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Tradestation 2000I


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I would like to translate from russianto english but this is not russian as far as I know


a sample:mega Prosuite 2000 build 5.00.0822 – îäíà èç äâóõ (íàðÿäó ñ Ìåòàñòîêîì) íàèáîëåå ïîïóëÿðíûõ ïðîãðàìì òåõíè÷åñêîãî àíàëèçà. Ïàêåò Omega Prosuite âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáÿ òðè ïðîãðàììû: Omega Tradestation – ïðîãðàììà äëÿ òåõíè÷åñêîãî àíàëèçà, Radar Screen – ïðîãðàììà äëÿ îäíîâðåìåííîãî àíàëèçà ìíîæåñòâà èíñòðóìåíòîâ, Option Station – ïðîãðàììà äëÿ ðàáîòû ñ îïöèîíàìè.


×òîáû óñòàíîâèòü Omega Prosuite, íóæíî âûïîëíèòü ñëåäóþùèå èíñòðóêöèè:


1.Îòêðîéòå ïàïêó Change CD Key, ðàñïîëîæåííóþ íà ýòîì äèñêå â ïàïêå Omega  ÎÒÄÅËÜÍÎÌ ÎÊÍÅ È ÍÅ ÇÀÊÐÛÂÀÉÒÅ ÅÃÎ.


2.Åñëè ó Âàñ windows 95, èëè åñëè â ïðîöåññå óñòàíîâêè ïðîãðàììà óñòàíîâêè çàöèêëèòñÿ, ñäåëàéòå ñëåäóþùåå:


à) Îòêðîéòå ïàïêó MetaStock Pro 8.0 RT for BMI & eSignal íà äàííîì CD (äàæå åñëè Âû íå ñîáèðàåòåñü óñòàíàâëèâàòü Metastock) è ðàçàðõèâèðóéòå ñàìîðàñïàêîâûâàþùèéñÿ àðõèâ Metastock 8.exe.


á) Íàéäèòå â ðàçàðõèâèðîâàííîì äèñòðèáóòèâå Ìåòàñòîêà ôàéë MDAC_TYP.EXE è çàïóñòèòå åãî - áóäåò ïðîèçâåäåíà óñòàíîâêà îáíîâë¸ííîãî MDAC. Ïîñëå ýòîãî íà÷íèòå óñòàíîâêó Omega Prosuite ñíà÷àëà.


3.Èç äðóãîãî îêíà çàïóñòèòå ïðîãðàììó óñòàíîâêè Omega Prosuite - ôàéë setup.exe èç ïàïêè Omega\Omega Prosuite


4.Çàïóñòèòñÿ ïðîãðàììà óñòàíîâêè, è â òîò ìîìåíò, êîãäà îíà ïîïðîñèò Âàñ ââåñòè ïàðîëü, ñäåëàéòå ñëåäóþùåå:


à)Îäíîâðåìåííî íàæìèòå êëàâèøè Alt è Tab, ïîÿâèòñÿ íåáîëüøîå îêîøêî; íàæèìàéòå êëàâèøó Tab, íå îòïóñêàÿ êëàâèøó Alt,ïîêà â ýòîì îêîøêå íå ïîÿâèòñÿ ññûëêà íà îòêðûòóþ â ï.1 ïàïêó Change CD Key.

á)Îòïóñòèòå êëàâèøè Alt è Tab, ïîñëå ýòîãî îòêðîåòñÿ ïàïêà Change CD Key

â)Çàïóñòèòå ôàéë Setcdkey.exe èç ýòîé ïàïêè. Îòêðîåòñÿ îêíî, â êîòîðîì áóäåò âîïðîñ: CD Key? Ââåäèòå ÷èñëî 2003 è íàæìèòå ââîä.

ã)Âåðíèòåñü â îêíî óñòàíîâêè Omega Prosuite è ââåäèòå ïàðîëü




ïîñëå ÷åãî óñòàíîâêà áóäåò ïðîäîëæåíà.


5.Åñëè â õîäå óñòàíîâêè ïîÿâèòñÿ ñîîáùåíèå îá îøèáêå, íå îáðàùàéòå íà íåãî âíèìàíèÿ - ýòî íå ïîâëèÿåò íà óñòàíîâêó.


6.Ïîñëå çàâåðøåíèÿ óñòàíîâêè è ïåðåçàãðóçêè óñòàíîâèòå îáíîâëåíèÿ. Äëÿ ýòîãî:


à)Çàïóñòèòå ôàéë Sp4cUpdate.exe è äîæäèòåñü óñòàíîâêè ýòîãî îáíîâëåíèÿ.

á)Î÷èñòèòå ïàïêó âðåìåííûõ ôàéëîâ.  Windows95, 98, ME îáû÷íî ýòî ïàïêà c:\windows\Temp, â Windows2000 è WindowsXP îáû÷íî ýòî ïàïêà

C:\Documents and Settings\<Èìÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ>\Local Settings\Temp.


Åñëè íåêîòîðûå ôàéëû íå óäàëÿþòñÿ, ïåðåçàãðóçèòå ñèñòåìó è óäàëèòå èõ.


