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Forex MegaDroid

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Some of you have probably already heard of this one, there was a big push recently with the introduction of this new robot simply because it is breaking barriers and offering things no other forex robot has been able to do before.

It's called Forex MegaDroid and it's the most talked about and anticipated Forex robot in the past 21 years, and it went live TODAY (03/31/09) ...

Forex MegaDroid is a true multi-market condition robot, the first - and only - one of its kind. It doesn't matter whether the market is trending, non-trending, volatile, non-volatile ... Forex MegaDroid nails it with a 95.82% accuracy rate (i.e., out of every 100 trades, 95 were profitable!)

Old technology based robots are a thing of the past ... no more producing a great profit in one market condition and then giving it all back when the market changes behavior.

The Forex MegaDroid robot has produced a 300.20% NET profit over the past 3 months. That is 100% (account doubling) performance every single month! How much profit did it produce prior to that? Check out the stats here:

Forex MegaDroid Stats and Info

This is the first robot that uses a new Artificial Intelligence technology: RCTPA. What that means is this is the ONLY Forex robot that sees into the immediate future with an uncanny accuracy rate.

Every single other robot on the market bases its decisions on the past rather than the future. They simply can't see what's coming and hence they are not accurate enough performance-wise. It's always been something like an "educated guessing game."

The KEY to breaking a new frontier in automatic robot trading is being able to trade with a robot that accurately sees what will happen rather than what HAS happened ... to the tune of a 95.82% accuracy rate. That means being able to double your deposit every single month without having to give your gains away when market conditions change (as they always do).

To see performance proof and get more details of Forex MegaDroid, click the link below:

Forex MegaDroid Stats and Info

Yes, I have purchased this and am very excited about getting started with it. The guys behind this are exceptional, experienced, with great reputations in the Forex field, and I have high expectations regarding their new product. Career professionals like this simply don't put their reputations on the line without being extremely confident in what they're offering.

And the price is right - at $97.00, it's affordable to just about everyone. And they do offer a 60 day money back guarantee so you can buy it, try it with a demo account, see what happens and if it doesn't perform well, you can get your money back and it won't have cost you a cent to give it a try.

This one is worth giving it a look and a try folks ... even if it only performs half as well as advertised, you'll still be in profit. And if it performs as well as advertised? Well, then ... I'll let your imagination take it from there.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been testing Forex MegaDroid for a couple of weeks and i am running live Stats so people can watch my progress.

I will keep you all updated every time there is a trade.

My Live Stats:

IKO FX - Mini Account

Go Markets - Demo Account

Forex Meta - Demo Account

Forex FS - Demo Account

GP :Hi:

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My live Mini account with Ikofx which has now doubled in just 16 days took 2 trades both in profit plus i traded one with it on manual which just made it into profit Ikofx Mini Account and i had the same with my Gomarket Live Account, 3 trades all in profit and the last one was MegaDroid on manual and i timed turning it on very well and made a great trade GoMarkets Live Account

FapTurbo took one small winning trade and 1 small losing trade and there is one still going.

GP :Hi:

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I had a mixed night running MegaDroid on Manual, i turned it on just a little bit to early in my GoMarkets Live Standard Account with my first trade and it ended up closing down -$16.95 but my second trade was perfect and closed up $57.19 and then this morning FapTurbo took two trades that both ended in profit

My IKOfx Live Mini Account had two small losses on Manual last night and 1 win and then a win today on factory settings.

GP :)

I just took another trade with MegaDroid on manual and it also closed in profit.

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I was asleep on my couch near my computers and an alarm went off on one of my charts at about 4am here in Australia so i sat and watched a nice trade set up and then switched the Droid on and made $105.16 in my GoMarkets Live Standard Account in 3 minutes and $20.97 in my IKOfx Live Mini Account in 4 minutes, not a bad start to my day.

GP :Hehe:

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Well i am up $725.15 for the week so far in my GoMarket Live Standard Account with a mix of MegaDroid and FapTurbo auto and manual and just a Gbp/Jpy trade that i took manually so i would say my testing is going very well.I have taken this account from a deposit of $4,879.70 to $5,748.71 in 8 trading days

I am also up $210.47 for the week in my IKOfx Live Mini Account with a mix of MegaDroid manual and auto trades plus a few Gbp/Jpy trades, i have taken this account from $190 deposit and $20 bonus to $520.43 in just 14 trading days which is a bit better % return then you get at the bank!

GP :Hehe:

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I have closed my GoLive account and we have now started a trading account in my wifes name for tax purpose's.

