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the best business

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how to get the best business in the internet?any suggestion?

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I would rather say that internet bussines or investments or whatever they are can bring yo usem extra cash but nothing extraordinary. If you really want big cash a real bussiness is the best. But now with the economic crisis is very hard to start one even if you have a good idea.

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I would rather say that internet bussines or investments or whatever they are can bring yo usem extra cash but nothing extraordinary. If you really want big cash a real bussiness is the best. But now with the economic crisis is very hard to start one even if you have a good idea.

so what we can do if crisis is long?

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I will give you the secret: roll your own. It's like digging for gold. Should you be a gold digger? Or the guy in town that sells the shovels, pans, pots, dynamite, and other supplies needed to dig for gold? Think about it.

Look that up if you don't understand.



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  • 2 months later...
I will give you the secret: roll your own. It's like digging for gold. Should you be a gold digger? Or the guy in town that sells the shovels, pans, pots, dynamite, and other supplies needed to dig for gold? Think about it.

Look that up if you don't understand.


Hay, js of 9 planet, I've been to u'r blog site (couple times) I like it, but it think u'r nuttier than squirrel poop. (a good thing). I'm looking for other employment myself, something besides hyip, I've made money but the A--H--- scrammers have made more. Need to find a rich sugar mama. I work for a company out of Dallas Tx. that refurbises hotels around the U.S. I travel all the time, it was fun for the first couple years but after missing family (everythings). I'm sic of it. My house sits empty 80% of the time, forget any kind of relationship. what's my point hell if I know, jus rambling. I have a good idea, everyone out there send me $10.000 each and I will quit work,(and whinning)...PEACE to all XTYPE.


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