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Here is an actual investment strategy i am using right now, starting with as low as $20 to reach thousands in 9 months. Doubling Money Investment Strategy. Enter high roi programs for a short time, usually 12% for 12 doubles money in 1 month. We will use $100 as example. 1st return in 12 days is $144, which is $44 profit. Reinvest this $144 and this produces just a few dollars more than $200. So in 1 month you have doubled money. Move on to next program. For this to work we need high paying roi surf sites. The best scenario is at this time to split the money placing $100 in 2 different programs. If by chance 1 runs with the money you still have one active investment. This factor is to reduce risk. Referral money will also boost your earnings. To gain faith with referrals be sure to point out that this is short term and not to get locked into any 1 program out of greed. We have seen this so many times, people lose everything because they go for that “Just 1 More time scenario†Get in and out quick is the motto The main problem here is finding a program that will pay for a few months. We only need 1 month, in any program, which is 2 invests or cycles in each. Let us do figures on an initial $20 investment. Doubled each month 1. $20 2. $40 3. $80 4. $160 5. $320 6. $640 7. $1280 8. $2560 9. $5120 In the event we lose from one program it only puts the doubling back by 1 month due to the fact we have 2 programs running. This is based on a very modest investment of $20, You do the figures on $100. These are the programs I am investing in now. 1 - PacForAll - 12% daily for 12 days = 144% http://www.pacforall.com 2 - AdsDailyPro - 12% daily for 11 days = 132% http://www.adsdailypro.com Please check back every few days for updates. I will post here when it is time to withdraw and move on to next program. So stay tuned. We may not win them all but we will have a darn good try. - My Blog - blog link needs to be in your signature Edit: Referral Links removed blog link needs to be in your signature
I do take lots of supplementation too including Vitamin D. Vitamin D can help you fight cancer, flu and many other diseases. I also take at least 10 minutes of sun light daily so my body can create its own vitamin D naturally. Vitamin D its the only vitamin our body can create on its own without having to consume it.
(NaturalNews) That Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett both died in the last 48 hours is shocking news to many, but it's not nearly as surprising as the fact that they were both killed by Big Pharma's toxic drugs. Michael Jackson, we now know, died from an injection of Demerol given by his doctor -- a man who is now the subject of an LAPD manhunt. There is little question that the injection of Demerol -- a potent pharmaceutical -- caused Jackson's death. Chalk it up to yet another tragic loss of a hugely inspiring artist who has become a victim of the pharmaceutical industry and overzealous medical doctors. Demerol, by the way, is a highly-potent opioid drug that's also highly addictive. And yet it's being prescribed (and injected) by doctors with the full support of the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry and the conventional medical community. It is nothing less than amazing that mild drugs like marijuana remain outlawed while potentially deadly painkiller drugs like Demerol are openly injected into people by doctors. Farrah Fawcett's death was far less sudden than Jackson's, but no less innocent. She was killed by chemotherapy -- a toxic cocktail of chemicals pushed onto patients by oncologists who deceptively call it "treatment." Against the advice of many in the natural health community, Fawcett gave in to her doctors and agreed to be poisoned as a treatment for anal cancer. But what she didn't know is that one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is more cancer! And after subjecting her body to more chemotherapy, it wasn't long before Fawcett was diagnosed with liver cancer. (Chemotherapy causes terrible harm to the liver, heart, kidneys and brain...) Before long, her suppressed immune system and ongoing poison treatments overcame her body's natural healing ability, and she died (as yet another victim of chemotherapy). Her doctors, of course, claim she "died of cancer." Clever huh? Cancer doctors operate with that sort of clever deception: If the cancer goes away, they claim the patient was "treated by the medicine," but if the patient dies, they claim "the cancer killed them." It's pretty easy to claim success if you take credit for the wins while fleeing the any responsibility for the losses. Back to Farrah, while many of her friends and supporters say her battle with cancer was "an inspiration," let me be the first to publicly state that to me, poisoning yourself with toxic chemicals is NOT inspiring, no matter how much suffering you go through. I do not believe that people should be given special recognition for pain and suffering they consciously choose to inflict upon themselves, especially when all that suffering is easily avoidable. It would have been far more "inspiring" for Farrah to choose healing remedies instead of deadly poisons. Had she chosen natural remedies, she could have skipped all the pain and suffering, restored her immune function, reversed her cancer and gone on to live a much longer and more abundant life. (It would have saved her a small fortune in medical costs, too...) But she didn't choose natural health (nutrition, vitamin D, immune support, superfoods and medicinal herbs). Instead, she chose poison. As a result, her decision to ravage her body's health through "slash and burn" medicine ultimately cost more than her body