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my 2 cents

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hi guys ,

I want to thank people in this forum , this is a great place where we can have a clear confirmation that those costly systems and indicators do not work , period !

The generosity of the people who spent money on these nonsense ebooks , indicators etc is priceless, I want to stress to all of you here , do not spend your precious timw chasing the latest scam in the market , invest it in screentime instead and stick to one setup only and master it , this is gonna be your holy grail , make the charts speak to you not scare you , make them your friend not your foe , I urge you all newbies here to pick a setup , sim trade it for 2 weeks , do not change anything , and do not be tempted to add indicators or anything else , journal your trades and look to improve by doing this every single day , until you begin to have a visual perception of the market , and you will start grading yourself based on wether you followed your rules or not etc...

Use market replay to master your entries and rehearse that single setup that you are learning , by doing this you train your brain into acting when the odds are here and banking profits or taking a small loss and moving on like a robot , repetition is mother of all skils !

prosperity to all !



Edited by sousou
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's true - it's not very exciting, but it's true. Every newbie would benefit from learning to FOCUS ie 'Follow One Course Until Successful'. It's surprisingly simple to pick a system that has an edge, write up a simple plan and then just work it over 50 or so trades and see how it and the trader performs. Be sure to analyse every trader for conformity to the plan and learn from the mistakes and the successes and then start again.


This process seems like a waste of time to many people but it's actually the quickest way to success. Unfortunately trading is and should be boring whilst conditions setup. That's why I spend time in places like this - it's not because I'm here to try out 500 new EAs, it's because I have lots of time on my hands whilst I'm being patient - though in the case of this place I particularly like the idea of scammers & shysters getting their just desserts. :)

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It's true - it's not very exciting, but it's true. Every newbie would benefit from learning to FOCUS ie 'Follow One Course Until Successful'. It's surprisingly simple to pick a system that has an edge, write up a simple plan and then just work it over 50 or so trades and see how it and the trader performs. Be sure to analyse every trade for conformity to the plan and learn from the mistakes and the successes and then start the cycle again.


This process seems like a waste of time to many people but it's actually the quickest way to success. Unfortunately trading is and should be boring whilst conditions setup. That's why I spend time in places like this - it's not because I'm here to try out 500 new EAs, it's because I have lots of time on my hands whilst I'm being patient - though in the case of this place I particularly like the idea of scammers & shysters getting their just desserts. :)

Edited by JimJamBonks
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