MegaDroid took 2 trades in each of my demo's which were both winners Forex Meta - Demo 20% Risk and Alpari UK - Demo 10% Risk and for some reason it only took one trade in my Live account which was also a winner which made up for a trade last night that i placed which was a small loser. GoMarkets Live Standard Account

I had the pleasure of walking lostsoulsod through his first day of trading with MegaDroid and he had a great first day on his demo account which i'm sure he will share with us later, it was 5am when the trade finished so i think he will be asleep for a while.

I'm sure Bizking will be happy when he gets home from taking his car for a service, hopefully 1 or 2 winning trades on his Live Account.

How about everyone else?

GP :)

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Mixed results today, i didn't turn my Alpari UK demo and my Forex Meta demo on until about 15 minutes in to MegaDroids trading time and payed the price in my Alpari demo, it got in at a lot higher price then my others and ended up taking a loss which in one way is good, now we will get to see the recovery mode in action tomorrow. Alpari Uk - Demo Account

1 trade in my Forex Meta Demo which ended in profit Forex Meta Demo Account

In my New Live GoMarket Standard Account i had a funny morning, when the other platforms took trades it didn't so i took a small manual trade at a similar price to what the demo's had got and then i reset MegaDroid and not long after it took a trade at a lot better price then the others, it ended up closing for + $164.28 and i decided i didn't like the looks of the charts and closed the manual one out at almost break even and then just to confuse everyone just a little bit more i saw an oppotunity for a little scalp and used MegaDroid to get into the trade with only a lot smaller risk% then normal and made a quick $21.65 New Live GoMarket Standard Account

I am showing the live account so people can see that MegaDroid works almost exactly the same as in demo and you really can make money from this stuff.

How did everyone else do today?

I am really looking forward to seeing that recovery mode in action tomorrow in my Alpari Demo Account.

GP :)

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Ok i will start with my Live GoMarkets Standard Account it took 2 trades, the first one i was not happy with right from the start as my 1 hour chart showed there was a bit of room to move down although i thought it would only go down as low as 1.3250 which was the 200 MA on the 1 hour chart, 1.3300 was a key level and proved to be good support for a few hours and is around the area that the 2nd order was taken, it then rose up to break even where i thought MegaDroid would of closed both orders but it only closed the 2nd order for a profit of $134.44, now i was thinking maybe it is incapable of closing 2 orders at once because the price bounced down from there quickly and eventually broke through 1.3300 and went down as low as 1.3274, at this stage i was around $500 down in that order but i liked what i saw on the charts and placed a small manual buy order, i then closed that order for a small profit of $12.05 and then finally the price got back to break even where i closed it manually as i was happy with the $500 profit so far this week, i will turn my risk% down for the rest of the week so i can protect my gains.

Now my Alpari UK - Demo Account - 10% Risk had 2 trades as well, 1 made a nice gain and the other just above break even, i did not notice anything different so i'm not sure if the recovery mode kicked in after yesterdays loss.

My Forex Meta - Demo Account - 20% Risk had a similar result to the others.

So an eventful day and another successful one for MegaDroid, very interested to see how everyone else went and how there nerves were when the price went against us for a while. (That is trading and you have to get used to it)

GP :Hehe:

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Well it turned out to be a placid day for MegaDroid, got in a trade on all of my platforms and close for a small profit about an hour later.

As Bizking said to me on skype and i have copy and pasted it so it is a direct quote "Hi another day another dollar".......LOL

Here are the account details:

Forex Meta - Demo Account - 20% Risk

Alpari Uk - Demo Account - 10% Risk

With my Live Account please don't get confused, the 3 trades that are above $100 profit and the last one at $22.47 are the MegaDroid trades that were in profit this week, it also took 1 that ended at break even, the rest are my own manual trades which combined have put me up $687.30 for the week, better then a poke in the eye.

Live GoMarkets Standard Account

That's it for the week for MegaDroid, how did everyone else go, i can't wait to hear how Mrudula went as it was her first day.

GP :Leftoright:

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Well it's just after midnight here in Australia and i have just closed my last order, i didn't quite do as well as MegaDroid this week, it finished with no loss's and just over $485 profit and my manual trades finished with 1 loss for the week and around $325 profit for a total weekly profit of $811.33 which is a nice result.

Live GoMarkets Standard Account

I hope everyone has a great weekend and comes back nice and fresh next week.

GP :Puzzled:

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Forex MegaDroid took 1 trade in all of my platforms and here are the results.

Forex Meta - Demo Account - 20% Risk

Alpari Uk - Demo Account - 10% Risk

In my live GoMarkets account Forex megaDroid had one trade for a profit of $47.06 and that combined with my manual trades brings my weekly total to around $400 profit.

Live GoMarket Standard Account

How did everyone else go.

GP :Hehe:

Edited by Globalprofits
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