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⭐ V.I.P.
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Everything posted by yxyx

  1. Does anyone have the latest viper package (NT 7) for sharing?
  2. Sorry to have been late to reply. Sharing trading courses like Learn to trade by Toritradez.com would be beneficial. Thanking, yxyx
  3. Dear Members, If anyone has the following course, would you please share? https://toritradez.com/learn-to-trade/ Thanking, yxyx
  4. Dear Admin, 

    Is the 'free upgrade for old members' offer still on the table?

  5. Hello everyone! I'm looking for recommendations on MT4 brokers that offer futures trading with a spread less than 3 on CL (Crude Oil). Please share your thoughts, views and experiences on this matter. Thanking yxyx
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