hope that you would enjoy trading with these new tools and make lots of profit!


Read more: https://superforex.com/bitcoin




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OPEC Renews Agreement

Despite OPEC's decision to extend cuts into 2018, oil prices only made moderate gains.

Yesterday the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries held their long-awaited summit in Vienna. OPEC members met the expectations of investors perfectly by agreeing to extend their current agreement to reduce oil extraction past its expiration date, from March 2018 until the end of next year.

More information see here

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Distance Education Course


Today, as never before, the business with high liquidity has become relevant. And trading in the Forex market is one of the most advantageous options, because here you can succeed, even with a small starting capital. However, this activity requires serious preparation, a deep understanding of market movements, as well as the ability to competently manipulate financial assets. Accordingly, in order to start earning on Forex, a beginner trader should receive quality training.

Visit our training portal and find there answers to all your questions about Forex




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Forex Copy

The best way to earn in Forex market is to copy the transactions of the most successful traders. You need only a few clicks and you will receive trading signals from selected professional traders! There is no need to study all the subtleties of trading on Forex and are afraid of losing the entire deposit. Copy the deal today and immediately make a profit.


Read more about ForexCopy here: https://superforex.com/forex-service/forex-copy



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