could afford to pay. Keeping the public in the dark What's especially sad about all this is that the conventional medical trade groups, the drug companies and the FDA are all conspiring to keep consumers ignorant of natural cancer remedies. So Farrah Fawcett almost certainly did not have easy access to the kind of information about natural remedies that could have saved her life. She would have had to read NaturalNews or other good sources of truthful information about natural solutions for cancer like Gerson Therapy (www.Gerson.org). But this is all by design: Truthful information about natural remedies for cancer is intentionally oppressed by the medical establishment. Those who dare to offer health products with accurate descriptions about their anti-cancer attributes are threatened with arrest and imprisonment by the FDA and FTC (http://www.naturalnews.com/024246_c...). The very best doctors who can really cure cancer have been either thrown in prison or run out of the country (which is why all the best cancer clinics in the world aren't located in the United States). The medical industrial complex, in other words, has conspired to keep the American people uninformed and diseased, making them dependent on the for-profit medical system that dominates modern medicine. That Farrah Fawcett actually made a conscious decision to allow her body to be destroyed by chemotherapy is an indication of just how insidious and manipulative our conventional medical system really is. Instead of giving patients options, it limits their options and gives them death. Instead of educating patients about how to prevent and reverse cancer, our medical system de-educates patients and seeks to isolate them from knowledge of natural remedies. Instead of empowering patients, it seeks to control and profit from patients. It is a failed system that kills celebrities just as mercilessly as it kills those who aren't famous at all. And unless we change our approach to healing cancer, more people will continue to die as victims of dangerous prescription drugs and failed chemotherapy "treatments." Because whether you're famous or not, chemotherapy is still poison. P.S. the forum looks and runs 10x faster and better now. Great update!
(NaturalNews) In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... such as seizure or injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice." "Firms that fail to take correction action," the FDA warns, "may also be referred to the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations for possible criminal prosecution for violations of the FFDC Act and other federal laws." The message is crystal clear: No product may be described as protecting against or preventing H1N1 infections unless it is approved by the FDA. And which products has the FDA approved? Tamiflu (the anti-viral drug that most people will never have access to), and soon the new H1N1 vaccine that's being manufactured at a cost of one billion dollars (paid to Big Pharma by the taxpayers). This vaccine, of course, will be utterly useless because H1N1 will undoubtedly mutate between now and the time the vaccine is ready, rendering the vaccine useless. In other words, according to the tyrants at the FDA, the only products that may be marketed alongside the term "H1N1" are those products that either don't work or aren't available to most people. Anything that really works to prevent influenza infections -- such as natural anti-virals, medicinal herbs, etc. -- is banned from even mentioning H1N1 without the threat of being criminally prosecuted. Note: I reveal the five most powerful natural anti-viral remedies in a free report you can read here: http://www.naturalnews.com/RR-FiveBestAnti...alProducts.html Such are the operations of our U.S. Food and Drug Administration -- a criminal organization that's working hard to do what every criminal organization does: Eliminate the competition! As the defender of Big Pharma, the FDA is also the destroyer of knowledge that seeks to remove educational statements from the internet. Truth has nothing to do with it -- it is verifiably true that anti-viral herbs, probiotics and other natural products help protect consumers from influenza -- but the FDA cannot allow such statements to remain online for the simple fact that people might become informed. And that, it seems, would be a dangerous precedent. If people were informed about the healing and protective powers of herbs, they would no longer remain enslaved by the medical establishment. Profits would be lost. Power would evaporate. This is why people can never be allowed to attain any real knowledge about herbs, superfoods or nutritional supplements. And the FDA will threaten people with imprisonment just to make sure they don't dare publish knowledge that the FDA does not want the people to see. Targeted by the FDA Who is being attacked and threatened by the FDA? Lots of companies offering highly-effective natural remedies. You can see a list of some of the companies being targeted right here: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/h1n1flu/ Byron Richards' company Wellness Resources, a favorite target of the FDA (no doubt because Richards wrote a book attacking the FDA), is also targeted in this censorship(http://www.naturalnews.com/censorship.html) campaign. You can see the FDA's ridiculous complaint against his company here: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/h1n1...;cat=Supplement The FDA sends similar letters to other companies, invoking terrorizing language designed to scare companies into self-censorship. This is the FDA's key strategy, and it largely works: Most companies are scared to death to take a stand against the FDA because the ones that do end up