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Meta Trader shortcuts for forex

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Function Keys

F1 �
open "Userguide" (i.e. Help)

F2 �
open the "History Center" window

F3 �
open the "Global Variables" window

F4 �
open MetaEditor

F6 �
call the "Tester" window for testing the expert attached to the chart

F7 �
call the "Properties" window of the expert attached to their chart
window in order to change settings

F8 �
call the "Chart Setup" window

F9 �
call the "New Order" window

F10 �
open the "Popup prices" window

F11 �
enable/disable the full screen mode

F12 �
move the chart by one bar to the left

Shift Combinations

Shift+F12 �
move the chart by one bar to the right

Shift+F5 �
switch to the previous profile

Alt Combinations

Alt+1 �
display the chart as a sequence of bars (transform into bar chart)

Alt+2 �
display the chart as a sequence of candlesticks (transform into candlesticks)

Alt+3 �
display the chart as a broken line (transform into line chart)

Alt+A �
copy all test/optimization results into the clipboard

Alt+W �
call the chart managing window

Alt+F4 �
close the client terminal

Alt+Backspace or Ctrl+Z �
undo object deletion

Ctrl Combinations

Ctrl+A �
arrange all indicator windows heights by default

Ctrl+B �
call the "Objects List" window

Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert �
copy to the clipboard

Ctrl+E �
enable/disable expert advisor

Ctrl+F �
enable "Crosshair"

Ctrl+G �
show/hide grid

Ctrl+H �
show/hide OHLC line

Ctrl+I �
call the "Indicators List" window

Ctrl+L �
show/hide volumes

Ctrl+P �
print the chart

Ctrl+S �
save the chart in a file having extensions: "CSV", "PRN",

Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 �
close the chart window

show/hide period separators

Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace �
undo the object deletion

Ctrl+D �
open/close the "Data Window"

Ctrl+M �
open/close the "Market Watch" window

Ctrl+N �
open/close the "Navigator" window

Ctrl+O �
open the "Options" window

Ctrl+R �
open/close the "Tester" window

Ctrl+T �
open/close the "Terminal" window

Ctrl+F5 �
switch to the next profile

Ctrl+F6 �
activate the next chart window

Ctrl+F9 �
open the "Terminal �
Trade" window and switch the focus into it. After this, the trading
activities can be managed with keyboard

Other Keys and/or Combinations

"left arrow" �
chart scrolling to the left

"right arrow" �
chart scrolling to the right

"up arrow" �
fast chart scrolling to the left or, if the scale is defined, chart scrolling

"down arrow" �
fast chart scrolling to the right or, if the scale is defined, chart scrolling

Numpad 5 �
restoring of automatic chart vertical scale after its being changed. If the
scale was defined, this hot key will return the chart into the visible range

Page Up �
fast chart scrolling to the left

Page Down �
fast chart scrolling to the right

Home �
move the chart to the start point

End �
move the chart to the end point

"-" �
chart zoom out

"+" �
chart zoom in

Delete �
delete all selected graphical objects

Backspace �
delete the latest objects imposed into the chart window

Enter �
open/close fast navigation window

Esc �
close the dialog window

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