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More People Using Internet to Hook Up ... As Friends

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This article doesn't surprise me one bit because I have made sooooooo many friends online, I think I just kinda took it for granted that everyone has made some online friends too. Thanks all of you guys for being my friend! :lol:

READ article HERE with related links intact.

Jan 6th 2009

By Emily Tan

Most of us have at least a few "friends" who we've never met in real life -- the one who friended us after seeing the comment we left on a mutual friend's photo; the daughter of our mom's co-worker who e-mailed us for career advice ages ago and who still sometimes forwards "Arrested Development" links.

Turns out this type of friendship is becoming more common. A new TNS Global survey of over 27,000 people found that folks are increasingly connecting with others online for platonic purposes.

Participants from China said that of all their relationships, about 80 percent are with online-only friends (people they've never met), while U.K. respondents said about 25 percent of their friends are online-only. Americans are on the low end of the spectrum, saying that online-only acquaintances make up 20 percent of their pals.

What's more surprising is that 61 percent have met their Web friends face-to-face. A whopping 76 percent of Germans have admitted to crossing over from cyberspace to the real world. France, Sweden, Denmark and Norway round out the top five populations most likely to meet their buddies in real life. (56 percent of Americans have met someone they first met online.)

Click here to read how people befriend their online friends -- and why others don't trust them.

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Yes, and many of us are hermits by design. So we like our loneliness... well, not really I guess. We just don't have to go and associate with the public in person, and tolerate all the social stuff.

But somehow? Online? We are more free. And of course we have to watch that closely as we can behave in a far more negative manner than when we are face to face with a person! Right? Am sure you all have experienced that.

So be ware. Be nice. Don't abuse. Same goes for me!



Be pleased to read my blog, it's fun, interesting, wide-ranging and so on: http://www.9planetreviews.com/blog.shtml and also see my Best Opps site: micronuts.com where you can get FREE Advertising, all over the place! AND... PAC for ALL has launched! Run by PAC and PAC Rev Share folks Kazzy and EL. See more info.

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Yes, and many of us are hermits by design. So we like our loneliness... well, not really I guess. We just don't have to go and associate with the public in person, and tolerate all the social stuff.

But somehow? Online? We are more free. And of course we have to watch that closely as we can behave in a far more negative manner than when we are face to face with a person! Right? Am sure you all have experienced that.

So be ware. Be nice. Don't abuse. Same goes for me!


hey great advise js....lol:

Edited by mary
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I think why the stats are so low for Americans is that there are more rednecks in America.




Pssst: That does not include readers here. As obviously, if you are here? You are far more kind and appreciative and all that stuff. But everyone likes to make fun of rednecks. That's why it is so hard to solve redneck related murders. No dental records and the DNA is not unique! :lol: Sorry! COULD NOT RESIST! Well, I could, but didn't.


Be pleased to read my blog, it's fun, interesting, wide-ranging and so on: http://www.9planetreviews.com/blog.shtml and also see my Best Opps site: micronuts.com where you can get FREE Advertising, all over the place! AND... PAC for ALL has launched! Run by PAC and PAC Rev Share folks Kazzy and EL. See more info.

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