being shut down, with their owners arrested at gunpoint and thrown in prison. This is how natural medicine advocates are treated in the United States of America, the "land of the free and the home of the brave." (It is really the land of the enslaved and the home of the cowards who don't even have the courage to protest in the streets anymore...) This is how the FDA secretly intimidates the natural products industry: It sends threatening letters to anyone who dares tell the truth about a natural product they sell. While pharmaceuticals can openly and brazenly lie about their supposed benefits, natural product companies aren't even allowed to state obvious truths about their products! (Like "Vitamin C helps prevent colds" or "Omega-3 oils improve moods.") Note, carefully, that the FDA openly brands the people promoting natural anti-viral products as "criminals." The language from the FDA's own website says it is listing "Web sites that are illegally marketing unapproved, uncleared, or unauthorized products in relation to the 2009 H1N1 Flu Virus." In reality, this FDA list is a really good list of highly effective natural products that can protect you from Swine Flu. Many of the companies on the list, in fact, offer products that are far more effective than any vaccine or Big Pharma anti-viral drug. And that, by the way, is precisely why the FDA must accuse these companies of being criminals: Products that effectively compete with Big Pharma's drugs simply cannot be allowed to exist in the marketplace! This is all about destroying the competition, limiting consumer options and censoring truthful health information on the internet. And it's all paid for by your tax dollars, by the way. This is a government operation taking place under the Obama Administration, which apparently continues in the Bush Administration's footsteps when it comes to destroying the natural products industry and leaving consumers helpless in the next great pandemic. All Credits to the writer : naturalnews.com
I found this article online about Regenesis2x2 and i thought i would share it with everyone. It has all the details you need before investing in this type of program. I've been in this type of business myself and i have to admit that they are not my favorites. You work to earn in the short term and about 85% at least of all the members won't make any money from it. See it yourself at : http://www.regenesis2x2scam.info/ Preview : ReGenesis 2x2 PYRAMID Money System Hello world, My name is Magdalena Veracruz and I'm just a student in Ohio. I have decided to create this page in order to help people to stay out of businesses like this one - ReGenesis2x2 - and because some of my friend (friends that don't think to much but which I care for) invested some money here and are still waiting (sure they will wait a lot and nothing will happend) for the result of their investment. If you have reached this page that means that you already know about this self-called "regenesis2x2 money system" and maybe you are curious to find more before you make your "investment". It is good for you to know that the 2x2 matrix is in fact just another pyramid system, that has only one goal: to make you believe that you can make......... Read the whole article at http://www.regenesis2x2scam.info/ All Credits to the article writer. Please share you own opinion.
(NaturalNews) H1N1 influenza (swine flu) has spread beyond the ability of the CDC to track it, leading one of its health authorities (Daniel Jernigan) to admit that 100,000 Americans are likely already infected by the swine flu. The CDC has only "confirmed" 4,714 cases of the flu so far, but by its own admission, the CDC's testing lab is so hopelessly overloaded that it has all but abandoned trying to identify every case of swine flu. All it can do now is estimate the likely number of infections through statistical modeling. That modeling essentially says that swine flu is already at a pandemic stage, and it will eventually infect anywhere from one-third to one-half of the world population, depending on whose figures you believe. So if swine flu is infecting so many people, why aren't more people dying? Some people are dying from it, of course. The latest is an assistant principal of a NYC school, who just passed away yesterday (http://www.nypost.com/seven/05162009/news/regionalnews/queens/queens_ast_principa_mitchell_weiner_dead_169754.htm). Beware of the "influenza winter of 2009" But the lack of deaths from the swine flu at the moment doesn't mean the danger is over. In fact, the western world is right now experiencing the health benefits of Spring, which brings sunlight and vitamin D (a natural anti-viral vitamin) to the people. Historically, influenza strikes in the Fall and Winter months when vitamin D levels are low. Winter, of course, means December - February in the Northern hemisphere, and June - July in the Southern hemisphere. So even if a pandemic strikes North America during the winter of 2009, it is unlikely to be as dangerous in Australia at the same time (because that's Australia's summer). At the same time, the coming Summer in North America is a vitamin D deficient winter in Australia, so there may be increased risk of H1N1 influenza deaths throughout June, July and August in the Southern hemisphere. The CDC and WHO, however, are most concerned about the coming winter in North America. The 1918 pandemic struck during the winter months, of course, hitting the population when people were most vulnerable with vitamin D deficiency. With potentially millions of Americans carrying non-fatal H1N1 influenza into the regular winter flu season in late 2009, there is a very real chance that H1N1 genetic code could mix with various seasonal flu