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About ciccio

  • Birthday 02/05/1950

ciccio's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Just change the years h..p://media.mta.org/videos/2017/
  2. I just cannot find the button to "Thank" posters The only way I found is to Add Reputation. Is there some button I am missing? *EDIT* The button has appeared on the bottom left of each post Thanks to whomever did it
  3. I'd like to make practice in the field of trading (stocks in the european market) so I'd like to know which is the best program that would allow me to do "Paper Trading". Or some other suggestions. Just to be clear, a program that allows me to download (end of day) quotations and allows me to use indicators on graphs, putting orders on the graphs, etc. etc. TIA
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