â)Çàïóñòèòå ôàéë SP5Update.exe è äîæäèòåñü óñòàíîâêè ýòîãî îáíîâëåíèÿ.

ã)Îáíîâèòå ñèñòåìó ïîìîùè. Äëÿ ýòîãî ïåðåíåñèòå ôàéëû èç ïàïêè Help Update â ïàïêó


C:\Program Files\Omega Research\Program


ä)Îáíîâèòå áàçó äàííûõ òîðãîâûõ ñèìâîëîâ Omega Prosuite. Äëÿ ýòîãî ïåðåíåñèòå ïàïêó Universe èç ïàïêè Universe Update â ïàïêó


C:\Program Files\Omega Research


 àðõèâå Ïàò÷ äëÿ Power Editor.exe íàõîäèòñÿ èñïðàâëåííûé ôàéë oredit32.exe ñ ïîìîùüþ êîòîðîãî ìîæíî ïðîñìàòðèâàòü ñîäåðæèìîå çàùèù¸ííûõ ïàðîëåì ôóíêöèé, ñèñòåì è èíäèêàòîðîâ. Åñëè Âû õîòèòå âîñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ òàêîé âîçìîæíîñòüþ, òî ïåðåíåñèòå äàííûé ôàéë â ïàïêó


C:\Program Files\Omega Research\Program


è çàìåíèòå èì îðèãèíàëüíûé ôàéë oredit32.exe


Ðåêîìåíäóþ ñîõðàíèòü ïðåæíèé ôàéë oredit32.exe â êàêîì-ëèáî äðóãîì ìåñòå, òàê êàê íà íåêîòîðûõ ñèñòåìàõ ìîäèôèöèðîâàííûé ôàéë oredit32.exe âûçûâàåò íåóñòðàíèìóþ îøèáêó ïðè çàïóñêå - â òàêîì ñëó÷àå âîññòàíîâèòå îðèãèíàëüíûé ôàéë.



Ñàéò ðàçðàáîò÷èêà



Ïî àäðåñó http://www.tradestation.com íàõîäèòñÿ ñàéò íîâîé òîðãîâîé ïëàòôîðìû Tradestation 7, êîòîðàÿ îäíàêî íå ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîé ïðîãðàììîé, à ñäà¸òñÿ â àðåíäó âìåñòå ñ èñòî÷íèêîì äàííûõ è âîçìîæíîñòüþ ðåàëüíîé òîðãîâëè.

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Omega Prosuite 2000 build 5.00.0822 - one of the two (along with Metastock), the most popular programs of technical analysis. Package Omega Prosuite includes three programs: Omega Tradestation - the program for technical analysis, Radar Screen - the program for the simultaneous analysis of set of tools, Option Station - the program to work with options.


To install Omega Prosuite, follow these instructions:


1.Open the folder Change CD Key, located on the disk in the folder Omega in a separate window and not close it.


2.If you have windows 95, or if the installation process the installer will loop, do the following:


a) Open the folder MetaStock Pro 8.0 RT for BMI & eSignal on this CD (even if you do not want to install Metastock) and unzip the self extracting archive Metastock 8.exe.


b) Find the distribution of uncompressed file MDAC_TYP.EXE Metastock and run it - will be installed an updated MDAC. Then start the installation of Omega Prosuite first.


3.Iz another window run the installation program Omega Prosuite - setup.exe from the folder Omega \ Omega Prosuite


4.Zapustitsya setup, and when she asks you to enter a password, do the following:


*a) Simultaneously press the Alt and Tab, a small window appears, press Tab, hold down Alt, while this window is not a link to open the folder in step 1 Change CD Key.

*b) Release the Alt key and the Tab, then open the folder Change CD Key

*c) Run Setcdkey.exe from this location. The window in which to issue: CD Key? Enter the number 2003 and press enter.

*g) Return to the Omega Prosuite installation and enter the password




and the installation will continue.


5.Esli during installation an error message appears, do not pay any attention to him - it will not affect the installation.


6.Posle complete the installation and reboot install the updates. To do this:


**a) Run the file and wait Sp4cUpdate.exe install this update.

**b) Clean the temporary files folder. In Windows95, 98, ME, usually a folder c: \ windows \ Temp, Windows2000 and WindowsXP in this folder is usually

****C: \ Documents and Settings \ <username> \ Local Settings \ Temp.


****If some files are not deleted, restart the system and remove them.


**c) Run the file and wait SP5Update.exe install this update.

**d) Update the help system. To do this, drag the files from the Help Update folder


****C: \ Program Files \ Omega Research \ Program


**e) Update the database of trading symbol Omega Prosuite. To do this, drag the folder from the folder Universe Universe Update folder


*****C: \ Program Files \ Omega Research


The archive patch for Power Editor.exe is corrected file oredit32.exe with which you can view the contents of password protected functions, systems and indicators. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, then drag the file into the folder


C: \ Program Files \ Omega Research \ Program


and replace the original file oredit32.exe

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