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high leverage lead to higher loss???


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If this works then why people lose with small leverage? It’s obviously non-sense type stuff because leverage can help us, but it can’t save us at all and that’s why we need to be sure that we don’t worry too much about leverage, it’s a great benefit for us if used accurately but if we are lacking ability then nothing matter because we will. I am using highest leverage which is 1.500 with OctaFX broker and I am able to gain fair amount of profits without any major difficulty at all, it’s all to do with having enough knowledge and experience while here too there is excellent educational setup, so that too is fairly useful for us in every way.

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On 10/19/2016 at 6:03 AM, uncle gober said:

When trading did we have to really maximize your trading skills that we have well. Of course, a trader is willing to improve their trading abilities will also coud get the most, in brokers, traders can use the small capital used to hone the ability of trading

science maximum capability will certainly be able to bring success, for which the main role we can to try to make trades using a demo account to hone skills and abilities that we have to get better.

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People with low leverage lose too, so this is just non-sense. I believe leverage is not what makes you win or lose, it’s our ability that does that. So, if we have the ability we will be able to work it out fairly easily, but if we lack on that ability then that is where we are meant to be struggling. I use highest available leverage here with OctaFX, its 1.500, so that’s fairly high but I never lose because of it. I believe this is something that gains me better grounds and I am able to work with ease, but if we worry about leverage so much then it’s likely to affect our performance in big way no matter what.

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According to my trading experience I have seen by and large traders in particularly the newcomer’s fall a great loss by taking high leverage due to non-sense planning and zero risk management policy, nothing to do with high leverage at all.  so, before trading with high leverage we the traders first of all have to know how to manage risk.

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You may have an account of high leverage without necessarily using the whole leverage. As a beginner, it is safer to avoid a high leveraged account in order to resist the temptation to use the high leverage, which can easily wipe out your account as an inexperienced trader.

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