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This week you can trade with ZERO commissions! Enjoy

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This week you can trade with ZERO commissions! Enjoy

Vipro Markets is growing fast because we always put our clients interests first. In order to once again prove our commitment to our clients we have now completely removed commissions on all FX pairs for the whole Brexit week. 

Yes, this week you can trade with ZERO commissions! Enjoy. 

Commissions were removed starting from 15:00 (trading server time) on June 20,2016 and affect only new positions. Positions that were opened before 15:00 are not affected by this promotion. 

Dont forget to manage your risk and please consider that extreme volatility, wider spreads and less liquidity are expected this week due to EU Referendum (Brexit) in the UK on June 23, 2016. 

All GBP, EUR pairs and UK100 index have higher margin requirements this week as previously communicated

The affected pairs will return to prior leverage levels after the market close on June 24, 2016.

Please feel free to contact our support team at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Vipro Markets Team

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