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How much you get angry when losing?

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  • 1 year later...

I don't think how can a sensible guy get angry, if he has lost because of his own fault then he does not have the right to be angry at all and even if it's not his fault then also there is no point in been angry, as he must realize success cannot come with scam brokers, therefore change in time is better. It was something that i did by changing my broker to OctaFX, as they are a regulated and a true ECN company, therefore all the manipulation and desk dealing tricks were removed and i got amazingly smooth trading zone with all my trades getting executed instantly.

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why put an anger with your own investment. losing result are part of fx trading. the more important is, how much we get while profit, and how much we afford to lose when losing trade occur. it may simple as that, but in the real trading situation it kinda hard enough to stick with this thougt.

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  • 3 months later...

I always try to control myself from anger when I did it. Because, I take this as a lesion and believe it is the foremost part of trade. Now, with support of MXTrade I have overcome my loss very rapidly that I did. Actually, a profit makes us happy in a short moment. But, a loss always provides a message which is supportive to learn proper trading skill.

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  • 11 months later...

No one has the capability for avoiding loss completely from this trading place at all in spite of having most powerful analyzing trader knowledge. But, taking some major steps it can be reduced sometimes. In my trading career, I am very lucky top select MXtrade where I am getting all successful trading tips with essential terms and conditions that is very supportive to reduce loss with certainly.

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No one has the capability for avoiding loss completely from this trading place at all in spite of having most powerful analyzing trader knowledge. But, taking some major steps it can be reduced sometimes. In my trading career, I am very lucky top select MXtrade where I am getting all successful trading tips with essential terms and conditions that is very supportive to reduce loss with certainly.

Loosing is a part of forex although you can use various tools that will help to reduse it, but still you should know how and when to use it.

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Last week I did huge loss during news due to lack of accurate fundamental knowledge. Now, I am trying to recover my loss with support of live economic calendar that always make sure my trading broker Trade12. By means of this financial datebook, I can gather all important information on the financial health of various economics that are very supportive to make profit during news with certainly.

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  • 1 year later...

There is no point in getting angry during forex trading perhaps during losing trades. This may lead to emotional trading which often complicates things for the trader and causes further loss.  It is best to be detached from the results of your trades as long as you are trading strictly according to a proven strategy. 

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