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About neo2016

  • Birthday 08/03/1976

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  1. Might as well. Haven't logged on here for a while.
  2. I have actually used Brokey 3 times now. First time was a couple of years ago to test out for a month and was absolutely fine. Just bought a couple of things off him this year and was able to use WISE for payment to lower costs. I had no drama doing so as I had dealt with him before through Paypal and was fine. I did get fake snow group but already knew the real snow before hand. I think the guy might have Brokey mixed up with someone else. I have been in this space for a number of years and have a pretty good idea of all the BS out there.
  3. Coming across this site in the middle of the night and hit with bright white. Dark mode would be fantastic. Don’t think I have an addon for my iPad that changes the site like my PC
  4. CFDs have to big of Bid/Ask spread. You could start out selling/writing options such as call spreads and put spreads or doing wheel trades, then work from there
  5. An understanding of options does help even if your only trading stocks or futures. Beetrader looks good and will give the 15 day trial a go https://www.beetrader.eu/
  6. An understanding of options does help even if your only trading stocks or futures. Beetrader looks good and will give the 15 day trial a go
  7. I was interested in this but snow didn’t want to do it a year ago. It does draw data from TOS or IB. Avoid Appsforbtc site which advertises it but is a scam. Beetrader would be good but not much interest in edu for Option software
  8. Yeah sure. Send me your money so I can save you the embarasment of losing it when you find out and I can invest in the hard work it took to become a trader
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