strains, creating a highly lethal and contagious strain that devastates the human population across the world. It's impossible for anyone to accurately predict the risk of such a mutation occurring, but the elements are in place for precisely such a development. Importantly, should such a scenario unfold, vaccines will be totally useless because they only target whatever H1N1 strain was circulating eight months ago! Remember this: A viral mutation instantly renders all vaccines completely useless. Big Pharma making big bucks off influenza That doesn't mean Big Pharma isn't trying to cash in on the vaccine money machine, of course. In fact, the drug companies have been busy negotiating with third world countries to take possession of viral genetic material found in those countries so that they can manufacture patented vaccines that they sell back to those very same countries (at monopoly prices). Read more here: http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/...E54F2KZ20090516 In fact, Baxter Pharmaceuticals, the very company that was found to have accidentally (yeah, right!) inserted live influenza viruses into vaccine material distributed to 18 countries, is now cashing in on the H1N1 pandemic (http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-sat-baxter-flu-heparin-may16,0,144102.story). This profit motive has led some commentators on the 'net to wonder whether H1N1 was actually created in a laboratory and released in the wild based on a Big Pharma profit agenda. The flames under this theory were fanned recently when a top virologist announced that swine flu may have been created by "human error" in a vaccine factory (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,519976,00.html). The WHO, predictably, was swift to dismiss such fears, claiming to have investigated and ruled out the claim. Additional sources for this story include: Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...9051503651.html
If you look like your passport photo, you're too ill to travel. -Will Kommen I once shook hands with Pat Boone and my whole right side sobered up. -Dean Martin I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on. -Roseanne Barr The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for 30 years she served us nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found. -Calvin Trillin My grandmother was a very tough woman. She buried three husbands and two of them were just napping. -Rita Rudner My husband wanted one of those big-screen TV's for his birthday. So I just moved his chair closer to the one we have already. -Wendy Liebman I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes - and six months later you have to start all over again. -Joan Rivers My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle. -Henny Youngman Inside me there's a thin person struggling to get out, but I can usually sedate him with four or five cupcakes. -Bob Thaves He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals. -Ben Franklin I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her. -Rodney Dangerfield My doctor is wonderful. Once, when I couldn't afford an operation, he touched up the x-rays. -Joey Bishop
Great Article and very Interesting i found on NaturalNews Read Below. Please leave a comment if you like this article, all credits to the autor. (NaturalNews) People tend to think that the things they believe are true. And even when they're terrible wrong, they still believe their fictions as if they were facts. It's a healthy exercise to have your false beliefs challenged by reality, so today I'm doing my best to shatter ten false beliefs most people hold about the natural world -- food, animals, nature and so on. Read the list below and see how many you used to believe. #1) Quaker Oats was started by Quakers Ummm, not really. In fact, the company has nothing to do with Quakers. It was started in Pennsylvania in 1901 when there were lots of Quakers around, mostly due to the fact that Quakers were known as being honest. But Quaker Oats isn't exactly honest. Today, it's actually owned by PepsiCo, and in the 1950s, Quaker Oats, Harvard University and MIT researchers conducted experiments on human children using radioactive elements to trace the flow of nutrients through their bodies. The children were invited to be part of a "special science club," but they weren't told they were being fed Quaker Oats laced with radioactive substances. Side effects of radioactive exposure include skin cell mutations and skin cancer. When parents found out about the experiments, they sued, and Quaker Oats was eventually forced to pay out $1.85 million, but the case wasn't settled until decades later -- 1997, actually. It's all detailed in the book The State Boy's Rebellion by Michael D'Antonio. Sources: MIT news: http://tech.mit.edu/V117/N65/bfernald.65n.html (Note how arrogant this MIT news story is, implying it was okay to experiment on the children because the levels of radioactivity were so low.) Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaker_Oats #2) Most of the Earth's oxygen is produced by the Amazon rainforest Nope. Most of the Earth's oxygen is actually produced by marine algae, which generate more oxygen than all the trees and land plants in the world. Called cyanobacteria, algae release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis (the solar-powered process by which they produce energy). Spirulina is an oxygen-producing alga that also produces food at the same time (70 percent protein, with anti-cancer nutrients to boot). #3) The Great Wall of China is the largest man-made structure on Earth Not even close. The distinction of being the largest man-made structure on Earth belongs to Fresh Kills, the Statin Island, New York landfill site. It's 4.6 square miles in size, and so much garbage was dumped there that at its peak, the dump was 80 feet higher than the Statue of Liberty. Fresh Kills was closed in 2001, flattened and turned into a wildlife refuge. Let's hope the wildlife doesn't dig too deep there. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresh_Kills_Landfill #4) Seventy-five percent of the Earth is made of water Far from it. In fact, on the basis of pure mass, only about half of one percent of planet Earth is made of water. The oceans occupy only a thin layer of water that sloshes around the upper crust of the planet. The vast majority of the Earth is made of other elements (99.5%), with about one-third of it being iron. From space, the Earth looks like it's made mostly of water, and it's true that the surface area of the Earth has more water than land, but that's not what the planet is made of internally. Source: http://www.universetoday.com/guide-to-spac...-earth-made-of/ #5) Blue whales are the largest living things on Earth Not even close. The largest living organism on Earth actually covers 2,200 acres and is nearly 3,000 years old. And yes, it's a single entity. What is it? A mushroom. It's in the Malheur National Forest in Oregon. Most of the mushroom mass is located underground. For further reading, check out the fascinating book: Mycelium Running. Source: http://www.extremescience.com/biggestlivingthing.htm #6) Camels originated in the deserts of the Middle East Nope. Camels came from North America, where they evolved twenty million years ago. They became extinct in North America during the last Ice Age, but continued to thrive elsewhere. As stated on the source page (below): ...the origin of camels can be traced to the Protylopus, an animal that occupied the North American continent during the Eocene period. That the Camelidae eventually disappeared from the mother continent is part of the enigma surrounding the extinction of North American Pleistocene mammals. However, by this time Camelidae had already migrated across the Bering Straits to Asia during the late Pliocene or early Glacial epochs. Source: http://www.ilri.org/InfoServ/Webpub/Fulldo...no5/Origins.htm #7) Light always travels at a constant speed This high school science myth persists, but it's not true. Light travels at different speeds depending on what it's traveling through. Light slows down when it hits water, for example, or even glass (which is why prisms work). When shone through a diamond, light slows to about half its normal speed. In 2000, a Harvard University team of researchers were able to slow light to a transmission speed of zero by shining it into a Bose-Einstein condensate made from rubidium. Source: http://www.chemistrydaily.com/chemistry/Bo...tein_Condensate #8) Human beings have only five senses The right answer? NINE (or more). In addition to touch, taste, smell, vision and olfactory senses, humans also have proprioception (body awareness), nociception (perception of pain), equilibrioception (sense of balance) and thermoception (sense of heat). And that doesn't even count the typical "sixth sense" category such as intuition, precognition and other psychic sense. Nor does it consider hunger, thirst, empathy or the sense of electricity running through your skin (like when you touch a live electrical outlet). In truth, there are far more than five senses, and the actual number depends on who you ask. Source: http://health.howstuffworks.com/question242.htm #9) Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when danger approaches Naw, that would be stupid. Ostriches run away from danger like everybody else. If they buried their heads in the sand, they would suffocate and die. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotypes_of_animals #10) Penicillin was first discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming Not by a long shot (ahem). There are numerous accounts of penicillin being discovered and used decades -- even centuries -- earlier. A scientist in Costa Rica, for example, named Clodomiro (Clorito) Picado Twight (1887-1944) discovered and documented penicillin in 1915, thirteen years before Fleming's "discovery" of 1928. Earlier than that, Ernest Duchesne documented penicillin in a paper written in 1897, but his paper was rejected by the science journals at the time because he was thought too young to know anything about science. (Dang kids playing around with mold again!) Even further back in time, the Bedouin tribes in North Africa have followed a process for well over 1,000 years that used mold to make a healing ointment (with antibacterial properties just like penicillin, no less). Western medicine, of course, tends to believe it is the first to discover things, and it fails to give credit to the use of such medicines by indigenous cultures or discoverers outside academic circles. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penicillin Bonus item: #11) Hitler was a vegetarian Not unless you think someone who eats sausages and game birds is a vegetarian. Hitler was an avid eater of certain meats, and the idea that he was a vegetarian is a complete myth. See the historical details in my own article on the subject here: http://www.naturalnews.com/025163.html Hitler wasn't a vegetarian, but he was a Catholic, by the way. His soldiers even wore belt buckles with the inscription Gott mit uns (God is with us). Read more in the article link above. Bonus item: #12) Panthers are large black cats Actually, there's no such thing as a panther. It's just a nick-name used by various people to describe a cougar, jaguar or leopard. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_panther
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