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[REQ] ninja machine ID


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Hi ninjasuper22, on my machine it is not the MAC Address. At least if I retrieved the MAC correctly, i opened cmd window and typed "getmac", none of the numbers i see match the NT machine id.

The thought I had that made me ask about machine id is , if we could change it at random then we could use trial indis . Any help/ideas appreciated.

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MachineID aren't based on mac for many reasons ...


1/ Most computers have multiple NIC

2/ Removing / Changing a network card would pop the software.


You'd have more chance checking the serialID of the primary HDD.

Altough usually you'd take the cpuID and HDD_ID.


Or more easily, you could check :




in the registry. It's not 100% unique though. But it can be used easily to differentiate machines.

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I reverse engineered the algorithm that they use to generate the MachineID.


It's based off of a combination of the following:


-Processor Name (ex: "Intel® Core i5 CPU M520 @ 2.40GHz")

-BIOS Name (ex: "Default System BIOS")


It concatenates these values together (ex: "Intel® Core i5 CPU M520 @ 2.40GHzDefault System BIOS") and then hashes them using an MD5 hash.


So, long story short... you likely won't be able to fake any of these values to make your MachineID something that you specifically want.

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I threw together a tool that walks through the calculation process. Not terribly useful but at least you can see how the machineid is being generated:




Just run MachineID.exe and it will run through the calculation on your own machine.

Here's what I get when I run it on my dev machine:


Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2920XM CPU @ 2.50GHz
BIOS: Default System BIOS
Concatenated: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2920XM CPU @ 2.50GHzDefault System BIOS

Converting the string to bytes...
I = 73
n = 110
t = 116
e = 101
l = 108
( = 40
R = 82
) = 41
 = 32
C = 67
o = 111
r = 114
e = 101
( = 40
T = 84
M = 77
) = 41
 = 32
i = 105
7 = 55
- = 45
2 = 50
9 = 57
2 = 50
0 = 48
X = 88
M = 77
 = 32
C = 67
P = 80
U = 85
 = 32
@ = 64
 = 32
2 = 50
. = 46
5 = 53
0 = 48
G = 71
H = 72
z = 122
D = 68
e = 101
f = 102
a = 97
u = 117
l = 108
t = 116
 = 32
S = 83
y = 121
s = 115
t = 116
e = 101
m = 109
 = 32
B = 66
I = 73
O = 79
S = 83

Bytes = 73 110 116 101 108 40 82 41 32 67 111 114 101 40 84 77 41 32 105 55 45 5
0 57 50 48 88 77 32 67 80 85 32 64 32 50 46 53 48 71 72 122 68 101 102 97 117 10
8 116 32 83 121 115 116 101 109 32 66 73 79 83

Hashed bytes = 02-F5-5C-30-1B-A8-82-02-DF-F7-47-BF-E9-A8-7D-E0

MachineID: 02F55C301BA88202DFF747BFE9A87DE0

Edited by zeraw31
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  • 9 months later...
I threw together a tool that walks through the calculation process. Not terribly useful but at least you can see how the machineid is being generated:




Just run MachineID.exe and it will run through the calculation on your own machine.

Here's what I get when I run it on my dev machine:



the link is dead

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  • 11 months later...



I threw together a tool that walks through the calculation process. Not terribly useful but at least you can see how the machineid is being generated:




Just run MachineID.exe and it will run through the calculation on your own machine.

Here's what I get when I run it on my dev machine:


Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2920XM CPU @ 2.50GHz
BIOS: Default System BIOS
Concatenated: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2920XM CPU @ 2.50GHzDefault System BIOS

Converting the string to bytes...
I = 73
n = 110
t = 116
e = 101
l = 108
( = 40
R = 82
) = 41
 = 32
C = 67
o = 111
r = 114
e = 101
( = 40
T = 84
M = 77
) = 41
 = 32
i = 105
7 = 55
- = 45
2 = 50
9 = 57
2 = 50
0 = 48
X = 88
M = 77
 = 32
C = 67
P = 80
U = 85
 = 32
@ = 64
 = 32
2 = 50
. = 46
5 = 53
0 = 48
G = 71
H = 72
z = 122
D = 68
e = 101
f = 102
a = 97
u = 117
l = 108
t = 116
 = 32
S = 83
y = 121
s = 115
t = 116
e = 101
m = 109
 = 32
B = 66
I = 73
O = 79
S = 83

Bytes = 73 110 116 101 108 40 82 41 32 67 111 114 101 40 84 77 41 32 105 55 45 5
0 57 50 48 88 77 32 67 80 85 32 64 32 50 46 53 48 71 72 122 68 101 102 97 117 10
8 116 32 83 121 115 116 101 109 32 66 73 79 83

Hashed bytes = 02-F5-5C-30-1B-A8-82-02-DF-F7-47-BF-E9-A8-7D-E0

MachineID: 02F55C301BA88202DFF747BFE9A87DE0


can anybody reup..thanks in advance! :)

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Checkout post #6 by zeraw31


Sorry I´m late in this discussion, what does the MachineID.exe? Changes machineID?


Hi Livermore


MachineID.exe shows HOW your NinjaTrader's Machine ID is calculated as stated by zeraw31 in post #6





If you run MachineID.exe directly by double clicking then window will open and it will display output and disappear immediately..


You can use Command Prompt (CMD) or even PowerShell to open MachineID.exe..here is the procedure if you don't know..

  1. Save MachineID.exe in C Drive (so that it will be easy to navigate in CMD or PoweShell)
  2. Open Command Prompt (CMD) or PowerShell (Administrive Priviledge if normal procedure didn't work)
  3. navigate to C Drive in CMD or Powershell using *cd C:\* [without asterisk]
  4. type *MachineID.exe* and press Enter


...and now you can see how your Machine ID is calculated!



I am also working on finding utility which could change Machine ID of NT


If I get it..I will surely post it here..


Have a great weekend! :)



P.S. Don't forget to Thank zeraw31 & newbie0101 for sharing info

Edited by BlueMars
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  • 3 weeks later...

PM error


Hi newbie0101


I am not able to send you PM..I think your inbox is full..returns following error..


newbie0101 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.


let me know when your inbox have free space..have a great day! :)

Edited by BlueMars
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