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What are your plans for 2009 ?

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I was thinking how it seems a lot of people do "resolutions" on New Years.

Well, I typically don't, but thought it might be fun to share our Plans for 2009.

Of course if you HAVE resolutions, please feel free to share them!!

Usually, January sets off my quest of planning my summer vegetable/ herb garden and ordering my seeds. I :wub: thinking about how my garden will look. This year, I am planning on adding a section for potatoes. I have never grown them, but to help with the grocery bill (considering the bleak outlook for the economy) I thought I just might enjoy adding them. Nothing beats the taste of homegrown veggies !!

You're next....

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Careful with those walnut shells, Mary. Ouch! :lol:

My goal doesn't change. Make enough online to

be able to quit one of my jobs. It'll probably never

happen but it's nice to dream. ^_^

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I've stopped making resolutions quite a few years ago.


I realized that any that I make? I will have failed at them. Now I don't mean that you should not make resolutions and pursue your goals. Not at all. Go ahead.

But I have learned is that in the end? Life does not work out here. Again, not to be negative, just pointing a simple fact out, that many have already realized, and once realizing that? Gave up resolutions! And goals. And as a result? Became far more happy!

You see? The search itself, for union with this or that, is what causes the stress in life. It's what causes disappointment. It's what causes us from not noticing our innate Happiness, that is always, already, there.

You see, it just like the clouds are hiding the Sun. The Sun is yourself, but you seem to be on the outside, outside the clouds that are covering that Sun, that Happiness. And soon enough you think you are not the Sun, you feel separate from it, and soon you notice some "others" and feel separate from them. They feel the same too.

And all that leads to this world. This dream world of perceptions. And seperateness and unhappiness.

So.. slow down. Stop searching. Notice the Happiness. It's here. Feel it's Presence. Then you will realize your Happiness.


So relax about all those goals and resolutions, they are only the search the prevents you from realizing that you are already Happy.

(It's like a person chasing happiness while happiness is running right behind him, or her.)


Edited by js of 9planetreviews


Be pleased to read my blog, it's fun, interesting, wide-ranging and so on: http://www.9planetreviews.com/blog.shtml and also see my Best Opps site: micronuts.com where you can get FREE Advertising, all over the place! AND... PAC for ALL has launched! Run by PAC and PAC Rev Share folks Kazzy and EL. See more info.

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I've stopped making resolutions quite a few years ago.


I realized that any that I make? I will have failed at them. Now I don't mean that you should not make resolutions and pursue your goals. Not at all. Go ahead.

But I have learned is that in the end? Life does not work out here. Again, not to be negative, just pointing a simple fact out, that many have already realized, and once realizing that? Gave up resolutions! And goals. And as a result? Became far more happy!

You see? The search itself, for union with this or that, is what causes the stress in life. It's what causes disappointment. It's what causes us from not noticing our innate Happiness, that is always, already, there.

You see, it just like the clouds are hiding the Sun. The Sun is yourself, but you seem to be on the outside, outside the clouds that are covering that Sun, that Happiness. And soon enough you think you are not the Sun, you feel separate from it, and soon you notice some "others" and feel separate from them. They feel the same too.

And all that leads to this world. This dream world of perceptions. And seperateness and unhappiness.

So.. slow down. Stop searching. Notice the Happiness. It's here. Feel it's Presence. Then you will realize your Happiness.


So relax about all those goals and resolutions, they are only the search the prevents you from realizing that you are already Happy.

(It's like a person chasing happiness while happiness is running right behind him, or her.)


so i guess you won't be making any resolutions huh :P

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I've stopped making resolutions quite a few years ago.


I realized that any that I make? I will have failed at them. Now I don't mean that you should not make resolutions and pursue your goals. Not at all. Go ahead.

But I have learned is that in the end? Life does not work out here. Again, not to be negative, just pointing a simple fact out, that many have already realized, and once realizing that? Gave up resolutions! And goals. And as a result? Became far more happy!

You see? The search itself, for union with this or that, is what causes the stress in life. It's what causes disappointment. It's what causes us from not noticing our innate Happiness, that is always, already, there.

You see, it just like the clouds are hiding the Sun. The Sun is yourself, but you seem to be on the outside, outside the clouds that are covering that Sun, that Happiness. And soon enough you think you are not the Sun, you feel separate from it, and soon you notice some "others" and feel separate from them. They feel the same too.

And all that leads to this world. This dream world of perceptions. And seperateness and unhappiness.

So.. slow down. Stop searching. Notice the Happiness. It's here. Feel it's Presence. Then you will realize your Happiness.


So relax about all those goals and resolutions, they are only the search the prevents you from realizing that you are already Happy.

(It's like a person chasing happiness while happiness is running right behind him, or her.)


I have to disagree with you. I think that a well-built plan will only motivate you to go further, to evolve with your life. And this would eventually bring the happiness you need.

Take for example the plan that Ukus has for this year :) It's a simple, reachable plan that will certainly bring her so much joy.


My main plan for this year is to leave my country and emigrate in Germany :) I still need to decide what city will be chosen.

The second plan, once there, is to build a strong web-portal (the community of the romanian people who live in Germany), as it was quite difficult for me to find useful info about life in Germany from the romanians who already live there.

And the last but not the least wish is to monetize the plan no. 2 :P

Best wishes to all in 2009!

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QUOTE: "I have to disagree with you. I think that a well-built plan will only motivate you to go further, to evolve with your life. And this would eventually bring the happiness you need."

I had to laugh at that one.

Evolve with my life?

Bring happiness I need?

My friend, you do not understand happiness nor what you or I need.

No intent to make you feel bad, by the way.

But happiness is not in more money, more fame, more game, more more more! Ok?

Happiness is already there. But you are doing something to cover it up! And what's that? Your search for happiness!

Think on it.

You are already the Sun! But there are some clouds obscuring the Sun! Who is obscuring the Sun? Why..... YOU!

Because you search for happiness, the next good feeling, the hit. The orgasm even. Ok? Once you have it? You cruise down to feeling bad. Like right now. You are feeling bad. Else you would not go for that coffee. Or that movie. Or that ... union with someone or some thing. Just think about this!

Yes, am pummeling you with this and it requires you to think insult removed get what am saying.

Am NOT trying to offend anyone here. Am trying to wake up some folks. OK? And thank you for reading this post.


PS: Am here to be of help. So ask me questions. You are puzzled! Most of you are. I am too. But am studying the matter and can impart to you what I have learned so far. OK? Ok. Now good night.

Edited by fishie


Be pleased to read my blog, it's fun, interesting, wide-ranging and so on: http://www.9planetreviews.com/blog.shtml and also see my Best Opps site: micronuts.com where you can get FREE Advertising, all over the place! AND... PAC for ALL has launched! Run by PAC and PAC Rev Share folks Kazzy and EL. See more info.

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WOW, most of us have some really cool plans!

awesome to hear

Sorry that some of us wish to insult others...I never meant for this thread to become a serious discussion, it was all for fun in getting to know one another here at CIF and I would like it to stay that way.

So, keep sharing your plans for 2009 ... please?


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